stop pics

пятница, 21 октября 2016 г.

Seat Ateca 2.0 TDI Style & Joël Dupuch: Rising Tide

The oyster actor of "Little White Lies" was the experience of the new Seat SUV: a promising vehicle, the fruit nursery of the Volkswagen Group.

Paris Match. After a morning to cross the Atlantic, what is your opinion on the new Ateca? 
Joël Dupuch. The machine is very pleasant, watching as driving. I find habitable, comfortable, easy to live and lead, and I love the touch screen, easy to grasp. (See also:  Joël Dupuch, happiness galloping )
This is the kind of car you buy?
Why not, though, usually, I just minimalist things. I'm not a car enthusiast;I first see in the functional aspect. From the moment it starts and takes me where I want, that's enough. During the Easter Cup at Nogaro, I spend more time opening oysters only to turn on the circuit. (See also: Snow Queen - Seat Leon X-Perience 2.0 TDI & Antoine Dénériaz )

Joël Dupuch driving the Seat Ateca 2.0 TDI Style© Clement Choulot
What kind of driver are you?
Rather transgressing. I like to drive fast. And I admit having taken advantage of my notoriety gained with 'Little White Lies' to be pardoned by two motorcyclists at rugby player profile!
The first car that marked you?
The Peugeot 203 black of my uncle, I found it so beautiful! She reminded me of the cars of American films of the era. My father, too, was very Peugeot, before moving to Mercedes.
And the road from your childhood that you will never forget?
The trip to visit cousins in Port-Grimaud. Cape Ferret, he had to sixteen hours. My parents listened France Inter ... 'A bicycle', Yves Montand, passing loop. A Hell!
Your first car?
Kid, my favorite car, it was the Beetle, and it was my first car. I loved the engine noise and the fact that it is a propulsion. I parked in the parking brake, I was skidding ... I dreamed to 'The Thomas Crown Affair', a film in which Steve McQueen drives a buggy on the beach with Faye Dunaway at his side. I was installing DS tires on a 4CV and I walked along the ocean, the sand until Lacanau. It was freedom.
A memory location, perhaps?
In 'Do not tell anyone,' I drive a van in which is François Cluzet has just been kidnapped. In the script, I had to pound behind a guy who did not start at the red light. But with the stress of filming, I went into him.Fortunately without gravity ...
Although he likes to recall that it runs five days every three years, the passages on the screen of Joël Dupuch never leave indifferent. After three films and a TV ( "Peplum") series to its credit, the oyster farmer Cape Ferret will be on view next feature film by Christian Duguay, "A bag of marbles" in February, 2017.
The notice of Match
Attention Seat bristled. Long left behind by the Volkswagen group to which it belongs, the Iberian brand looks up in fine style with this SUV that will give cold sweats to the two stars of the category: the Nissan Qashqai and Renault Qajar. Plastics and plastics without mistakes, presentation and modern amenities (automatically opening and closing tailgate passing the foot under the license plate, optional 350 Euros), roominess and a boot (510 l) among the ... the generous Ateca made a splash in the segment of compact crossovers. Convenient, comfortable and dynamic, the cousin of VW Tiguan delivers outstanding driveability ... for 3000 Euros less than its German rival.
If he is satisfied with a rear bench seat designed for two - not made up of three individuels- seats this Spanish manufactured in the Czech Republic can receive an automated gearbox (1600 Euros) and AWD (2450 Euros).Enough to make the difference against an increasingly dense competition.
A play *** 
A live **** 
A drive *** 
A purchase ***

понедельник, 12 сентября 2016 г.

