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четверг, 3 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Grinning Nancy Pelosi is confirmed as Speaker for the second time as Dems take power

Nancy Pelosi, grinning broadly and standing out on the House floor in hot pink, was elected Speaker of the House on Thursday as Democrats returned to power.

And it was a return to power for the woman who became the first speaker in 2007, only to lose power four years later.

She was back on top on Thursday, speaker's gavel in her hand, grandchildren at her side.  

'Having received a majority of the votes passed, Nancy Pelosi is elected speaker of the House,' House clerk Karen Haas announced.

Democrats gave her a standing ovation, cheering and whopping on the House floor. A couple of Pelosi's grandkids ran to hug her. Other lawmakers gave her hugs and kissed her cheek.  

Democrats cheered her from the start of the session, which began with her nomination.   

'House Democrats are down with NDP,' Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries said of Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi as he nominated her to the job. 'Nancy Pelosi is just getting started.'

He said of the longtime lawmaker: 'Nancy Pelosi is a woman of faith, a loving wife, a mother of 5, a grandmother of 9, a sophisticated strategist, a legendary legislator, a voice for the voiceless, a defender of the disenfranchised.'

The roll call vote began shortly after 1 p.m. with the Clerk of the House calling out each member in alphabetical order. 

Pelosi sat on the edge of her seat at times, smiling broadly as Democrats called out her name. She would swivel her head around the room to watch as the votes racked up in her favor.

Bella Pelosi holds her grandmother's hand as Nancy Pelosi votes for herself as speaker

Bella Pelosi holds her grandmother's hand as Nancy Pelosi votes for herself as speaker

Bella Pelosi holds her grandmother's hand as Nancy Pelosi votes for herself as speaker

Pelosi with her grandson when she is declared speaker

Pelosi with her grandson when she is declared speaker

Pelosi with her grandson when she is declared speaker

Democrats rushed to give her congratulatory hugs

Democrats rushed to give her congratulatory hugs

Democrats rushed to give her congratulatory hugs

Her granddaughter Bella was on the floor with her and danced in her seat, waving her arms when Rep. Anna Eshoo voted for her grandmother.

Pelosi's grandchildren then gathered around her when it was Pelosi's turn to cast a vote for speaker. Pelosi appeared so engrossed with what was happening around her that she forgot to vote for herself. Her deputy, Steny Hoyer, nudged her to vote.

Bella grabbed her grandmother's hand and bounced in the aisles, jumping up and down, as she shrieked 'Pelosi.' 

Freshman Rep.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voted for Pelosi, as she said she would, leading to groans from the Republican side of the aisle.

'I vote for the lady who will truly make America great again, Nancy Pelosi,' said Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen.

Rep. Veronica Escobar announced her vote for 'Nancy 'No Wall' Pelosi.' 

There were a few dissensions in the Democratic ranks. 

Rep. Anthony Brindisi voted for former Vice President Joe Biden in a protest vote.  

Rep. Conor Lamb voted for Democratic Rep. Joe Kennedy. Kennedy was spotted laughing when his name was called for speaker.  

Pelosi entered the House of Representatives on Thursday with a thumbs up and followed by her grandchildren as she prepared to become the first person in more than 50 years to ascend to the speakership after losing it.

Recent speakers either quit - burned out as Republicans John Boehner and Paul Ryan were - or were forced out by infuriated members of their own party as Newt Gingrich was.

Pelosi, 78, made history in 2007 by becoming the first woman to lead the chamber. Now she returns to power as head of the Democratic Party and the second in line to the presidency after Mike Pence.

