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среда, 30 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Idaho woman Amandalyn Wagoner credits weight loss to 'heartbreak diet'

An overweight woman who was warned she may not live until the age of 30 has credited her 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs) weight loss 'heartbreak diet'.

Amandalyn Wagoner, 28, from Idaho, had struggled with her weight from the age of 10 but claims it was a devastating breakup that finally 'pushed' her to shed pounds.

The ophthalmic technician, who was once so unfit that she got out of breath just from tying her shoelaces, says she has since realized that the gym makes her happier than any relationship ever could. 

Before overhauling her diet, Amandalyn would binge eat processed food and gorge on sweets without doing any exercise, which led her to weigh 265 lbs (14 stone 7 lbs), wearing a size 18 (UK 22).

Amandalyn before her extreme weight loss, which she credits to the 'heartbreak diet'

Amandalyn before her extreme weight loss, which she credits to the 'heartbreak diet'

Amandalyn following her weight loss

Amandalyn following her weight loss

Amandalyn before her extreme weight loss, which she credits to the 'heartbreak diet' (left) and after shedding 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs) following a devastating breakup (right)

Amandalyn is now blissfully married and works as a weight loss coach, and it was her husband, Trenton (pictured) who helped her find her passion for strength sports

Amandalyn is now blissfully married and works as a weight loss coach, and it was her husband, Trenton (pictured) who helped her find her passion for strength sports

Amandalyn is now blissfully married and works as a weight loss coach, and it was her husband, Trenton (pictured) who helped her find her passion for strength sports

Amandalyn had struggled with her weight from the age of 10 (pictured before her weight loss) but claims it was a devastating breakup that finally 'pushed' her to shed pounds

Amandalyn had struggled with her weight from the age of 10 (pictured before her weight loss) but claims it was a devastating breakup that finally 'pushed' her to shed pounds

Amanda shows off her trim new physique. She says she has since realised that the gym makes her happier than any relationship ever could

Amanda shows off her trim new physique. She says she has since realised that the gym makes her happier than any relationship ever could

Amandalyn, pictured before (left) and after (right) her weight loss, struggled with her weight from the age of 10 but says it was a devastating breakup that finally 'pushed' her to get healthy

Despite trying countless diets, such as WW and Atkins, nothing worked for Amandalyn and by the age of 20 she had been diagnosed with chronic migraines, high blood pressure, PCOS and diabetes.

Worried doctors even warned her that if she didn't make drastic changes, she wouldn't live beyond her 30th birthday.

In 2014, she moved to Kentucky to live with her boyfriend of one year, hoping the relationship would bring her respite from the pain of failed diets. 

But just a few months later, Amandalyn's boyfriend broke up with her without any explanation, forcing her to flee back to Idaho. 

Despite her heartbreak, the split made Amandalyn decided to lose the weight for herself in the hopes that it would make her happy.

She began 'eating clean' (cutting out sugar and processed foods) and gradually incorporated workouts into her lifestyle, losing 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs) in total, and slimming down to a size 6 (UK 10). 

Then, in October 2016, Amandalyn had her excess skin removed, finally gaining the confidence to wear swimwear.

'My weight progressed through my teens and well into my early twenties,' said Amandalyn.

'At age 19 I was diagnosed with diabetes, chronic migraines, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, PCOS, and I had severe back problems.

Amandalyn before. She would binge eat processed food and gorge on sweets without doing any exercise, which led her to weigh 265 lbs (14 stone 7 lbs), wearing a size 18 (UK 22)

Amandalyn before. She would binge eat processed food and gorge on sweets without doing any exercise, which led her to weigh 265 lbs (14 stone 7 lbs), wearing a size 18 (UK 22)

Amandalyn before. She would binge eat processed food and gorge on sweets without doing any exercise, which led her to weigh 265 lbs (14 stone 7 lbs), wearing a size 18 (UK 22)

Despite trying countless diets, including WW (Weight Watchers) and Atkins, nothing worked for Amandalyn, pictured before her weight loss

Despite trying countless diets, including WW (Weight Watchers) and Atkins, nothing worked for Amandalyn, pictured before her weight loss

Despite trying countless diets, including WW (Weight Watchers) and Atkins, nothing worked for Amandalyn, pictured before her weight loss