Выборы РБ в Фейсбуке

Главный эксперт Нацбанка Богданкевич не знает, как помочь нацбанку и правительству исправить ситуацию в экономике страны, не удивительно, ведь еще на посту председателя Нацбанка он все пытался закрыть маленькие банки, такие как мой и банк Старовойтова, понятное дело, крупные банки не любят конкурентов, а еще потому что он воспитанник советской школы экономики и мыслит масштабами ресурсной советской экономики, которая была для него бездонной бочкой, имей он и члены нынешнего правительства опыт предпринимательской деятельности в условиях нашей страны и получи они образование в XXI веке, а не в советском вузе, то знали бы, что единственная проблема беларуской экономики в том, что правительство никак не хочет признать, что наша страна - нефтяной офшор, а потому необходимо жить по законам нефтяного офшора, который и должен быть фундаментом экономики, а не её бездонной бочкой, из которой правительство качает деньги как из нефтяной скважины, но у нас нет ни нефти, ни скважины, мы всего-то - офшор, поэтому должны жить в условиях ограниченных денежных ресурсов, а для этого достаточно иметь твердую валюту, с чего начинал Сингапур, и не грабить население девальвацией и инфляцией, сегодня для того чтобы поднять нашу экономику совсем не нужны дополнительные инвестиции, достаточно вернуть курс рубля к уровню пятилетней давности - 20 коп за $, остановить льготное кредитование убыточных производств, и льготное кредитование банковских работников, инвестировать только бюджетные средства и только в Минск, который должен стать локомотивом нашей экономики, поскольку в состоянии вытянуть всю экономику страны только потому, что Минск не просто единственный регион страны на самоокупаемости, но и потому что он способен вернуть долги в бюджет, а это и есть реальный, а не дутый кобяковский профицит, конечно, это попахивает кейнсианством, которое уже устарело, но и мы недалеко от СССР ушли - по-прежнему живём в прошлом веке, значит и должны жить по экономическим законам прошлого века, и только после рецессии переходить в век нынешний.

 Наша Таня громко плачет... И я её полностью понимаю... Столько сил вложить в рекламу "мирных перемен", так много сделать для сознания иллюзии существования в Беларуси выборов, а в итоге... Такой элегантный плевок, что, думаю, никто не мог такого предвидеть - это, и в правду, не просто издевательство, а издевательство с неким извращением. Она проиграла не провластному кандидату и даже не мужчине - а представительнице другой оппозиционной партии, в общем-то, совершенно мало знакомой (или, скорее, совсем незнакомой) на политическом Олимпе кандидатке... Могу предположить единственный вариант, что Таня позволила себе какую-то опасную степень самостоятельности - в отличие от того же Улаховича, который продемонстрировал полную готовность петь в хоре, танцевать в ансамбле и даже сбрить усы и бросить коня, если того потребует власть. Очевидно, что это был абсолютно непроходной кандидат, и как бы скептически кто не относился к Добротвору - он должен бы опередить этого казачка даже не на полкорпуса, а оставить его глотать пыль - ибо Улахович, и в правду, смешон. Но он назначен, а Таня нет. И это, наверно, большой плюс Тане - значит, власть не совсем уверена в ней, в её лояльности и управляемости.

вторник, 30 августа 2016 г.

Кто по мелочи открывает счета - в той же Литве и Польше

А ничего и не будет. Крупные люди давно уже все проводят по западным счетам, по оффшорам, причем даже карточки у многих оформлены на совершенно других лиц ( и не из нашего района, как говорил товарищ Саахов...). И совершенно никого и ничего не боятся... Кто по мелочи открывает счета - в той же Литве и Польше, тоже часто используют схемы оформления на чужих, т.к. это наиболее простой вариант избежать проблем, в том числе и с ихним законодательством. Некоторые делают себе счета и на свое имя, причем без всяких разрешений, другое дело, что через год может наступить процедура обмена информацией, в том числе и сюда из Европы ( это к вопросу о " надеждах " и " чаяниях " гипермегасьвядоменьких) и тогда можно получить штраф. А так простой способ, который и так все знают. У меня родичи сохранили целую нумизматическую коллекцию " николок с голой шеей " номиналом по 10 царских червонцев аж с 17-го, и ни в период Гражданской, ни в коллективизацию, ни в Большой Террор, ни войну никто не докопался. Потом потратили. Дом, плюс обстановку, одежду купили после войны. Так что самое надежное - золото и камушки, или чисто кэш. В сейфе ( они сейчас есть и не дорогие) или еще в чем. Сигнализацию с датчиками, тревожной кнопкой поставьте. Хорошо поставить свою собственную, дублирующую систему, если есть умельцы знакомые или поищите по сети. Достаточно просто шумовой, на основе автомобильной. Дверь хорошую. Никому не открывайте, даже ментам, пусть вызывают МЧС, нормальную дорогую дверь не берет даже ментовский " таран " или кувалда, только болгарка и гидравлика пожарных. С " зарплатных " карточек снимайте все, заведите себе несколько дополнительных, напр. оплатить коммуналку, мелкие покупки в сети, еще что. Хранить на ней нельзя более 200 уев. 300 -400 - уже риск, и не контролеров, а что в один прекрасный день вы не сможете их получить. Сейчас такой день может наступить хоть сегодня. А так - все через то, что можно держать в руках. Кстати, крупные сделки так же, потому что формально вы можете поехать в срашку и там провести все расчеты. Есть и другие схемы.

