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среда, 6 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Mother celebrates her incredible post-baby stretch marks to inspire other women

A new mother has shared pictures of her post-baby stretch marks and curves, in a bid to inspire other new mothers who feel pressured to get back into shape.   

Kristyn Dingman, 27, from Peoria, Arizona, shared the images, after seeing new mothers Photoshopping their bodies for social media posts.

The mother-of-one, to 16-month-old Benjamin, shared the images, which also show inspiring messages on her stomach, including 'Empower women' and 'This is post-partum'  - to try and combat the pressure on mothers to snap back into shape after giving birth. 

However, trolls have told her she is promoting an 'unhealthy lifestyle' and that she will never find love - despite being married to her high school sweetheart. 

Kristyn Dingman, 27, from Peoria, Arizona, shared the inspiring images, after seeing new mothers photoshopping their bodies for social media posts

Kristyn Dingman, 27, from Peoria, Arizona, shared the inspiring images, after seeing new mothers photoshopping their bodies for social media posts

Kristyn Dingman, 27, from Peoria, Arizona, shared the inspiring images, after seeing new mothers photoshopping their bodies for social media posts

A new mother has shared pictures of her post-baby stretch marks and curves, in a bid to inspire other new mothers who feel pressured to get back into shape.

A new mother has shared pictures of her post-baby stretch marks and curves, in a bid to inspire other new mothers who feel pressured to get back into shape.

A new mother has shared pictures of her post-baby stretch marks and curves, in a bid to inspire other new mothers who feel pressured to get back into shape.

Kristyn, who struggled with body image in her teens, said: 'Out of my group of friends, I was the biggest. As a teen, I worked in retail stores that were popular for young boys and girls, and I always felt as if I couldn't wear most of the items I was selling. 

'I constantly compared myself to the people on TV or the women on magazine covers and wondered why I didn't look like them or why I wasn't as pretty as they were.'

'I was insecure and always felt like I was being judged by my looks. As long as I can remember, I was always stepping on a scale to see what the numbers read or compared my waist size to my friends. Living in Arizona, it is hot here and being in shorts and a tank top is regular.

'Even when it was 115 degrees outside, I was still wearing jeans to cover my body. I always had curves and thought they were something to be ashamed of.

Kristyn with her son Benjamin , who is now 16-months-old. She says she embraced her body when she was pregnant with him

Kristyn with her son Benjamin , who is now 16-months-old. She says she embraced her body when she was pregnant with him

Kristyn with her son Benjamin , who is now 16-months-old. She says she embraced her body when she was pregnant with him

Kristyn started to share raw pictures of her post baby body after getting fed up of seeing Photoshopped pictures of new mothers on Instagram

Kristyn started to share raw pictures of her post baby body after getting fed up of seeing Photoshopped pictures of new mothers on Instagram

Kristyn started to share raw pictures of her post baby body after getting fed up of seeing Photoshopped pictures of new mothers on Instagram

When Kristyn and her high school sweetheart husband, Jeremy, 27, found out they were expecting a baby in 2017, her shame towards her body turned to awe as she saw how much her body can change. 

'I could physically see my body changing so much and convinced myself that postpartum depression was going to be my new reality. I had a completely opposite reaction to my postpartum body.' 

However, after the birth, she learnt to love herself for keeping her son, Benjamin, who is now 16-months-old, safe during pregnancy and stopped worrying about how she looked. 

The mother shared the images, which also show inspiring messages on her stomach, including 'Empower women' and 'This is post-partum', to combat the pressure on mothers to snap back into shape after giving birth

The mother shared the images, which also show inspiring messages on her stomach, including 'Empower women' and 'This is post-partum', to combat the pressure on mothers to snap back into shape after giving birth

The mother shared the images, which also show inspiring messages on her stomach, including 'Empower women' and 'This is post-partum', to combat the pressure on mothers to snap back into shape after giving birth

Kristyn started sharing pictures on Instagram to empower other mothers - including this one with her son Benjamin

Kristyn started sharing pictures on Instagram to empower other mothers - including this one with her son Benjamin

Kristyn started sharing pictures on Instagram to empower other mothers - including this one with her son Benjamin

'I have learned to love myself and the body that gave my son a home for nine months. I was more fascinated with my body's capabilities than worrying about how I looked. 

'I saw my stretch marks as a symbol of strength and power. I saw all these changes as positive rather than negative.

With so many women unable to have children, Kristyn felt lucky to have been able to experience pregnancy herself, viewing her body as a gift, not something that is just to be superficially looked at.

Kristyn (pictured) admits that she get messages from strangers about how she can lose the baby weight and get fit again

Kristyn (pictured) admits that she get messages from strangers about how she can lose the baby weight and get fit again

Kristyn (pictured) admits that she get messages from strangers about how she can lose the baby weight and get fit again

'Being called a mother is one of the most rewarding and honourable titles to obtain. Becoming a mother has changed my perception of my body by allowing me to focus on what's most important.

'I see my new body as a reflection of my journey into motherhood. It might sound cliché, but motherhood is hard work. 

 However after seeing photoshopped pictures of new mothers on Instagram, Kristyn decided to post incredible pictures showing her post-baby stretch marks and curves to show other mothers that it's okay to not conform with societal pressures. 

Kristyn when she was younger and hated her body image. She thought she was the biggest one in her friend group and always wanted to cover up 

Kristyn when she was younger and hated her body image. She thought she was the biggest one in her friend group and always wanted to cover up 

Kristyn when she was younger and hated her body image. She thought she was the biggest one in her friend group and always wanted to cover up 

'Nothing can prepare you for the role and I am able to see just how hard my body had to work to make one of the greatest gifts I could ever receive. 

