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суббота, 12 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» DAN HODGES: The storm is coming – and I admit it: I’m scared

Last Wednesday evening, Conservative MPs assembled in Downing Street for a drinks reception. 

Widely perceived to be a desperate, last-minute lobbying operation by the Prime Minister, it actually proved to be a relaxed event.

'I walked in and the first thing I saw was Dominic Grieve and Bernard Jenkin having a friendly chat,' said a Downing Street adviser. 

Mrs May has made her mistakes over the course of Brexit. But in the end she has done her job. She has decided on a plan for Britain’s withdrawal, negotiated it with our European partners and finally secured their agreement [File photo]

Mrs May has made her mistakes over the course of Brexit. But in the end she has done her job. She has decided on a plan for Britain’s withdrawal, negotiated it with our European partners and finally secured their agreement [File photo]

Mrs May has made her mistakes over the course of Brexit. But in the end she has done her job. She has decided on a plan for Britain's withdrawal, negotiated it with our European partners and finally secured their agreement [File photo]

'It was like the Tory family was coming back together again. I thought, 'Can't things just stay like this?' '

No, they can't. On Tuesday, Tory MPs will walk through the voting lobbies and begin the process of tearing their party and country apart. 

'We're going to lose the vote,' another No 10 adviser admitted to me. 'And when that happens, all hell is going to break loose. People don't understand what's coming.'

Theresa May's aide was right about the impact, but wrong about the ignorance of our parliamentarians. They might be forcing themselves into a blissful, if convenient, state of denial. But deep down, they know full well the implications of what they are about to do.

It's almost three years since the nation voted by a decisive margin to leave the EU. But in two days' time, MPs will take the decision to throw that process into reverse.

Over the past months, I’ve talked to MPs from all sides of the debate. In almost every case they have spoken with conviction and sincerity. Many Leavers genuinely feel this is not the Brexit people voted for [File photo]

Over the past months, I’ve talked to MPs from all sides of the debate. In almost every case they have spoken with conviction and sincerity. Many Leavers genuinely feel this is not the Brexit people voted for [File photo]

Over the past months, I've talked to MPs from all sides of the debate. In almost every case they have spoken with conviction and sincerity. Many Leavers genuinely feel this is not the Brexit people voted for [File photo]

At last week's Cabinet meeting, Andrea Leadsom explained that even if Mrs May's deal secures parliamentary approval within the next 48 hours, it will be touch and go whether the Government can drive through the legislation necessary to secure a departure on March 29.

Defeat will guarantee that deadline can no longer be met, and the timetable for leaving will be torn up. At which point the decision taken by the British people will be torn up as well.

That will delight many. Those who believe Mrs May's deal itself represents a repudiation of the public will. Those who have never reconciled themselves to the decision taken on June 23, 2016. Those who look at the impending chaos as a pathway to power or personal advancement.

But they should hold their cheers because a storm is coming. A storm with a ferocity and fury unparalleled in modern British political history.

Last week, as John Bercow unilaterally anointed himself the living embodiment of the British constitution, there was much talk of how Parliament had 'seized control' of Brexit. It has not. Instead, it is preparing to send our politics careening out of control in a way that can only end in catastrophe.

If our MPs were preparing to reject the Prime Minister's Brexit plan in order to replace it with one of their own, there would be some legitimacy and rationality to their actions. The inversion of the roles of legislature and executive would be constitutionally questionable, but given the extremes of the moment, justifiable.

People differ on the potential impact of No Deal. But those in Government do not. Every Cabinet Minister I have spoken to is privately terrified of the consequences of crashing out of the EU [File photo]

People differ on the potential impact of No Deal. But those in Government do not. Every Cabinet Minister I have spoken to is privately terrified of the consequences of crashing out of the EU [File photo]

People differ on the potential impact of No Deal. But those in Government do not. Every Cabinet Minister I have spoken to is privately terrified of the consequences of crashing out of the EU [File photo]

But that it is not what they are proposing. They are about to replace her plan with a state of enforced and lethal paralysis. Rather than grasp the steering wheel, they are opting to block off the junctions, kill the motorway lights and lash the driver's foot to the accelerator.

Mrs May has made her mistakes over the course of Brexit. But in the end she has done her job. She has decided on a plan for Britain's withdrawal, negotiated it with our European partners and finally secured their agreement.

And now MPs are preparing to take a hammer to it, with no regard for what should come in its place. 'It's disgraceful that the Prime Minister is trying to force through her deal without proper parliamentary scrutiny,' her critics have consistently chided.

So just after 5pm last Thursday, I walked into the Commons to see how many of our 650 MPs were engaging in this vital act of oversight. I counted 38.

The reality is MPs have not wrested control from the PM. They are hiding behind her.

'If she loses the vote she must come back to this House in three days to tell us what her Plan B is,' they demand. In the full knowledge they will vote down that Plan B, just as the will vote down Plans C to Z. All while demonstrating neither the courage nor foresight to agree their own strategy.

It is no longer good enough for MPs to continue to regale us with passionate and eloquent statements of the sort of Brexit they do not want. If they wish to oppose Mrs May's deal, fine. But they now have an obligation to the country to tell us what their own plan is to lead us out of this crisis.