Amanda, pictured left at her heaviest, was warned by worried doctors that if she didn't make drastic changes, she wouldn't live beyond her 30th birthday

Amanda, pictured left at her heaviest, was warned by worried doctors that if she didn't make drastic changes, she wouldn't live beyond her 30th birthday

Amanda, pictured left at her heaviest, was warned by worried doctors that if she didn't make drastic changes, she wouldn't live beyond her 30th birthday

The Idaho native, pictured before her weight loss, was diagnosed with chronic migraines, high blood pressure, PCOS and diabetes by the age of 20

The Idaho native, pictured before her weight loss, was diagnosed with chronic migraines, high blood pressure, PCOS and diabetes by the age of 20

The Idaho native, pictured before her weight loss, was diagnosed with chronic migraines, high blood pressure, PCOS and diabetes by the age of 20

'My doctor had me ingest 11 pills a day to try and level out my body. I don't like taking any form of medication, not even for a headache. My ultimate goal was to be off all medication, so I tried taking vitamins to help my body reach that goal sooner.

'My doctor insisted I lose weight, or I wouldn't see the age of 30 or have a family of my own. I was extremely depressed after that because I didn't know how to lose weight. I tried for years and I felt extremely overwhelmed.

'My mother doesn't have the best health record and all I remember was telling myself to not live the same life as her. I needed to get healthy, so I could have a future.

'But I would just binge eat high-carb or processed foods. My negative relationship with food led me to starve myself sometimes, just trying to lose weight, but then I would gorge on sweets and high-fat foods.'

She continued: 'Back in 2014 I was very much in love and thought I could see a future with him. He accepted me for who I was but then out of nowhere he dumped me. He gave me no reason, just said it was over.

'We were together for a year by the time he dumped me. I think it affected me so much because I left home and never thought I would go back unless to visit.

'I was looking for someone to make me happy. In the end, I was the unhappy person and probably hard to be with due to how low my self-esteem was. 

Amandalyn now. The weight loss coach and ophthalmic technician was once so unfit that she got out of breath just from tying her shoelaces, and doctors feared for her health

Amandalyn now. The weight loss coach and ophthalmic technician was once so unfit that she got out of breath just from tying her shoelaces, and doctors feared for her health

Amandalyn now. The weight loss coach and ophthalmic technician was once so unfit that she got out of breath just from tying her shoelaces, and doctors feared for her health

Amandalyn decided to lose the weight for herself in the hopes that it would make her happy, and has since gone on to find love again and retrain as a weight loss coach

Amandalyn decided to lose the weight for herself in the hopes that it would make her happy, and has since gone on to find love again and retrain as a weight loss coach

Amandalyn decided to lose the weight for herself in the hopes that it would make her happy, and has since gone on to find love again and retrain as a weight loss coach

Amanda with husband Trenton. She began 'eating clean' (cutting out sugar and processed foods) and gradually incorporated workouts into her lifestyle, losing 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs)

Amanda with husband Trenton. She began 'eating clean' (cutting out sugar and processed foods) and gradually incorporated workouts into her lifestyle, losing 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs)

Amanda with husband Trenton. She began 'eating clean' (cutting out sugar and processed foods) and gradually incorporated workouts into her lifestyle, losing 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs)

Showing off her healthy new physique, Amanda said: 'I want others to know that you can take your life into your own hands. You can take the impossible and make it possible'

Showing off her healthy new physique, Amanda said: 'I want others to know that you can take your life into your own hands. You can take the impossible and make it possible'

Amanda says: 'Everyone has something they want to improve for themselves, but action is the only way to do it'

Amanda says: 'Everyone has something they want to improve for themselves, but action is the only way to do it'

Showing off her healthy new physique, Amanda said: 'I want others to know that you can take your life into your own hands. You can take the impossible and make it possible. Everyone has something they want to improve for themselves, but action is the only way to do it'

'After taking time to think about the situation, we weren't a good match. He would bore me with conversations, and we didn't have much in common. I was just glad someone found me attractive when I was so heavy because I didn't have enough self-love.

'I packed up my stuff and drove back to Idaho. I was devastated. However, it helped me realize how important my own happiness was and how I didn't need anyone to make me happy. 

