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суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» British racists behind vile secretive neo-Nazi radio station that the Government cannot shut down

British far-Right extremists are broadcasting vile racist programmes on a sickening neo- Nazi radio station – but Government regulators are powerless to shut it down.

Transmitted from a secret location in the UK, Radio Aryan describes Jews as 'Yidflies', black men as 'negro rapists' and broadcasts daily readings from Hitler's Mein Kampf.

The station's hate-filled shows also attack Muslims and homosexuals and its website carries a sinister picture of Theresa May with a noose around her neck.

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CONTROVERSIAL BROADCASTS: Radio Aryan was founded by anti-Semite Sven Longshanks and is also a main presenter at the station

CONTROVERSIAL BROADCASTS: Radio Aryan was founded by anti-Semite Sven Longshanks and is also a main presenter at the station

CONTROVERSIAL BROADCASTS: Radio Aryan was founded by anti-Semite Sven Longshanks and is also a main presenter at the station

The founder of Radio Aryan is an elusive neo-Nazi who calls himself Sven Longshanks. A rabid anti-Semite and racist, he is also the main presenter.

Longshanks, above, describes himself as the director general of Radio Aryan and claims to have worked for the racist US website Daily Stormer. The campaign group Hope Not Hate says his real name is Steve Stone. He is believed to be in his late 30s and live with his mother in the South-West. He is also said to be claiming sickness benefit.

He has close links to National Action, a neo-Nazi group banned in 2016, and is a close associate of David Duke, the former head of the Ku Klux Klan in the US, who regularly appears on Radio Aryan.


A Mail on Sunday investigation has discovered that an ex-City banker and a former British Army officer – both leaders of extreme Right-wing organisations in Britain – are major contributors to the radio station that has been pumping out racist bile 24 hours a day for more than two years.

But astonishingly, broadcasting regulator Ofcom is unable to silence their rants because the programmes are transmitted over the internet and mobile phone apps, which it has no power to police.

MP Stephen Doughty, a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, has demanded action from police and an investigation by counter terrorism officers has been launched. But two years after the station was founded it was still broadcasting its sickening material last night – including disgusting claims that black people 'prefer witchdoctors' over hiring lawyers and pornography is a 'Jewish enterprise' intended to damage non-Jews.

The Government is unable to shut down Radio Aryan despite its vile messages 

The Government is unable to shut down Radio Aryan despite its vile messages 

The Government is unable to shut down Radio Aryan despite its vile messages 

The station is easily accessible to anyone who goes to its website. There, as well as its live broadcasts, Radio Aryan offers a library of hundreds of programmes that users can listen to at the click of a button – including 'The Daily Nationalist', 'Truth Will Out Radio' and 'This Week On The Alt-Right'.

While the titles only hint at the extreme views, The Mail on Sunday has uncovered content that is deeply shocking. Much of the hateful material is obsessively anti-Semitic. One series is called 'Biological Jew' and its web page features extraordinarily inflammatory articles and pictures.

In one pernicious cartoon, a caricature Jewish man uses his long, hooked nose to stab another man in the back, under the headline: 'Beware the dreaded sting of the parasite king. The yidfly is loose.'

The article reads: 'There are many similarities between the Jew's effect on the nation he lives among and the parasite's effect on its host. Where you find one parasite, you soon find many and once a few Jews get into society, it won't be long before they start advocating for more to be allowed in.'

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VIOLENCE WARNING: Laurence Nunn, who is former BNP, has warned of violence if Brexit doesn't go ahead and is listed as linked to Radio Aryan

VIOLENCE WARNING: Laurence Nunn, who is former BNP, has warned of violence if Brexit doesn't go ahead and is listed as linked to Radio Aryan

VIOLENCE WARNING: Laurence Nunn, who is former BNP, has warned of violence if Brexit doesn't go ahead and is listed as linked to Radio Aryan

A former City financier, Laurence Nunn, pictured left, is one of the key contributors to Radio Aryan. Also known as Max Musson, he is listed as one of 11 hosts of the station.

The former organiser for the BNP runs his own far-Right group, Western Spring, which allegedly operates military-style training camps for neo-Nazis in the Brecon Beacons. It is also listed as a sponsor of Radio Aryan, but Nunn denies giving money to the station.

On a recent broadcast on Radio Aryan, Nunn warned of violence if Brexit is not implemented, saying: 'At some point in the future there is going to be some significant physical challenge to the existing political establishment.' Last night he said he meant 'there could be violence, not that there would be violence' in the future.  

The vile screed blames Jews for the 'promotion of mutilated homosexuals' [transsexuals] as role models for children. Another broadcast discusses the case of a British black singer accused of multiple counts of rape.

Elsewhere on the Radio Aryan website a picture of the singer is used with the disgusting question: 'Why do negroes bother with tattoos, when you can't even see them?' An accompanying article give voice to the horrific claim: 'Today 60 per cent of black boys and girls think that it is not rape to force sex onto someone you know. 

