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пятница, 22 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» The heartbreaking moment parents meet their 'perfect' baby girl after she died

When Nicole Thomson felt what she thought were signs of pre-term labour at 33 weeks pregnant she was filled with excitement at the prospect of meeting her baby girl early. 

But just hours later the Queensland-based mother-of-three and her husband Chase were faced with their worst nightmare when they were told by doctors that their beautiful baby, Esther Mae, had died.

'I had been in and out of hospital for a couple of days being monitored thinking I was in pre-term labour. All test results showed that I wasn't and that bub was healthy. I could feel her kicking and moving around normally, and listening to her heartbeat gave me some reassurance, but I still felt like something wasn't right,' Nicole said.  

'I woke up on February 2nd 2017 in hospital after having a few hours sleep from being monitored for most of the night. 

Nicole and Chase Thomson faced with their worst nightmare when they were told by doctors that their beautiful baby, Esther Mae, had died at 33 weeks for unknown reasons - just one month before she was due to be born

Nicole and Chase Thomson faced with their worst nightmare when they were told by doctors that their beautiful baby, Esther Mae, had died at 33 weeks for unknown reasons - just one month before she was due to be born

Nicole and Chase Thomson faced with their worst nightmare when they were told by doctors that their beautiful baby, Esther Mae, had died at 33 weeks for unknown reasons - just one month before she was due to be born 

'I was feeling positive as we were booked to go to Brisbane that afternoon to see a specialist and part of me was excited because I knew she was coming early despite what the tests showed.'

They wrapped Esther in a blanket and placed her in Chase's arms as he sat by my side waiting for me to wake up. 

But when the midwife came in shortly afterwards and struggled to find her baby's heartbeat, Nicole's excitement quickly turned to anxiety. 

'The midwife asked if I had much movement since I'd been awake and I realised that I hadn't, I also noticed that my belly had gone soft on top which was very unusual as it was always rock hard because of the position Bub was normally in,' Nicole said. 

Trying hard to remain positive, Nicole watched as doctors performed an ultrasound before telling her that she needed an emergency caesarean because the baby's heartbeat was 'fading fast'. 

When Nicole Thomson felt what she thought were signs of pre-term labour at 33 weeks pregnant she was filled with excitement at the prospect of meeting her baby girl early

When Nicole Thomson felt what she thought were signs of pre-term labour at 33 weeks pregnant she was filled with excitement at the prospect of meeting her baby girl early

When Nicole Thomson felt what she thought were signs of pre-term labour at 33 weeks pregnant she was filled with excitement at the prospect of meeting her baby girl early

Alone at the hospital and beginning to shake uncontrollably, Nicole frantically asked for a phone to call her husband and mother to tell them what was happening. 

'As they were racing me through the corridors I tried to call him [Chase] but he didn't pick up because I was calling from a private number. It turned out that he was just about to leave town for work and it was lucky that he was with my mum at the time,' Nicole said. 

'I called her and as she answered, I kind of just yelled/cried in the phone "Mum, I'm having an emergency cesarean". I heard her yell my exact words to Chase in a panicked tone and that was it, I was being wheeled through the theatre doors. I remember feeling a little relieved knowing that he was on his way.'

Lying on the operating table faced with bright lights and a room full of strangers, Ms Thomson said that she had never felt more 'out of control'. 

While she was under, Chase arrived at the hospital and was raced through the corridors and although he saw Nicole on the table briefly as he passed by, he wasn't allowed to enter the room. 

'I remember opening my eyes and to the right I could see a midwife standing next to the bed. She lent over and said in a gentle voice "I'm sorry Nicole, Esther didn't make it",' Nicole said

'I remember opening my eyes and to the right I could see a midwife standing next to the bed. She lent over and said in a gentle voice "I'm sorry Nicole, Esther didn't make it",' Nicole said

'I remember opening my eyes and to the right I could see a midwife standing next to the bed. She lent over and said in a gentle voice "I'm sorry Nicole, Esther didn't make it",' Nicole said 

'I watched from my bed as Chase bathed her petite body, followed by his first and only dance that they ever shared together,' Nicole said

'I watched from my bed as Chase bathed her petite body, followed by his first and only dance that they ever shared together,' Nicole said

'I watched from my bed as Chase bathed her petite body, followed by his first and only dance that they ever shared together,' Nicole said 

'He was anxiously waiting, hoping for some news, any news. He sat there thinking that he was going to walk out of the hospital without both of us,' Nicole said. 

I watched from my bed as Chase bathed her petite body, followed by his first and only dance that they ever shared together. 

Eventually a doctor emerged to let Chase know that while Nicole was okay, doctors were performing CPR on their baby. 

'He went into the room where our daughter lay on a table and watched as the team continued to work on her, hoping with all of his heart that she was going to pull through,' Nicole said. 