'It made me realize that this was my time to be selfish and start over in a better way.'

At first, Amandalyn started her new healthy regime by eating fresh fruit and vegetables and lean protein. For the first two months, she focused on her diet and managed to lose three and a half stone.

Following this, she slowly began working out weekly after building a programme for herself. Within a year, Amandalyn was cleared of all medication by her doctor and has rid herself of the many health problems she endured.

Amandalyn is now blissfully married and works as a weight loss coach, and it was her husband, Trenton, who helped her find her passion for strength sports, which she now uses to help others lose weight. 

'I started by eating extremely clean. I ate fresh vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. I didn't go to the gym for two months until I had lost three stone,' said Amandalyn. 

Amandalyn in hospital after having surgery for her excess skin. She said: 'I knew before losing the weight that having that surgery was the way to go. I have had that horrible skin flab since I can remember'

Amandalyn in hospital after having surgery for her excess skin. She said: 'I knew before losing the weight that having that surgery was the way to go. I have had that horrible skin flab since I can remember'

Amandalyn in hospital after having surgery for her excess skin. She said: 'I knew before losing the weight that having that surgery was the way to go. I have had that horrible skin flab since I can remember'

Amandalyn's tummy after having skin removed. She said: 'I had around three-pounds of skin removed in the first surgery, and not too much on the second round. I'm glad it's over'

Amandalyn's tummy after having skin removed. She said: 'I had around three-pounds of skin removed in the first surgery, and not too much on the second round. I'm glad it's over'

Amandalyn's tummy after having skin removed. She said: 'I had around three-pounds of skin removed in the first surgery, and not too much on the second round. I'm glad it's over'

Amandalyn healing after her surgery. She said: 'I'm able to wear clothes or a swimsuit without having my skin apron in the way. I can sit down without having skin resting on my legs'

Amandalyn healing after her surgery. She said: 'I'm able to wear clothes or a swimsuit without having my skin apron in the way. I can sit down without having skin resting on my legs'

Amandalyn healing after her surgery. She said: 'I'm able to wear clothes or a swimsuit without having my skin apron in the way. I can sit down without having skin resting on my legs'

'I would eat five main lean proteins: bison, cod, shrimp, chicken, turkey and eggs. I allowed myself two fruits a day as well. I drank loads of water and I stopped drinking alcohol too.

'I ate like this for four weeks, then did a four-week reintroduction phase where I reintroduced foods back into my diet that I hadn't eaten in ages. It really helped me look at food differently.

'I then started to incorporate workouts into my weekly routine. I taught myself to eat properly, I researched how to work out, and made myself a programme that helped me lose over eight stone.

Speaking about her newfound love of exercise, Amandalyn said: 'I found my passion and happiness'

Speaking about her newfound love of exercise, Amandalyn said: 'I found my passion and happiness'

Speaking about her newfound love of exercise, Amandalyn said: 'I found my passion and happiness'

'I soon started working out three times a week to do cardio, but now it's up to six times a week doing weights and cardio. I was a cardio bunny until I felt brave enough to touch free weights.

'It feels so good to be healthy. I don't feel sluggish or tired for no reason now. I can tie my own shoes without getting out of breath.

'I knew before losing the weight that having that surgery was the way to go. I have had that horrible skin flab since I can remember.

'I had around three-pounds of skin removed in the first surgery, and not too much on the second round. I'm glad it's over. I'm able to wear clothes or a swimsuit without having my skin apron in the way. I can sit down without having skin resting on my legs.

'It truly was a life changer and I am very grateful for the journey. I found my passion and happiness. I didn't find it in a relationship or food, I found it by doing the one thing I've tried to for years and I finally accomplished it.

'I want others to know that you can take your life into your own hands. You can take the impossible and make it possible. Everyone has something they want to improve for themselves, but action is the only way to do it.'

You can follow Amandalyn's Instagram by visiting @truself-fit  

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Main photo article An overweight woman who was warned she may not live until the age of 30 has credited her 114 lbs (8 stone 2 lbs) weight loss ‘heartbreak diet’.
Amandalyn Wagoner, 28, from Idaho, had struggled with her weight from the age of 10 but claims it was a devastating breakup that finally...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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