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воскресенье, 25 ноября 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Celebrity astrologer reveals what 2019 is set to bring for every star sign

The start of every new year is a time of hope, excitement and possibility, with a fresh calendar open to endless opportunity.

FEMAIL's resident zodiac expert, Australian astrologer Kelli Fox, has revealed her predictions on what the next twelve months will bring for each star sign.

From financial success and long distance travel to personal growth and changing relationships, these are the future events we should brace and prepare for in 2019.

FEMAIL's resident zodiac expert, Australian astrologer Kelli Fox (pictured) has revealed her predictions on what the next twelve months will bring for each star sign

FEMAIL's resident zodiac expert, Australian astrologer Kelli Fox (pictured) has revealed her predictions on what the next twelve months will bring for each star sign

FEMAIL's resident zodiac expert, Australian astrologer Kelli Fox (pictured) has revealed her predictions on what the next twelve months will bring for each star sign


According to Ms Fox, 2019 will deliver unique and unusual gifts for Aries, but also a fair share of setbacks.

'Don't be afraid to be ambitious, especially in the face of criticism - while you will encounter setbacks, you'll develop the ability and drive to conquer them,' she revealed.

'Powerful people will appear in your life and the key is to work with them.

'Your horizons will broaden, and by keeping an open mind, your outlook on life will transform.'

Long-distance travel is a real possibility for Aries, as well as many opportunities to broaden skills.


In 2019, Taurus is set to experience 'considerable change on a very personal level'.

'It may take some getting used to, but this is a year to embrace change and look forward to the future,' Ms Fox said. 

'You may get a chance to radically alter your appearance or the way you come across to others. What you may have once thought was impossible – or would have never considered – will manifest.'

Taurus should dream big and leave themselves open to opportunities to help those in need or further their education. 

Aries looks set to broaden horizons in 2019, with long distance travel a real possibility (stock image)

Aries looks set to broaden horizons in 2019, with long distance travel a real possibility (stock image)

Aries looks set to broaden horizons in 2019, with long distance travel a real possibility (stock image)


After a period of madness in 2018, the new year will give Gemini the chance to focus on long-term goals and potential gains. 

'If you want to invest in something, you will have the stamina and smarts to pool your resources,' Ms Fox said.

'However, this year will also give you the fortitude to burn bridges with someone or something that holds you back or zaps your energy.

'Your intuitive and compassionate abilities will be strong which will lead you to have more empathy toward others than you normally would.'


The new year looks set to be a time of intense change for Cancer, a period of transition into 'the person you are destined to be'.

But Ms Fox cautioned that some of the opportunities will not necessarily be welcome ones, and Cancer may need to confront some demons along the way. 

'You will have the chance to break the mould and follow your dreams, or else to change your routine to better fit your vision of whom you want to become,' she said. 

'This may involve a new job, change of residence or the start of a new relationship - be open and flexible since your dreams and aspirations may change wildly. 

'When you come into contact with people who normally wouldn't be in your social sphere, take care with overindulgence in these social situations.'


Significant rewards can be reaped if Leo is willing to take a risk in 2019.

'This includes risking public embarrassment, letting something go or making a radical change to your status,' she said.

'In fact, you may not have a choice. If you've been treading water, avoiding confrontation, or have let others make decisions for you, 2019 is going to pull the rug out from under you!

'It may feel as if it's now or never but instead of sudden developments, you'll be channeling your desires in smaller ways, one step at a time.'

The new year will also bring new creative outlets and interests for Leo.


For earthy Virgo, 2019 will be a year of inspiration and innovation.

While you may not feel as naturally creative as usual, Ms Fox said the next 12 months will be a time for improving self-expression.

'Your approach will be mature with a view to the long-term - the best approach is to value your skills and talents, so your energy will flow more easily,' Ms Fox said. 

'You may draw artistic people into your life and perhaps a new lover may seem like "The One", but try not to be too hasty especially if they seem a little needy. 

'You may also be attracted to more serious partners, or ones who are looking for a real relationship, even if that may seem a little boring.'