'One midwife asked if she had a name, and that's when he named her 'Esther Mae'. She broke into tears when he told her, and said that it was beautiful. He sat and held my hand for a while while I was asleep and then stumbled out of the room nearly falling over.'

Family, friends and their little boy Leo also came to visit Esther to say goodbye; Leo gave his little sister kisses and while he wasn't able to comprehend the situation entirely he remained gentle and sympathetic to everyone (pictured)

Family, friends and their little boy Leo also came to visit Esther to say goodbye; Leo gave his little sister kisses and while he wasn't able to comprehend the situation entirely he remained gentle and sympathetic to everyone (pictured)

Family, friends and their little boy Leo also came to visit Esther to say goodbye; Leo gave his little sister kisses and while he wasn't able to comprehend the situation entirely he remained gentle and sympathetic to everyone (pictured) 

'Why did we take photos with Esther?'

For some, taking photos may sound like a strange or weird thing to do and that probably would've been my thinking prior to this tragic experience.

But when it's one of the only things that you will ever keep of your child, it's not even a question.  

Advice for parents in a similar situation:

Try and collect as many memories of your baby as you can because once they're gone, they're gone. Things like photos, fingerprints, hands/feet moulds, a piece of their hair. Anything that will help you you remember them.

After 40 minutes a doctor approached Chase and asked him a question no parent should ever have to answer.  

'They asked him if he wanted them to keep trying [to revive Esther], and Chase made the impossible decision and asked them to stop. They wrapped Esther in a blanket and placed her in Chase's arms as he sat by my side waiting for me to wake up,' Nicole said.    

'I remember opening my eyes and to the right I could see a midwife standing next to the bed. She lent over and said in a gentle voice "I'm sorry Nicole, Esther didn't make it".

'Chase was sitting next to me with Esther in his arms. I looked into his eyes and with a deep breath, my first words to him were "I'm sorry". Seeing my husband, my best friend holding the beautiful baby that our love had created lifeless in his arms hurt me more than words can ever explain. She was perfect from head to toe and for some unknown reason, her soul was gone.' 

Nicole then had Esther placed on her chest where she immediately noticed how warm and perfect she was. 

'Chase was sitting next to me with Esther in his arms. I looked into his eyes and with a deep breath, my first words to him were "I'm sorry",' Nicole said

'Chase was sitting next to me with Esther in his arms. I looked into his eyes and with a deep breath, my first words to him were "I'm sorry",' Nicole said

'Her body was still warm and she looked every bit of what a newborn baby should. We were rolled through the hospital down to our room on the maternity ward where my mum was waiting,' she said

'Her body was still warm and she looked every bit of what a newborn baby should. We were rolled through the hospital down to our room on the maternity ward where my mum was waiting,' she said

'Chase was sitting next to me with Esther in his arms. I looked into his eyes and with a deep breath, my first words to him were "I'm sorry",' Nicole said

'Her body was still warm and she looked every bit of what a newborn baby should. We were rolled through the hospital down to our room on the maternity ward where my mum was waiting,' she said.

'I saw people looking with excitement towards me as if to congratulate me on my baby. But I kept her covered and tried not to make eye contact with anyone as tears welled in my eyes.'

Nicole, a photographer, asked her mum to bring her camera to the hospital and she and Chase spent the day capturing special moments with Esther. 

'With a heavy heart, my mother captured photos of us throughout the day with our darling Esther. I watched from my bed as Chase bathed her petite body, followed by his first and only dance that they ever shared together. It was the saddest and most special sight,' Nicole said.

Family, friends and their little boy Leo also came to visit Esther to say goodbye; Leo gave his little sister kisses and while he wasn't able to comprehend the situation entirely he remained gentle and sympathetic to everyone. 

The pair also organised a beautiful farewell service for Esther, with Nicole determined to make it perfect as 'it was the only event I'd ever get to plan for her'

The pair also organised a beautiful farewell service for Esther, with Nicole determined to make it perfect as 'it was the only event I'd ever get to plan for her'

'It was an incredibly beautiful but sad service. Often funerals are a celebration of one's life, but this wasn't the case for our Esther,' she said

'It was an incredibly beautiful but sad service. Often funerals are a celebration of one's life, but this wasn't the case for our Esther,' she said

The pair also organised a beautiful farewell service for Esther, with Nicole determined to make it perfect as 'it was the only event I'd ever get to plan for her'

The hardest thing, Esther said, was accepting that little Esther really was gone and that there was no known reason why.   

'My natural instinct was to check on her, to cuddle her, to feed her and each time that I laid eyes on Esther, my heart would break a little more,' she said.

 Losing Esther will affect me for the rest of my life, but I know that she will always be watching over our family.