On her way: Nancy Pelosi walks to the front of the chamber of the House before taking part in a prayer as the new Congress prepares to vote on who should be Speaker - with her retaking of the gavel assured

On her way: Nancy Pelosi walks to the front of the chamber of the House before taking part in a prayer as the new Congress prepares to vote on who should be Speaker - with her retaking of the gavel assured

On her way: Nancy Pelosi walks to the front of the chamber of the House before taking part in a prayer as the new Congress prepares to vote on who should be Speaker - with her retaking of the gavel assured

Family affair: Nancy Pelosi was followed down the aisle by two of her grandchildren as she prepared to take her seat - with a thumbs up gesture to other members of the House

Family affair: Nancy Pelosi was followed down the aisle by two of her grandchildren as she prepared to take her seat - with a thumbs up gesture to other members of the House

Family affair: Nancy Pelosi was followed down the aisle by two of her grandchildren as she prepared to take her seat - with a thumbs up gesture to other members of the House

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer came by the House vote and gave Pelosi a hug

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer came by the House vote and gave Pelosi a hug

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer came by the House vote and gave Pelosi a hug

Democrats stood and cheered as Pelosi was nominated for speaker

Democrats stood and cheered as Pelosi was nominated for speaker

Democrats stood and cheered as Pelosi was nominated for speaker

Republicans sat during Pelosi's nomination with several of them checking their phones

Republicans sat during Pelosi's nomination with several of them checking their phones

Republicans sat during Pelosi's nomination with several of them checking their phones

Back on top: Nancy Pelosi greets a child with her grandson directly behind her as she heads for her seat while the House gets ready to vote her in as Speaker

Back on top: Nancy Pelosi greets a child with her grandson directly behind her as she heads for her seat while the House gets ready to vote her in as Speaker

Back on top: Nancy Pelosi greets a child with her grandson directly behind her as she heads for her seat while the House gets ready to vote her in as Speaker

View from the top: Members of Congress get ready to start business with the Democrats in charge for the first time in the Trump presidency

View from the top: Members of Congress get ready to start business with the Democrats in charge for the first time in the Trump presidency

View from the top: Members of Congress get ready to start business with the Democrats in charge for the first time in the Trump presidency

Moment of truth: This is the moment power was about to become split in Washington D.C. with a Democratic house about to take control

Moment of truth: This is the moment power was about to become split in Washington D.C. with a Democratic house about to take control

Moment of truth: This is the moment power was about to become split in Washington D.C. with a Democratic house about to take control

Meet the new boss: Nancy Peloso greets Democratic members of Congress as they prepare to take power

Meet the new boss: Nancy Peloso greets Democratic members of Congress as they prepare to take power

Meet the new boss: Nancy Peloso greets Democratic members of Congress as they prepare to take power

Hugs for the Speaker: Nancy Pelosi gets a very affectionate greeting as she makes her way to the front of the House of Representatives to take her seat for a prayer

Hugs for the Speaker: Nancy Pelosi gets a very affectionate greeting as she makes her way to the front of the House of Representatives to take her seat for a prayer

Hugs for the Speaker: Nancy Pelosi gets a very affectionate greeting as she makes her way to the front of the House of Representatives to take her seat for a prayer

Business to attend to: Nancy Pelosi greets Elijah Cummings, who will be one of the most powerful members of her Democratic caucus at the head of the oversight and government reform committee

Business to attend to: Nancy Pelosi greets Elijah Cummings, who will be one of the most powerful members of her Democratic caucus at the head of the oversight and government reform committee

Business to attend to: Nancy Pelosi greets Elijah Cummings, who will be one of the most powerful members of her Democratic caucus at the head of the oversight and government reform committee

Guest of honor: Tony Bennett was in the Speaker's box with his wife Susan to watch Nancy Pelosi getting ready to take back the gavel. He serenaded her at a dinner on Wednesday night at the Italian embassy in Washington D.C.

Guest of honor: Tony Bennett was in the Speaker's box with his wife Susan to watch Nancy Pelosi getting ready to take back the gavel. He serenaded her at a dinner on Wednesday night at the Italian embassy in Washington D.C.

Guest of honor: Tony Bennett was in the Speaker's box with his wife Susan to watch Nancy Pelosi getting ready to take back the gavel. He serenaded her at a dinner on Wednesday night at the Italian embassy in Washington D.C.