A quarter of all schoolchildren in Soweto admit to enjoying 'gang rape'. One in ten admit to raping before the age of ten and nearly half of all South African black admitted to raping someone.' The article adds: 'The only way to properly deal with this problem is to deport them all and leave them to their own habits, in their own countries.'

Ex-soldier jailed for race hate crime

Jeremy Bedford-Turner has recently been released from prison for stirring up racial hatred

Jeremy Bedford-Turner has recently been released from prison for stirring up racial hatred

Jeremy Bedford-Turner has recently been released from prison for stirring up racial hatred

EX-SOLDIER Jeremy Bedford-Turner, pictured left, is a major contributor to Radio Aryan. His far-Right group, London Forum, is listed as a sponsor.

Bedford-Turner, who also goes by the name Jez Turner, has recently come out of prison after serving a one-year sentence for stirring up racial hatred.

The fascist, who served in the Royal Signals and is fluent in Pashtu and Arabic, was jailed after making an inflammatory speech outside Downing Street. He urged soldiers to rise up and free England of 'Jewish control'.

At his trial, he said Jack the Ripper and the Kray twins were Jews, and that the Jewish race was responsible for both world wars. He could not be reached for comment last night.  

The station was founded as the UK's version of Radio Aryan in the US by a man who goes under the pseudonym of Sven 'Longshanks' – the nickname of Edward I, who expelled Jews from England in 1290.

Sven Longshanks' views reveal him to be a rabid anti-Semite and racist. He preaches the superiority of the white race and praises Christianity for making the Jew 'an enemy'. In August 2016 he interviewed Alex Davies, 24, the head of terrorist group National Action. Four months later it became the first far-Right organisation to be outlawed in Britain since the end of the Second World War. The Government took action after it praised the killing of Labour MP Jo Cox, who was stabbed to death by Right-wing fanatic Thomas Mair outside her constituency surgery.

Last year, another activist for National Action, Jack Renshaw, 24, was jailed for eight years for plotting to murder Rosie Cooper, the Labour MP for West Lancashire.

Radio Aryan describes the imprisoned members of National Action and other neo-Nazi groups as 'prisoners of war' and encourages its listeners to write to them in jail.

Another key contributor of Radio Aryan is Laurence Nunn, 65, an ex-City financier who was previously an organiser for the BNP.

Nunn, who uses the name Max Musson, now runs a far-Right group called Western Spring. It appears as a sponsor of Radio Aryan on its website and is accused of running military-style training camps for neo-Nazis in the Brecon Beacons.

In a recent broadcast, Nunn warned of violence if a hard Brexit is not implemented. 'A point is going to be reached at some point in the future where there is going to be some significant physical challenge to the existing political establishment,' he said.

Another extremist regularly heard on Radio Aryan is Jeremy Bedford-Turner, 48, a former soldier jailed for a year for preaching outside Downing Street against Jews. His group, London Forum, is listed as a sponsor of Radio Aryan and he has appeared on the station more than a dozen times.

Calling for the Government to take action against Radio Aryan, Dr Gerry Gable, head of the anti-racist group Searchlight, said: 'There has been evidence that impressionable individuals have listened to broadcasts on radios like this one and have gone on to commit terrorist acts. This station is the most admired among Nazis in the UK and the authorities must close it down.' Nick Lowles, head of anti-racist group Hope Not Hate, said: 'Radio Aryan has become a platform for British Nazis to push out their dangerous and probably illegal hatred. It is vital the authorities immediately investigate the contents and the people behind it.'

A spokesman for Ofcom said: 'Radio Aryan is an internet radio station. As such it is not licensed by Ofcom or subject to our broadcasting rules.' Mr Doughty MP raised his concerns about Radio Aryan with Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Security Minister Ben Wallace last month. Last night, Scotland Yard said the Welsh Counter Terrorism Unit was investigating.

Nunn denied that Western Spring was a sponsor of Radio Aryan, but admitted he was a guest and contributor on the station. 'I have appeared on the radio several times and I think it lists me as someone who has contributed,' he said.

Asked if he agreed with the racist and anti-Semitic material on Radio Aryan, Mr Nunn replied: 'I believe in freedom of speech, and if somebody else wants to say something, then I am happy for them to say it.'

Last night, Longshanks declined to comment. But in a statement, Radio Aryan said: 'Our content is not intended for mass public consumption, it is created by Nationalists for Nationalists with the intention of promoting virtue among our people and encouraging them to set a good example to others. Our content may not have this effect on non-Nationalists, as it is not intended for their ears.'

A Home Office spokesman said: 'We are committed to stamping out extremism in all its forms and working with our international partners and internet companies to tackle extremist propaganda online.'  

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Main photo article British far-Right extremists are broadcasting vile racist programmes on a sickening neo- Nazi radio station – but Government regulators are powerless to shut it down.
Transmitted from a secret location in the UK, Radio Aryan describes Jews as ‘Yidflies’, black men as ‘negro r...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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