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четверг, 28 февраля 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Meghan McCain trolls Trump after president mocks 'Da Nang Dick' Blumenthal over Vietnam claims

Meghan McCain has once again hit out at President Trump over comments he made about Vietnam.

The daughter of the late Senator John McCain reacted angrily on Wednesday to a tweet by the president, who took aim at Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal.

‘I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?),’ Trump tweeted.

‘His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there.

Meghan McCain

Meghan McCain

President Trump and Kim Jong Un in Hanoi on Tuesday

President Trump and Kim Jong Un in Hanoi on Tuesday

Meghan McCain (left) trolled President Trump (seen right alongside North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un in Hanoi on Tuesday) over comments he made about Vietnam

Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, asked Trump: ¿Have you taken a trip to the Hanoi Hilton yet?¿ The Hanoi Hilton was the nickname given to the Hoa Lo Prison, where her father, the late Senator John McCain, was imprisoned and tortured there for years after he fell into captivity

Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, asked Trump: ¿Have you taken a trip to the Hanoi Hilton yet?¿ The Hanoi Hilton was the nickname given to the Hoa Lo Prison, where her father, the late Senator John McCain, was imprisoned and tortured there for years after he fell into captivity

Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, asked Trump: ‘Have you taken a trip to the Hanoi Hilton yet?’ The Hanoi Hilton was the nickname given to the Hoa Lo Prison, where her father, the late Senator John McCain, was imprisoned and tortured there for years after he fell into captivity

‘We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!’

Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, responded: ‘Have you taken a trip to the Hanoi Hilton yet?’

The Hanoi Hilton was the nickname given to the Hoa Lo Prison, a detention center for POWs run by the North Vietnamese.

Meghan McCain’s father, the late Senator John McCain, was imprisoned and tortured there for years after he fell into captivity.

Trump is in Hanoi for a historic summit meeting with North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un.

Trump is in Hanoi for a historic summit meeting with North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un. He has frequently taken aim at Richard Blumenthal (above) for the Democratic senator from Connecticut¿s past claims that he served in Vietnam - claims which turned out to be not true

Trump is in Hanoi for a historic summit meeting with North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un. He has frequently taken aim at Richard Blumenthal (above) for the Democratic senator from Connecticut¿s past claims that he served in Vietnam - claims which turned out to be not true

Trump is in Hanoi for a historic summit meeting with North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un. He has frequently taken aim at Richard Blumenthal (above) for the Democratic senator from Connecticut’s past claims that he served in Vietnam - claims which turned out to be not true

¿I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?),¿ Trump tweeted. ¿His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there'

¿I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?),¿ Trump tweeted. ¿His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there'

‘I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?),’ Trump tweeted. ‘His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there'

He has frequently taken aim at Blumenthal for the Democratic senator’s past claims that he served in Vietnam - claims which turned out to be not true.

In 1970, Blumenthal enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves. Before that, he had obtained five deferments between 1965 and 1970 that prevented him from being sent to the battlefield, The New York Times reported in 2010.

By enlisting in the reserves, Blumenthal significantly reduced his chances of ever seeing combat in Vietnam.

He completed basic training in did six years of military service in Connecticut and the Washington, D.C. area.

‘I routinely describe my pride at having served in the United States Marine Corps Reserves during the Vietnam era,’ Blumenthal said the day after the Times story broke.

‘On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service. And I regret that, and I take full responsibility.’

Trump, who seized on Blumenthal’s false claims to mock him as ‘Da Nang Dick,’ also avoided service in Vietnam.

Trump also avoided service in Vietnam. In July 2015, while Trump was campaigning for the Republican nomination, he said of McCain (seen above in Hanoi after his release in 1973): ¿He¿s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured'

Trump also avoided service in Vietnam. In July 2015, while Trump was campaigning for the Republican nomination, he said of McCain (seen above in Hanoi after his release in 1973): ¿He¿s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured'

Trump also avoided service in Vietnam. In July 2015, while Trump was campaigning for the Republican nomination, he said of McCain (seen above in Hanoi after his release in 1973): ‘He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured'

At the time of the Vietnam War, Trump was in college. He obtained four student deferments and one medical deferment, which Trump later claimed to be for bone spurs in his heels.

Trump was eventually classified 4-F, or unfit to serve.

Despite the president’s suspected draft dodging, he still mocked the late Senator John McCain for falling into captivity during his stint as a naval aviator.

In July 2015, while Trump was campaigning for the Republican nomination, he said of McCain: ‘He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured.

‘I like people who weren’t captured.’

Those remarks escalated the feud between Trump and the McCain family. The bad blood was so intense that McCain made it a point not to invite the president to his funeral services.

John McCain passed away last August after he was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Meghan McCain has been a frequent critic of Trump, though she still identifies as a conservative Republican. 


Trump avoided visiting Vietnam in 1968 when a doctor declared that he had a bone spur in his heel so he couldn't be drafted into the U.S. Army. 

He earned five deferments from the draft – including one medical exemption in 1968 on the basis of a bone spur in his heel. 

The daughters of the doctor who allegedly carried out the inspection have claimed the medical finding was a favor. 

Dr. Elysa Braunstein, 56, and Sharon Kessel, 53, told the New York Times, that  their father Dr. Larry Braunstein diagnosed Donald Trump in 1968.

Dr. Larry Braunstein died in 2007, and the Times was unable find any documentary evidence to back up the daughters' claims, which surfaced when the newspaper contacted the family based on an anonymous tip. The daughters are both Democrats and say they do not like Donald Trump.

'I know it was a favor,' Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that her father had implied that Trump did not have the foot ailment that disqualified him from military service. 'But did he examine him? I don't know,' she said. 

Trump was briefly considered available for the Vietnam War draft in 1966 and 1968 (class '1-A') but spent most of his time on the Selective Service rolls in a student deferment ('2-S') or available only in a 'national emergency' ('1-Y') before ultimately being disqualified ('4-F')

Trump was briefly considered available for the Vietnam War draft in 1966 and 1968 (class '1-A') but spent most of his time on the Selective Service rolls in a student deferment ('2-S') or available only in a 'national emergency' ('1-Y') before ultimately being disqualified ('4-F')

Trump was briefly considered available for the Vietnam War draft in 1966 and 1968 (class '1-A') but spent most of his time on the Selective Service rolls in a student deferment ('2-S') or available only in a 'national emergency' ('1-Y') before ultimately being disqualified ('4-F')

Multiple doctors would have been involved in Donald Trump's classification as 1-Y, the now-defunct category for medical deferment that was later merged into 4-F.

Local draft boards relied upon physical exams overseen by military doctors, although men could bring in documentation from private doctors noting any medical concerns.

Often, a civilian specialist working with the exam station might be asked to review a case and make a recommendation.

The local draft board would then finalize a man's classification.  

Speaking to reporters in Iowa during the presidential primary season in 2015, he said he couldn't remember which foot was afflicted.

 The cavalier brushoff has long stuck in the craw of Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, who was captured in Vietnam after crashing the plane he was piloting, and tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

'One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America,' McCain said last month.

'And the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong.'

Main photo article Meghan McCain has once again hit out at President Trump over comments he made about Vietnam.
The daughter of the late Senator John McCain reacted angrily on Wednesday to a tweet by the president, who took aim at Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal.
‘I have now spent more time in Vietnam than D...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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