Nancy Pelosi will become the first person in more than 50 years to ascend to the speakership after losing it

Nancy Pelosi will become the first person in more than 50 years to ascend to the speakership after losing it

Nancy Pelosi will become the first person in more than 50 years to ascend to the speakership after losing it

Pelosi has been on a media blitz to celebrate her return to the speakership; she appeared on the Today Show on Thursday morning

Pelosi has been on a media blitz to celebrate her return to the speakership; she appeared on the Today Show on Thursday morning

Pelosi has been on a media blitz to celebrate her return to the speakership; she appeared on the Today Show on Thursday morning

Pelosi was joined by Hillary Clinton at the Italian Embassy on Wednesday

Pelosi was joined by Hillary Clinton at the Italian Embassy on Wednesday

Pelosi was joined by Hillary Clinton at the Italian Embassy on Wednesday

She will again face a Republican president down Pennsylvania Avenue. 

But while she and George W. Bush had a cordial relationship, her tenure with President Donald Trump already has been marked by a shouting match in the Oval Office and a partial government shutdown.

Both sides are at an impasse over funding Trump's border wall as day 13 of the shutdown begins. 

When the House of Representatives met at noon on Thursday to gavel in the 116th session of Congress, the first order of business will be to elect a speaker.

The first day for new lawmakers will be long on work and short on glamour. 

The speakership vote took about an hour - a time period members are asked to stay on the House floor. 

Several lawmakers brought their children to the House floor and several members held babies in their arms.  

The Clerk of the House called for speaker nominations. Democrats put forth Pelosi and Republicans will nominate Kevin McCarthy, who will serve as GOP minority leader in the 116th Congress. 

Then the House held a rare roll call vote.

Given its size - 435 members - the House uses an electronic system to vote up or down on legislation.

But the speaker's race is one of the few occasions when the clerk calls the names of every member to let them voice their vote. Each member is called individually, in alphabetical order.

Lawmakers can vote for anyone. The Constitution does not require the speaker of the House to actually be a member of the House and some lawmakers vote for an alternative. 

In 2017, then-Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona voted for civil rights icon and Georgia Rep. John Lewis in what was seen as a protest of Pelosi.

Lawmakers also use their time to make a political point.  

'Having been told Republican input was not wanted or needed in Obamacare, I vote for Paul Ryan,' GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert  said in 2017 when he cast his vote for Ryan for speaker.

Pelosi blows a kiss to Democrats as they nominate her for speaker

Pelosi blows a kiss to Democrats as they nominate her for speaker

Pelosi blows a kiss to Democrats as they nominate her for speaker

Pelosi hugs civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis in the House floor

Pelosi hugs civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis in the House floor

Pelosi hugs civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis in the House floor

Fashion consultant Tim Gunn sat in Nancy Pelosi's box on Thursday as did singer Tony Bennett

Fashion consultant Tim Gunn sat in Nancy Pelosi's box on Thursday as did singer Tony Bennett

Fashion consultant Tim Gunn sat in Nancy Pelosi's box on Thursday as did singer Tony Bennett

Pelosi waves her thanks the Democrats after her formal nomination as speaker

Pelosi waves her thanks the Democrats after her formal nomination as speaker

Pelosi waves her thanks the Democrats after her formal nomination as speaker

Republicans nominated Kevin McCarthy (right) for speaker

Republicans nominated Kevin McCarthy (right) for speaker

Republicans nominated Kevin McCarthy (right) for speaker

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney (right) was on the House floor during the speaker's vote

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney (right) was on the House floor during the speaker's vote

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney (right) was on the House floor during the speaker's vote

Pelosi speaks at a Congressional Black Caucus swearing-in ceremony on Thursday

Pelosi takes power on day 13 of a partial government shutdown

Pelosi takes power on day 13 of a partial government shutdown

Pelosi takes power on day 13 of a partial government shutdown

Pelosi made history in 2007 when she became the first female speaker of the House

Pelosi made history in 2007 when she became the first female speaker of the House

Pelosi made history in 2007 when she became the first female speaker of the House

After she becomes speaker she will swear in the rest of the members of the House

After she becomes speaker she will swear in the rest of the members of the House

After she becomes speaker she will swear in the rest of the members of the House

'Because climate change is not a Chinese hoax, Nancy Pelosi,' Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman said of his vote that same year. 

Lawmakers may also abstain by voting 'present.'

