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вторник, 13 ноября 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Monica Lewinsky reveals Bill Clinton stained her dress in Oval Office

Monica Lewinsky has sat down for numerous interviews over the past two decades, but rarely has she spoken about her affair with former president Bill Clinton.

That is all set to change however with new A&E docuseries The Clinton Affair, where Lewinsky discusses everything from how Clinton wooed her to the infamous stain on her blue dress.

In one episode, which was viewed by the New York Post, Lewinsky says that she was not even aware the dress was stained and one point believed she had gotten spinach dip on the frock, as mentioned in The Starr Report.

She also said that she got the stain after performing a sex act on the president in the Oval office bathroom, shortly after he gifted her a hat pin and copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. 

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Surprise: Monica Lewinsky reveals that she did not even know Bill Clinton had stained her blue dress in the new A&E docuseries The Clinton Affair (above)

Surprise: Monica Lewinsky reveals that she did not even know Bill Clinton had stained her blue dress in the new A&E docuseries The Clinton Affair (above)

Surprise: Monica Lewinsky reveals that she did not even know Bill Clinton had stained her blue dress in the new A&E docuseries The Clinton Affair (above)

Gifts: She was called to the office with the promise of presents, and Clinton gifted her a hat pin and copy of Walt Whitman's Leave of Grass (Clinton and Lewinsky in 1997 just before their bathroom rendezvous)

Gifts: She was called to the office with the promise of presents, and Clinton gifted her a hat pin and copy of Walt Whitman's Leave of Grass (Clinton and Lewinsky in 1997 just before their bathroom rendezvous)

Gifts: She was called to the office with the promise of presents, and Clinton gifted her a hat pin and copy of Walt Whitman's Leave of Grass (Clinton and Lewinsky in 1997 just before their bathroom rendezvous)

Apologize: Lewinsky also penned an essay for Vanity Fair revealing that she wished Clinton felt the need to apologize for the fallout from their relationship (Clinton above in 1998 denying the affair)

Apologize: Lewinsky also penned an essay for Vanity Fair revealing that she wished Clinton felt the need to apologize for the fallout from their relationship (Clinton above in 1998 denying the affair)

Apologize: Lewinsky also penned an essay for Vanity Fair revealing that she wished Clinton felt the need to apologize for the fallout from their relationship (Clinton above in 1998 denying the affair)

'I went to dinner that night. None of these people said to me, "Hey, you’ve got to go to the bathroom, you’ve got stuff all over your dress,"' says Lewinsky.

She reveals that she was beckoned to the White House with the promise of a present, and entered the Oval with Clinton and his secretary, who quickly hid out in the dining room. 

The secretary only entered so that the two would not be seen alone, having been meeting in secret for two years at that point. 

Clinton then handed out his gifts for Lewinsky, which included a hat pin.

She said he told her 'you always look so cute in hats,’ or ‘you and your hats'.

That was followed by a 'really beautiful copy' of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. 

Then, they made a trip to the lavatory.

'And so we moved to the bathroom and were more intimate. There was some attention paid on me and then I was reciprocating, where up until that point he had always stopped before completion on his part,' recalls Lewinsky.

'I sort of stood up and said I wanted to move past that stage and so he finally said OK.'

She then adds: 'So that finished and then I hugged him after. And he hugged me. And off I went.'

Ahead of the show's premiere, Lewinsky opened up about the affair in an essay for Vanity Fair, in which she expresses her disappointment that Bill does not think he should apologize to his former intern as well as her desire to tell Hillary she is sorry. 

The blue dress (above), which Lewinsky thought was stained with spinach dip 

The blue dress (above), which Lewinsky thought was stained with spinach dip 

The blue dress (above), which Lewinsky thought was stained with spinach dip 

'The process of this docuseries led me to new rooms of shame that I still needed to explore, and delivered me to Grief’s doorstep,' writes Lewinsky.

She then lists off the examples of grief, ending with: 'Grief for a relationship that had no normal closure, and instead was slowly dismantled by two decades of Bill Clinton's behavior that eventually (eventually!) helped me understand how, at 22, I took the small, narrow sliver of the man I knew and mistook it for the whole.'

Lewinsky spoke about her disappointment with Bill over the comments he made back in June when asked if he owed Lewinsky a personal apology, and her disbelief that it took so long for someone to even ask that question. 

It was Craig Melvin who put Bill on the spot during an interview on Today, and the former president responded to the question by saying: 'No. I do not – I have never talked to her. But I did say publicly on more than one occasion that I was sorry.'

In response to that Lewinsky writes: 'So, what feels more important to me than whether I am owed or deserving of a personal apology is my belief that Bill Clinton should want to apologize. I’m less disappointed him, and more disappointed for him.'