Leo could reap significant rewards if they are willing to take a risk next year (stock image)

Leo could reap significant rewards if they are willing to take a risk next year (stock image)

Leo could reap significant rewards if they are willing to take a risk next year (stock image)


'In previous years, partners and people close to Libra may have been unreliable or so focused on the future, they ignored the present,' Ms Fox said.

'You may have also learned who your real friends were in recent times, but 2019 will present the chance to invest in relationships and gain emotionally, monetarily and psychologically. 

'You may also benefit from an inheritance, litigation or the cure to an illness from an unlikely source. 

'This will help you deal with long-time issues and insecurities and any mysterious health problems, so let this be the motivation you need to look within and also at your past to clean the skeletons from your closet.'


For dramatic Scorpio, 2019 could bring both the sudden end and the immediate start to a close relationship. 

'Seemingly stable relationships may become unstable, or you may decide to change the nature of your relationship when it comes to commitment,' Ms Fox said.

'On the other hand, you will have an increase in your personal resources, in terms of both money and talents. 

'You'll be open-minded about new, radical ideas from others who can help you out of a rut by introducing you to alternate concepts and philosophies.'

The new year looks set to involve travel to far-flung destinations where Scorpio can escape from reality.

For dramatic Scorpio, 2019 could bring both the sudden end and the immediate start to a close relationship (stock image)

For dramatic Scorpio, 2019 could bring both the sudden end and the immediate start to a close relationship (stock image)

For dramatic Scorpio, 2019 could bring both the sudden end and the immediate start to a close relationship (stock image)


According to Ms Fox, Sagittarius will make their own luck in 2019, signalling the end of recent years of struggle and difficulties. 

'Windfalls, lucky breaks and the generosity of others may be what keeps you afloat this year since resources may be scarce,' she said. 

'Conserve what you have - you will have to work hard but the opportunities to earn money will be abundant.

'This year could be a time of nostalgia and you may face a hard truth - this will force you to change your health routines in a radical way, likely losing weight or developing habits which seem alternative to others.'


Ms Fox believes 2019 will be require perseverance and ambition for Capricorn.

'You may not think you have luck on your side but it's more likely that you won't seize lucky opportunities when you come across them,' she said. 

'Stay humble and you'll stay out of the cross hairs of those who have something to to hide.

'By extending the olive branch you'll make new friends and get support for your creative endeavors, especially from unlikely sources. 

'Your thoughts and words become more artistic, figurative and metaphorical, attracting less practical, but more sympathetic types into your life.'

The new year will bring career success and professional opportunities if Pisces plays their cards right (stock image)

The new year will bring career success and professional opportunities if Pisces plays their cards right (stock image)

The new year will bring career success and professional opportunities if Pisces plays their cards right (stock image)


According to Ms Fox, the best way for Aquarius to instigate change in 2019 is taking control of situations themselves.

'This year, situations out of your control will challenge your ideas, philosophies and memories,' she said. 

'It will be best to regard tough events as opportunities to become more of an individual, giving you freedom and the chance to live life on your own terms. 

'Others may perceive you as more intense and extreme in the coming months but use this to create permanent, life-altering advancements. 

'It's a time for growth and to become what you truly want to be - luckily, you'll find yourself more in the company of like-minded people who will help you succeed.'


The new year will bring new people into Pisces' life who appreciate them for who they really are.

'While the rest of the world is a little confused and trying to escape reality, you relate to what they're going through - in some ways, 2019 will be a time for reflection,' Ms Fox said.

'You will likely have flashes of brilliant insight so take note and share these with others. 

'This year will likely bring you many career opportunities and the chance to make your mark on the world - in fact, you may be presented with so many opportunities that you're not sure which one to take. 

'Whatever you aspire to will require some perseverance, but you will get the support and guidance you need.'

Main photo article The start of every new year is a time of hope, excitement and possibility, with a fresh calendar open to endless opportunity.
FEMAIL’s resident zodiac expert, Australian astrologer Kelli Fox, has revealed her predictions on what the next twelve months will bring for each star sign.
From ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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