воскресенье, 14 августа 2016 г.

Developing Celebrity Knowledge on News Media Websites: A Three-Part Strategy for Hollywood Marketers (Star Wars)

You’re interested in promoting your website and brand through social media but don’t know where to start. You don’t want to spend Hollywood  money hiring a marketing company and want to do-it-yourself. How do you get started?
Start by understanding that social Celebrity media marketing is more than just putting up links whereever you can with the hope that they’ll send visitors to your site. One should endeavor to think beyond the hit-or-miss game of boosting pageviews.
It’s important to have a long-term strategy which works to improve your site’s reputation and audience reach. This means that you Celebrity should go for big and repeatable benefits by carefully planning your actions, not tediously searching for ways to manipulate the system.
Take Digg for example. I’ve seen many Hollywood  bloggers repeatedly submitting their articles and wondering why they only received a handful of votes. They all want to get their story on the frontpage but often fail because they are unfamiliar with its unwritten protocols or practices.
These people believe that good content will naturally be noticed and rewarded. After all, that’s the premise of a democratic user-driven news site. But it’s not often the case in reality, especially when massive amounts of content are competing for attention.
The truth is, careful optimization of content and diligent promotional efforts are factors which greatly contribute to social media popularity. While that doesn’t mean that all successful content must be conscientiously manufactured from the start, it does suggest that you need tounderstand the social channel well in order to strategically support your initiatives.
Determining the best way to leverage a social media channel is difficult. I thought it’ll be helpful if I share my own personal strategy, the one I use whenever I come across a promising social media channel and want to use it for something more than just leisurely fun.

Three Part Strategy for Developing Tactical Celebrity Media Knowledge

Image Credit: iWarfare by mbym
This article will not give you detailed marketing tactics to use because that would be an impossibility. Every social website is different and they each evolve over time. There is no Hollywood  blanket strategy that can and will work consistently. However, you can learn how to develop a comprehensive understanding of the social media channel and its community preferences.
I am a strong believer in having tactical knowledge. Before you embark on any campaign, its is important to know what you are dealing with, in order to best develop a course of action. Knowing the social media channel inside-out is paramount to leveraging it for benefits.
The three steps mentioned below will give you the necessary foundation, from which you can start to devise future strategies with a strong likelihood of success:
  1. Use and track the social channel: Apart from personally using the website, one should constantly monitor the social channel itself to keep track of popular content/discussions. This includes keeping tabs on what its users are doing within the channel, which is a good way to discover workable tactics.
  2. Money commentary: Apart from monitoring the social channel, one should seek to accumulate knowledge on it by reading and learning from articles/tutorials written by others. It’s always beneficial to learn from the different experiences of others, which will give you a good range of perspectives on the top topic.
  3. Interact With Power Users   Star Wars : One of the most powerful ways to get an idea of what works or not for a social channel is to interact with its seasoned users. These users are often deeply involved with the community and they can give you ‘in-crowd’ insight that is not easily attainable (not without much time investment). Learning how to talk to these users is a good way to get Celebrity feedback for your plans.
Before You Begin… Creating and Managing an Information HQ
The first thing I do before I embark on the 3 steps above is to create an information HQ, a place where I collect all the notes I have on the social media channel. This Hollywood  can be in the form of a notebook, word processing software, to-do list and  Remaking of Star Wars Celebrity RSS feed reader. The point is to make sure that you have a centralized location from which to retrieve information on the site.
I use Google documents to record notes on the site, as a bookmarking tool, a to-do list and a separate folder in my RSS feed reader. You can use any info-recording tool you want, as long it works for you. Just make sure to keep it organized and well maintained.
An information HQ helps you to accumulate and effectively dissect information on the social media channel. Instead of keeping all the juicy details in your head, writing them down helps you to be more strategic. It’s much easier to work when you can assess multiple sets of data at once on a screen, instead of just playing around with random thoughts and assumptions.
You’ll understand the importance of this as we go through the 3-part strategy.