A majority is required for a win. In 2007, Pelosi and her team worked to make sure she had the unanimous support from Democrats to seal her historic rise as first female speaker of the chamber.  

After Democrats won the chamber in the 2018 election - picking up 40 House seats - there was chatter Pelosi may not take the speakership again.

But the California Democrat proved her chops as one of the best negotiators and vote counters in Congress by locking up her return to power. 

She cut a deal with dissident Democrats to gain the speakership but at a price - she will be out of leadership in four years. 

Protest votes are usually tolerated during the speaker election. Out-and-out betrayals of your party are not.

In 2000, the last instance where a lawmaker voted for the other party's speaker's candidate, then-Democratic Rep. Jim Traficant voted for Republican Dennis Hastert for speaker. 

In response, the Democrats stripped him of his seniority and he lost all of his committee assignments. 

Pelosi became a style icon with her orange coat and sunglasses 

Pelosi became a style icon with her orange coat and sunglasses 

Pelosi became a style icon with her orange coat and sunglasses 

Her tenure begins with a tense relationship with President Trump after their Oval Office shouting match 

Her tenure begins with a tense relationship with President Trump after their Oval Office shouting match 

Her tenure begins with a tense relationship with President Trump after their Oval Office shouting match 

The formal vote for speaker will begin around 12:45 p.m. and is expected to end just before 2 p.m.

Once the vote for speaker is done, Pelosi was sworn in by the Dean of the House, the chamber's longest-serving member, who is Republican Rep. Don Young of Alaska.

After Pelosi took the oath of office, she will address the chamber to give her vision of leadership.

'This House will be for the people,' she told NBC News, adding Democrats will work to 'lower health costs and prescription drugs prices, and protect people with pre-existing conditions; to increase paychecks by rebuilding America with green and modern infrastructure – from sea to shining sea; to pass HR 1 to restore integrity to government, so that people can have confidence that government works for the public interest, not the special interests.'

Then she swore in the rest of the House. 

The first day of a new Congress takes on a first day of school atmosphere.   

Most lawmakers are dressed in their finest. Several bring their families and children are also dressed up, particularly if they want to go on the House floor. The House dress code requires men to wear a jacket and tie.

Lawmakers will be reminded there are no photos on the House floor - a rule the younger members may have trouble with. 

Both members and their staff wore lost looks on Thursday as they tried to figure out the labyrinth system of hallways and tunnels that make of the Capitol complex - the Capitol building itself, three House office buildings and three Senate office buildings with an underground system of tunnels connecting them all.  

Members of the freshman class of Congress in November

Members of the freshman class of Congress in November

Members of the freshman class of Congress in November

The chamber of the House was empty as lawmakers prepare to convene the 116th session of Congress

The chamber of the House was empty as lawmakers prepare to convene the 116th session of Congress

The chamber of the House was empty as lawmakers prepare to convene the 116th session of Congress

Pelosi has already moved into the speaker's office and worked out of it this week

Pelosi has already moved into the speaker's office and worked out of it this week

Pelosi has already moved into the speaker's office and worked out of it this week

New members received their lawmaker pin Thursday morning - the jewelry item that identifies them as a member of Congress. It allows them to bypass the metal detectors in and out of the Capitol building and surrounding House office buildings.

They also received their voting card so they can use the House's electronic voting system. 

Rooms in the Capitol were set up for receptions. Several new members were spotted going into one basement room wearing silver 'madame speaker' pins in support of Pelosi. 

After the speaker's vote, members will debate and vote on three measures: a rules package to govern the rules of the House and two resolutions the Democrats proposed to reopen the federal government, which is on day 13 of the partial shutdown. 

It will be a long first day for the new members. The last votes are expected around 9 p.m.   

In between floor debates and voting, members and their families will be able to get their photos taken with Pelosi to commemorate the occasion.  

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Main photo article Nancy Pelosi, grinning broadly and standing out on the House floor in hot pink, was elected Speaker of the House on Thursday as Democrats returned to power.
And it was a return to power for the woman who became the first speaker in 2007, only to lose power four years later.
She was back on top...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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