'On one end, there are women who hate their new mothers bodies and on the other hand there are women who would do anything to have the experience. 

'I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience pregnancy and for that I see my body as a gift.'

Kristyn felt lucky to have been able to experience pregnancy herself, viewing her body as a gift, not something that is just to be superficially looked at

Kristyn felt lucky to have been able to experience pregnancy herself, viewing her body as a gift, not something that is just to be superficially looked at

Kristyn felt lucky to have been able to experience pregnancy herself, viewing her body as a gift, not something that is just to be superficially looked at

'I was so sick of seeing these women post about their motherhood journey being so perfect. I was tired of seeing these women post photos of their postpartum bodies being photo shopped.

'I wanted to see real and raw mothers who were going through the same things I was going through.

Before her pregnancy, Kristyn wore size 12 (UK size 8) jeans and weighed 150lbs (10st 7lb) and now she wears a size 16 (UK size 12) and weighs 168lbs (12st).

When Kristyn became pregnant her shame towards her body turned to awe, as she saw how much it was capable of doing 

When Kristyn became pregnant her shame towards her body turned to awe, as she saw how much it was capable of doing 

When Kristyn became pregnant her shame towards her body turned to awe, as she saw how much it was capable of doing 

'I wanted to find others I could relate to because motherhood can be very lonely at times. So I decided to be my own support and in turn I could be another persons' support. I was so sick of being down about how I looked. I had been doing this for years and it never got me anywhere.

'I started to think that maybe there is an opportunity here for me to switch my mindset. I am unique because I don't look like everyone else. I don't look like those girls on TV or magazine covers and that's something to celebrate. 

'These 'flaws' that others may see are really unique characteristics about me and my beauty. I celebrate the fact that I don't look like everyone else.'

However, trolls have told her she is promoting an 'unhealthy lifestyle' and that she will never find love - despite being married to her high school sweetheart, Jeremy. Pictured with son Benjamin 

However, trolls have told her she is promoting an 'unhealthy lifestyle' and that she will never find love - despite being married to her high school sweetheart, Jeremy. Pictured with son Benjamin 

However, trolls have told her she is promoting an 'unhealthy lifestyle' and that she will never find love - despite being married to her high school sweetheart, Jeremy. Pictured with son Benjamin 

Despite working hard to empower women, Kristyn has been subjected to comments from people who tell her she is promoting an unhealthy lifestyle and that she will never find love, despite being married.

The positive messages she receives outweigh the negatives and only spurs Kristyn on to celebrate that she doesn't look like everyone else.    

'Ninety-eight per cent of the reactions I receive are encouraging and supportive. I have people from all over the world telling me their stories or sharing the gratitude for what I am showing on social media,' she said.

The positive messages she receives outweigh the negatives and only spurs Kristyn on to celebrate that she doesn't look like everyone else

The positive messages she receives outweigh the negatives and only spurs Kristyn on to celebrate that she doesn't look like everyone else

The positive messages she receives outweigh the negatives and only spurs Kristyn on to celebrate that she doesn't look like everyone else

'There are those few that feel that I am encouraging an 'unhealthy lifestyle'. I have had people tell me that I will never truly be happy because of my body or tell me that I will not find love, even though my high school sweet heart loves every curve of my body.

'It's hard to hear these things at times because I am a human being with feelings and I can't always ignore the messages. But the love I get outweighs the negative and I am so grateful for the out pour of support I have on social media. They are the real reason I keep going and move forward.

'I want to give anyone the positive reinforcement that their changing bodies are a beautiful thing. We should not feel shamed by society's standard of beauty. We get to make our own definition of beauty.'

Kristyn while she was pregnant -admitting that she had always struggled with body image 

Kristyn while she was pregnant -admitting that she had always struggled with body image 

Kristyn while she was pregnant -admitting that she had always struggled with body image 

'We get so much pressure to bounce back after childbirth to our pre-pregnancy bodies and I can't stand it.

'To this day, I get messages from strangers about how I can lose the baby weight and get fit again. I have no desire to 'lose the baby weight'. 

'I like the baby weight and the stretch marks my body has after pregnancy. They are a reflection of my experiences that I never want to go away.'

Kristyn also shared her words of advice to other mothers and discussed how she navigates her down days. 

Kristyn and her husband, Jeremy - the couple are high-school sweethearts and found out she was pregnant in 2017

Kristyn and her husband, Jeremy - the couple are high-school sweethearts and found out she was pregnant in 2017

Kristyn and her husband, Jeremy - the couple are high-school sweethearts and found out she was pregnant in 2017

'I absolutely have bad days. The best way for me to bounce back from the bad days is to surround myself with productivity. 

'This could be done by chatting with a few of my other fellow body positive girls, spending time with my amazing husband and son or I run to the store and grab a donut. 

'Stop standing in the mirror and asking yourself which part of your body you would alter first. The only things that needs to alter is societies standards of beauty.

'All of our bodies are good bodies and you are worthy of so much in this crazy world. Be proud of the body you have because you are enough and deserve to be loved for who you are and not what your jean size says.'

Kristyn also shared her words of advice to other mothers and discussed how she navigates her down days

Kristyn also shared her words of advice to other mothers and discussed how she navigates her down days

Kristyn also shared her words of advice to other mothers and discussed how she navigates her down days


Main photo article A new mother has shared pictures of her post-baby stretch marks and curves, in a bid to inspire other new mothers who feel pressured to get back into shape.   
Kristyn Dingman, 27, from Peoria, Arizona, shared the images, after seeing new mothers Photoshopping their bodies for social media po...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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