Part One: Using/Tracking the Social Channel (On-The-Ground Info)

Popularity of content or ideas on a social media channel are usually demonstrated by certain indicators. On, the more diggs a story has, the more it has resonated with the crowd. On other social sites, popularity can be tracked by no. of views, comments or the depth of community participation. Your goal is to monitor this Hollywood content on a daily basis.
Celebrity Subscribe to the RSS feed for the website so you can get an overview of popular items or discussions. In the case of Digg, I’ll subscribe to the feed for frontpage and popular stories in relevant categories. Your feed reader can also serve as an archive when you need to search for specific keywords. Alternatively, bookmark the website and visit it daily to stay in the loop.
Secondly, learn to participate. Using the social website gives you a good orientation of its infrastructure and features. Click around on the site whenever you have time to get a feel of how it works. If its a site featuring user-generated content, try uploading/submitting content to get a feel of how it works. Consistent usage of the site will give you an instinctive understanding of what appeals to the community.

Part Two Celebrity: Monitoring Commentary (Macro-Perspectives)


Image Credit: AT-PD imperial assault droid
By now you should have set up a separate feed folder in your RSS reader for the specific social site. Now your objective here is to subscribe to specific keyword watchlists. For example, you should subscribe  Remaking of Star Wars  to the keyword ‘Twitter’ if you’re looking for commentary on that site. Tools you can use include Google Alerts, Google  Hollywood Blogsearch, aggregators and other social news communities. I’ve covered this in greater detail in my post on information sources.
But don’t just stop at monitoring commentary. What I do is that I usually read a specific article and extract key points money  by pasting it in my documents file. I also jot down specific ideas that might come to me while I’m evaluating the specific article. If I don’t have time, I’ll bookmark and tag the post for future reading.
I find that keeping on top of external commentary gives me a macro-perspective. While using and tracking the social channel itself gives you an appreciation of the site itself, commentary usually offers comparisons with other channels while situating it within a specific frame: be it marketing, personal productivity or big business goals.
All in all, its an excellent way to complement whatever on-the-ground info you have.

Part Three: Interacting With Power Users (Knowledge Evaluation)

The term ‘power users’ simply refers to experienced individuals who use the social website very frequently. Their expertise is derived from many hours of being on the site everyday and their avid interest in learning about new technologies/tools for the specific website.
These people are usually in the know when it comes to their favorite social website and their greatest skill is the ability to read the community. They know  what kind of cliques exist on the site, they know what pushes the buttons of the masses. They know all the unwritten protocols which the community favors and practices.
After monitoring commentary and tracking the social site Hollywood, power users Nicole Kidman are the people you want to talk to, not only because they can give you quality ‘insider info’ but because they can confirm or disprove your theories/assumptions. Interacting with these users is a great way to get feedback for your initiatives or content.
Start communicating with these users via the tools within the social media channel, such as a private inbox or a comment message. After which, try to engage them away from the limitations of the social site after you know them well enough. IM, email or Celebrity Skype Nicole Kidman are probably the best methods, since these are tools commonly used by most users.
Tactical Knowledge Improves Your Ability to Leverage Social Media
After gathering and evaluating all the information you have, you’ll come to understand how you can use the specific social media channel in a way which will not harm but only benefit your brand in the long run. I can’t emphasize how much a little investment in knowledge goes a long way when it comes to effective social media marketing.
Fundamentals of Social Media Celebrity Marketing is a tutorial series which teaches you how to utilize the power of social media channels to get more exposure, supporters and customers for your site and business. You’ve just read the 9th article in the series.