'Chase and I decided that we needed to say goodbye to her the next day as we wanted to remember her the way she was, perfect and beautiful. We had organised to have moulds of her hands and feet done as keepsakes the following afternoon, and agreed we would do it after that.

'We kissed her cheeks for the last time and tears rolled down our faces as we embraced each other while they rolled Esther away. She would now be flown to Brisbane for an autopsy.'

Nicole and Chase left the hospital heartbroken without their baby and returned home to a strong support system of people who were there to help with anything they needed.   

We await the day where we lay eyes on her beautiful face once again,' Nicole said

We await the day where we lay eyes on her beautiful face once again,' Nicole said

We await the day where we lay eyes on her beautiful face once again,' Nicole said

What caused Esther's death? 

Nicole had an ultrasound about 10 days prior to Esther's passing which displayed an abnormality with Esther's bowel. There was never any concern for her well being, and certainly none for her life.

Her autopsy result confirmed that she had a an Intestine Atresia (complete blockage or obstruction in the intestine). However, it was not a proven factor for her death.  

The Cause of Death on her Autopsy Report was 'Unexplained intrauterine death'

The pair also organised a beautiful farewell service for Esther, with Nicole determined to make it perfect as 'it was the only event I'd ever get to plan for her'.   

'It was an incredibly beautiful but sad service. Often funerals are a celebration of one's life, but this wasn't the case for our Esther. Instead, we dreamt of what could've been and found some peace in knowing that Esther is safe and living in paradise. We await the day where we lay eyes on her beautiful face once again,' she said. 

In the weeks and months following, Nicole and Chase were overwhelmed with emotions and were thankful they had their little boy Leo to keep them busy.

'He was the reason I had to get out of bed whether I wanted to or not. He was and continues to be my little ray of sunshine everyday,' Nicole said.  

Four months after Esther died, the pair received news that brought them much deserved joy. They were expecting a baby. 

'We welcomed our rainbow girl Primrose Ivy safely into the world on February 5th 2018, just three days after Esther's first anniversary,' Nicole said (pictured meeting Primrose for the first time)

'We welcomed our rainbow girl Primrose Ivy safely into the world on February 5th 2018, just three days after Esther's first anniversary,' Nicole said (pictured meeting Primrose for the first time)

'We welcomed our rainbow girl Primrose Ivy safely into the world on February 5th 2018, just three days after Esther's first anniversary,' Nicole said (pictured meeting Primrose for the first time)

'I never wanted to replace Esther, I just knew it would help with the healing process,' Nicole told FEMAIL.

'I believe she chose her beautiful baby sister to be here with us today. We welcomed our rainbow girl Primrose Ivy safely into the world on February 5th 2018, just three days after Esther's first anniversary.    

'Being pregnant with Primrose after losing Esther was the most anxious time of my life, I didn't have any peace until I heard her cry for the first time. Meeting her restored a hope in me that I never thought I could get back; she has brought new joy into our lives and we are beyond grateful for our rainbow girl.'

While Nicole and Chase are both overjoyed to be raising their two amazing children, they remember Esther every day and still have their battles. 

While Nicole and Chase are both overjoyed to be raising their two amazing children, they remember Esther every day and still have their battles

While Nicole and Chase are both overjoyed to be raising their two amazing children, they remember Esther every day and still have their battles

'I want to help break the silence of miscarriage, stillbirth and child loss by sharing my story. My hope is that it will raise awareness and show families experiencing loss that they are not alone,' she said

'I want to help break the silence of miscarriage, stillbirth and child loss by sharing my story. My hope is that it will raise awareness and show families experiencing loss that they are not alone,' she said

While Nicole and Chase are both overjoyed to be raising their two amazing children, they remember Esther every day and still have their battles

'It's a vicious cycle where some days I feel on top of the world and others I don't want to see the light of day, and struggle doing even the most simplest of tasks,' Nicole said.

'I love my job but please don't be fooled by all the smiles and pretty photos. These are just tiny snippets of our lives. A piece of me is gone forever, and I will never be the same person again. Some people say the pain will get easier, but I don't think it does. You just learn different methods of how to cope with the agonising pain.

'Losing Esther will affect me for the rest of my life, but I know that she will always be watching over our family. 

'I want to help break the silence of miscarriage, stillbirth and child loss by sharing my story. My hope is that it will raise awareness and show families experiencing loss that they are not alone.'

If you or anyone you know is affected by the loss of a baby or child, call the Sands 24/7 National Support Line on 1300 0 72637. 

You can read more about Nicole's experience here and follow her family updates on Instagram at Raising.Them.Kind.

Main photo article When Nicole Thomson felt what she thought were signs of pre-term labour at 33 weeks pregnant she was filled with excitement at the prospect of meeting her baby girl early. 
But just hours later the Queensland-based mother-of-three and her husband Chase were faced with their worst nightmare when ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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