The initial impact of No Deal would come as a social, economic and political body-blow. 'No Deal means a Corbyn government,' one Minister told me. 'We wouldn't recover politically' [File photo]

The initial impact of No Deal would come as a social, economic and political body-blow. 'No Deal means a Corbyn government,' one Minister told me. 'We wouldn't recover politically' [File photo]

The initial impact of No Deal would come as a social, economic and political body-blow. 'No Deal means a Corbyn government,' one Minister told me. 'We wouldn't recover politically' [File photo]

Over the past months, I've talked to MPs from all sides of the debate. In almost every case they have spoken with conviction and sincerity. Many Leavers genuinely feel this is not the Brexit people voted for. 

DUP members have honest fears about what May's deal will do to the status of their province. Remainers feel they cannot vote for something they believe will bring hardship to their constituents.

But those MPs now have to face the full implications of the step they are preparing to take on Tuesday.

If a deal cannot be agreed, there are three possible outcomes. A No Deal Brexit, a new referendum or a General Election.

People differ on the potential impact of No Deal. But those in Government do not. Every Cabinet Minister I have spoken to is privately terrified of the consequences of crashing out of the EU. 

Britain is no longer a nation toughened by Hitler's bullets and bombs, but a country still struggling to come to terms with a sustained period of austerity after decades of relative prosperity. 

The initial impact of No Deal would come as a social, economic and political body-blow. 'No Deal means a Corbyn government,' one Minister told me. 'We wouldn't recover politically.'

Defeat will guarantee that deadline can no longer be met, and the timetable for leaving will be torn up. At which point the decision taken by the British people will be torn up as well [File photo]

Defeat will guarantee that deadline can no longer be met, and the timetable for leaving will be torn up. At which point the decision taken by the British people will be torn up as well [File photo]

Defeat will guarantee that deadline can no longer be met, and the timetable for leaving will be torn up. At which point the decision taken by the British people will be torn up as well [File photo]

Which leaves a referendum or an Election. The Brexit referendum was the most toxic campaign of my lifetime. I remember a nation tearing at its own throat. The increasingly vicious claim and counterclaim. The overt racism. And above all, I remember the murder of Jo Cox.

We must not give validation to those who in the past week have been exposed intimidating and abusing MPs. No democratically elected politician brings such vitriol upon themselves.

But I have to be honest. I am scared at the prospect of a referendum or Election in the present environment. 

Layer in the inevitable sense of establishment betrayal, the appropriation of the campaign by the neo-Nazi Right, the reaction of hard-Left activists driven by their messianic devotion to a Labour leadership that itself has openly endorsed political violence. 

We would be courting catastrophe. With no guarantee that at the end of that process our Brexit crisis would have been resolved.

This can't go on. We cannot continue with a situation where our leaders are unable to lead, and our legislators refuse to legislate. The log-jam must be broken. Because if it is not, the nation will literally become ungovernable.

The storm is coming. On Tuesday it will break. When it does, our MPs will find that they, like us, have no place to shelter.

Why an epic Farage landslide is looming

The assumption among Ministers is that Theresa May will announce a delay to Article 50 if she loses Tuesday’s crunch Brexit vote. 

But in Downing Street there is mounting concern the timetable could be shunted back so far, it could skip beyond May 23 – the date provisionally scheduled for the next round of European elections.

‘If we get to the point where we’re forced to hold a fresh round of elections, it will be a disaster,’ a No 10 official tells me. 

‘Farage and the Brexiteers would field a slate of Stop The Brexit Betrayal candidates, and they would absolutely clean up.

‘We’d be destroyed, Labour would be destroyed. It would be like a proxy second referendum. And we’d be handing it to them on a plate.’

Time to start making plans, Nigel.

Westminster was transfixed last Monday by the broadcast of Brexit drama The Uncivil War, starring Benedict Cumberbatch. 

But one senior parliamentarian was otherwise engaged. ‘No, the Prime Minister didn’t watch it,’ a No 10 official tells me. 

‘She‘s much too busy at the moment. And even if she wasn’t, do you honestly think she’s going to choose to relax by watching a programme on Brexit?’ Fair point.

 Quotes of the week

‘Honestly, poor old Nick Robinson going for an interview… what a waste of petrol that was. No chance he’s going to get it.’

Jeremy Clarkson says men now don’t stand a chance of getting top jobs at the BBC, such as hosting Question Time.

‘They’re like 50-year-olds at the end of a disco, who have turned down other offers and are waiting for Scarlett Johansson to come along.’

Michael Gove urges rebels to accept Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

‘I have come through 18 wars almost unscathed and I trip up at a railway station.’

Veteran correspondent Martin Bell, who had to have his skull rebuilt after a fall.

‘I prefer younger women’s bodies. The body of a 25-year-old is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not.’

French author Yann Moix prompts outrage with claims that women over 50 are ‘too old to love’.

‘A chunk of the holiday was spent spraying and combing to evict lice from my unkempt noggin.’

Broadcaster Robert Peston admits he was struck down with nits over Christmas.

‘It’s not my duty to dob him in.’

Solicitor Richard Egan sparks fury by refusing to disclose the whereabouts of fugitive killer Jack Shepherd.

‘Be shocked. Be appalled. We shouldn’t have to live like this.’

Detective Superintendent Richard Tucker after 14-year-old Jayden Moodie was stabbed to death in East London.

‘I was never any good on the catwalk. I looked like the cleaner who had come in through the wrong door.’

Radio 2 star Sara Cox admits that her days as a model were not altogether a success.

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Main photo article Last Wednesday evening, Conservative MPs assembled in Downing Street for a drinks reception. 
Widely perceived to be a desperate, last-minute lobbying operation by the Prime Minister, it actually proved to be a relaxed event.
‘I walked in and the first thing I saw was Dominic Grieve and B...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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