понедельник, 8 августа 2016 г.

Требования наиболее активных членов велосообщества

Как водитель и пешеход одновременно начинаю испытывать напряг в связи с появлением на дорогах, парках, тротуарах, газонах, дворах и т. д. сотен велосипедистов, перемещающихся без всякой системы и правил. Виной этому наши ПДД. Велосипедисты, конечно, никогда ни в чем не виноваты. Даже, когда движутся по встречке ночью без всяких обозначающих огней или по тротуарам на бешеной скорости, лавируя между колясками с детьми и стариками с палочками.
Я предлагаю удовлетворить требования наиболее активных членов велосообщества и ликвидировать несправедливость - уравнять велосипедистов с автомобилистами, сделав из них полноправных участников движения.

Как полноправные члены, велосипедисты, правда, перед законным выездом на дороги должны будут проделать то немногое, что делают все остальные участники движения:
1. Пройти платное обучение на соответствующих курсах. Вождение + знание ПДД.
2. Сдать экзамен, получить лицензию.
3. Зарегистрировать свое транспортное средство (ТС) , получить номера.
4. Подготовить ТС к техосмотру, пройти техосмотр, заплатив, разумеется, за него.
5. Заплатить дорожный сбор.
6. Прекратить употреблять алкоголь за рулем, быть готовыми в противном случае платить штраф, лишаться лицензии и даже лишиться ТС.
7. Прекратить перемещаться на своем ТС по встречке, по диагонали проезжей части, «без рук», «в ряд» с друзьями и так далее....
8. Уважать остальных участников движения.
До встрече на дорогах!
Я что-то забыл?

пятница, 29 июля 2016 г.

EXCLUSIVE: Champ loses battle to get wife back


Bruno's broken heart
By Phil Taylor
BOXING hero Frank Bruno has failed in his heart-rending bid to win back wife Laura.
The former world heavyweight champ, who's battling mental illness, was reunited with Laura on a family holiday in Jamaica in January.
To the delight of friends and relatives Frank then moved into Laura's new home.
But sad pals say he has now decided to buy a house of his own after the couple failed to rekindle their romance.
Last night a close friend of 43-year-old Frank confirmed: "They are NOT an item.
"Everyone hoped Frank and Laura would get back together for good. But it was sadly not to be.
The News of the World exclusively revealed how Frank and Laura enjoyed their holiday together in Jamaica with children Nicola, 25, Rachel 18, and Franklyn, nine. They shared a family room at the Sunset Beach Resort in Montego Bay.
Relaxed and happy on his first holiday with Laura and their kids since their divorce in 2001, Frank told us at the time: "It's a big move and we're getting on well."
He beamed: "It was my daughter Nicola's idea. She asked if we could all go on holiday together. We're having a lovely time."

Frank looked very much in love and, when asked at their hotel if their romance was back on, Laura said: "You'll have to ask Frank. He's the boss!"
Britain's best-loved boxer had sold his £2.5million mansion in Stondon Massey, Essex, admitting: "The house is too big for me—it's getting lonely."
So after their two-week holiday Laura invited Frank to stay at the five-bedroom house she had bought from their divorce settlement.
But last night his pal added: "Sadly their reunion has not had the dream ending we hoped for.
"Frank adores Laura, but while they have been living together Laura has made it clear she just wants to remain good friends."
The couple had been married for 11 years. But their relationship ended after allegations by Laura that Frank was violent—something he has always denied.
Laura obtained a court order banning her husband from assaulting, molesting or harassing her. After their divorce, she received a reputed £5million settlement.