She then adds: 'He would be a better man for it . . . and we, in turn, a better society.' 

That moment was a huge shift writes Lewinsky, and one that was a long time coming.

'If you want to know what power looks like, watch a man safely, even smugly, do interviews for decades, without ever worrying whether he will be asked the questions he doesn’t want to answer,' writes Lewinsky.

She is also quick to admit that she has some people to apologize to for her actions. 

'My first public words after the scandal—uttered in an interview with Barbara Walters on March 3, 1999—were an apology directly to Chelsea and Mrs. Clinton,' writes Lewinsky.

'And if I were to see Hillary in person today, I know that I would summon up whatever force I needed to again acknowledge to her—sincerely—how very sorry I am.'

Lewinsky does not however address recent comments made by Hillary that dismissed her own statement that the relationship between the president and his intern was an abuse of power.   

Baffled Bill: 'If you want to know what power looks like, watch a man safely, even smugly, do interviews for decades, without ever worrying whether he will be asked the questions he doesn’t want to answer,' writes Lewinsky (Clinton on Today in June, when asked to comment on the Lewinsky scandal) 

Baffled Bill: 'If you want to know what power looks like, watch a man safely, even smugly, do interviews for decades, without ever worrying whether he will be asked the questions he doesn’t want to answer,' writes Lewinsky (Clinton on Today in June, when asked to comment on the Lewinsky scandal) 

Baffled Bill: 'If you want to know what power looks like, watch a man safely, even smugly, do interviews for decades, without ever worrying whether he will be asked the questions he doesn’t want to answer,' writes Lewinsky (Clinton on Today in June, when asked to comment on the Lewinsky scandal) 

Entourage: 'So, what feels more important to me than whether I am owed or deserving of a personal apology is my belief that Bill Clinton should want to apologize. I’m less disappointed him, and more disappointed for him,' writes Lewinsky 

Entourage: 'So, what feels more important to me than whether I am owed or deserving of a personal apology is my belief that Bill Clinton should want to apologize. I’m less disappointed him, and more disappointed for him,' writes Lewinsky 

Entourage: 'So, what feels more important to me than whether I am owed or deserving of a personal apology is my belief that Bill Clinton should want to apologize. I’m less disappointed him, and more disappointed for him,' writes Lewinsky 

Starr: Lewinsky told the special prosecutor that she thought the dress might have been stained with spinach dip (above)

Starr: Lewinsky told the special prosecutor that she thought the dress might have been stained with spinach dip (above)

Starr: Lewinsky told the special prosecutor that she thought the dress might have been stained with spinach dip (above)

At the time the affair began between the president and his intern in November 1995, Clinton was 49 years old and Lewinsky was a 22-year-old White House employee.

Clinton would initially deny having sexual relations with Lewinsky in a sworn deposition back in January of 1998, going so far as to claim that the two were never even alone together in the White House.

Unbeknownst to him at the time, Lewinsky had already revealed to Linda Tripp that the two were together nine times between that first encounter and March of 1997, and engaged in oral sex multiple times.

The affair became public one day after Clinton's sworn testimony, at which point Tripp gave tapes of Lewinsky admitting to her relationship to Kenneth Star, who at the time was pursuing the Whitewater controversy and Clinton's alleged sexual harassment of Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee.

Clinton continued to deny reports that he had relations with with the brunette from Beverly Hills even after the report broke, famously saying: 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' in a nationally televised White House news conference.'

Months later, he admitted to the affair and claimed that his definition of sexual relations differed from that of others.

This resulted in the House voting to impeach Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice back in December of 1998, with the vote then moving to the Senate.

The Senate then acquitted him of those charges when the Senate did not achieve the two-thirds vote necessary to remove Clinton from office.

A second attempt at impeachment, on an additional perjury charge and abuse of power, never made it past the House.

Tripp had worked in the Pentagon alongside Lewinsky when the former White House intern opened up to her about her affair with Bill Clinton.

She taped their conversations for months it was later revealed and then handed the recordings over to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to avoid facing wiretapping charges.

Prior to that she handed the tapes over to lawyers for Paula Jones, who was suing Clinton for sexual harassment at the time.

Jones' lawyers then added Lewinsky to their witness list, but the judge ruled that her testimony would be immaterial to the case before tossing it out.

A few months later, Clinton settled with Jones for $850,000 when her legal team launched an appeal.  

Main photo article Monica Lewinsky has sat down for numerous interviews over the past two decades, but rarely has she spoken about her affair with former president Bill Clinton.
That is all set to change however with new A&E docuseries The Clinton Affair, where Lewinsky discusses everything from how Clinton ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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