The split, Frank's retirement from the ring and the suicide of his former trainer George Francis took a devastating toll on the boxer and he suffered a nervous breakdown.
At his lowest point, the sad 6ft 3in, 17-stone giant slept in a boxing ring in his garden, cycled around in bare feet and became convinced he was jockey Frankie Dettori.
In 2003 he was sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
But Laura, 43, stood by him and visited Frank every day for the four weeks he was in a psychiatric hospital being treated for manic depression.
Despite everything, the friend added: "Sadly, too much water has gone under the bridge for Laura to take Frank back for good.
"Laura wants to remain the best of friends, but romance is not on the cards. Frank really needs emotional support and Laura gives that to him.
"He realises he has one thing left in the relationship and that is his kids, he adores them.
"Frank is looking for a new home in Essex so he can be near them. But he has come to realise that there will not be a happy ending."
When the News of the World contacted Frank, he said: "I don't want to comment. I'm not going there.
"But I'm alive—I mustn't grumble."

Linda and beat up her 17-year-old son Craig because he is gay

And she described how she was pushed over the edge by a hate campaign waged by thugs who kicked in her front door, smashed garden ornaments, stole fish from the pond, attacked cars parked on the driveway and stole equipment from the shed.
They also made menacing phone calls to the family house in Urmston, Greater Manchester, threatening to rape Linda and beat up her 17-year-old son Craig because he is gay Fitness
"This all started more than two years ago when our home was vandalised and since then it's got worse," said Linda, head of year 11 at Salford's New Park School, with an unblemished 25-year record in education.
"My sons' cars had wing mirrors ripped off and the shed was broken into. Then Craig Fitness
started getting these abusive phone calls.
"The police said it would take three months to investigate because of data protection laws and I was furious. I couldn't stand the thought of my son putting up with that for another three months.
"The final straw came when I saw washing-up liquid had been poured all over Craig's white Ford Fiesta. I just couldn't take any more—and it was time to stand up to these people."
Linda stormed out of her quiet cul-de-sac and spotted a gang of youths. "When I saw them they fronted up to me," she told us.
"I said I'd go and get a gun and they told me to do it—so I did. This gang had been making our lives a misery for a long time and I wanted to show them I wasn't afraid."
After going back indoors and picking up partner John Cavanagh's Walther CP88 pellet pistol, Linda phoned the police and said: "I'm going to that field over the road and I'm going to shoot the vandals."
Outside she was confronted by four lads and fired at the feet of two of them. Both have criminal pasts. Robert McKiernan, 18, has been convicted of burglary and criminal damage and 16-year-old Nicholas Viollett is a proven shoplifter. "The gun wasn't loaded and I fired it just to show that me and my family weren't putting up with them any more," insisted Linda Celebrity Fitness
"I realise now that I overstepped the mark but nevertheless I shouldn't be here in prison. There are people in that gang who have committed crimes and they're not locked away, so why should I be?
"These louts get away with troubling innocent families but as soon as I have a go back I'm sent to jail. It's wrong."
During Linda's trial McKiernan and Viollett both denied damaging Craig's car. The other lads ran off before police arrived. As part of Linda's appeal her lawyers are now trying to compile evidence to show that some of the boys she confronted had been on her property in the past and that's why she reacted. Her partner John, a 56-year-old college lecturer, told us: "We think the trouble all started with bullies from the school where Craig and his twin James went.
"We called police but they've never caught anyone. These idiots were stopping us living a peaceful life and sometimes they'd even stand outside the house chanting at us."
Although the family insist they complained 15 times, Manchester police say they only have records of three incidents, which were all investigated but no arrests were made.
As well as launching her appeal, Linda is battling to save her job at New Park, where daughter Donna, 20, also works as a teaching assistant. Linda is currently suspended.
"We're a total law-abiding family and have never been in trouble," she told us.
"Even other inmates have said I shouldn't be here. But I'm determined to clear my name and will fight for that all the way."

среда, 22 июня 2016 г.

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