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среда, 5 сентября 2018 г.

«Breaking Pic News» Is YOUR partner about to cheat on you? Tracey Cox reveals the signs

It’s not just madly, freshly in love couples who are obsessed with infidelity, it’s a topic that’s intrigued researchers for centuries.

Which is why there’s a plethora of information about how much people cheat - and why.

Some of the factors aren’t surprising in the slightest – if your partner’s cheated on you, for instance, it’s common for you to cheat (often secretly) to settle the score.

In the book ‘The Normal Bar’, a whopping 71 per cent of men and 48 per cent of women said they cheated simply because they’re bored.

But there are more surprising reasons why people cheat and I’ve listed some of the most compelling here.

One word of warning, though, before you go racing ahead to see how your partner scores: these are factors not predictions of the future.

Read objectively (and if you’re really getting paranoid, skip right to the end for some reassurance). 

Relationship expert Tracey Cox reveals the 12 tell-tale signs that your partner may be about to cheat on you 

Relationship expert Tracey Cox reveals the 12 tell-tale signs that your partner may be about to cheat on you 

Relationship expert Tracey Cox reveals the 12 tell-tale signs that your partner may be about to cheat on you 

They’re intelligent and wealthy

The more intelligent your partner is, the more likely it is they work in a high-status job with a high salary.

This makes them more attractive and more likely to be hit on by others - and increased opportunity means an increased risk of infidelity.

More intelligent people – both men and women – are also on average more physically attractive then less intelligent people and – bizarrely –significantly taller as well.

The association between IQ and extramarital affairs is significant for both men and women but actually stronger for women.

Intelligent women are much more likely to have affairs than their uneducated counterparts.

You’ve been treating them badly and they don’t feel loved

If you’re cheated on, the natural reaction is to assume your partner has fallen out of love with you.

In reality, it’s more likely to be that they don’t feel loved by you.

American research of 495 adults found 70 per cent of the participants had cheated because they felt neglected by their partner and 43 per cent were angry at them.

It’s logical: treat someone well, make them feel respected and loved and they are less likely to do something to hurt you.

Treat them badly and they’ll look outside the relationship to find what’s missing and to punish you.

They drink

American research has also turned up something that really didn’t need researching: 70 per cent of those who’d cheated did it because they were drunk and not thinking clearly.

Tracey says that being a big drinker has a big impact with 70 per cent of those who cheated doing so because they were drunk

Tracey says that being a big drinker has a big impact with 70 per cent of those who cheated doing so because they were drunk

Tracey says that being a big drinker has a big impact with 70 per cent of those who cheated doing so because they were drunk

The more often your partner is out drinking without you, the higher the likelihood they’ll cheat.

Add in the next personality characteristic and double the risk.

They’re impulsive

Some cheating is pre-planned – the secret Tinder account or a dodgy Ashley Madison membership – but often it’s your partner being in the wrong place at the wrong time (or right, depending on who’s looking at the scenario) and being too weak to resist.

A few too many drinks at the office party, flirting that started out innocently enough but then crosses a line…next thing you know, something ‘just happened’.

There is always a point when someone makes an ‘I need to go’ or ‘Sod it’ decision – the point when they know if they stay in the situation they’re in any longer, things might happen.

If your partner’s useless at resisting impulsive urges and rarely thinks through the consequences of their actions, it’s a big tick in the wrong box.

You’ve just had a baby

It’s somewhat stomach turning but true that, after a baby is born, is a high risk time for men to have an affair.

Parenthood is highly stressful for both parents. Your roles change. Bodies change. Life changes.

Women, necessarily, move their focus from their partner to the new baby and some men feel pushed out of their relationship and excluded from the mother-baby bond.

The baby gets all the attention they used to and their partner’s too exhausted to have sex or be physically affectionate.

A lot of men report negative feelings after the baby’s born but particularly if having a child was something you wanted, not him.

Men who don’t like to be tied down, are particularly likely to cheat around this time: they feel trapped by parenthood and cheat to convince themselves they still have freedom.

Men cheat during pregnancy for the same reasons.

They panic their lives are going to change and decide to have a final fling or their wives go off sex and instead of taking care of their own needs, find someone else.

There’s a milestone birthday coming up

Your partner’s just about to turn 40, 50 or 60?

Be wary.

Researchers looked at activity on Ashley Madison, the dating site for people in relationships, and found men were more likely to seek extramarital affairs when their age ends in the number nine.

It’s the classic mid-life crisis scenario, them trying to prove they’ve still got it, not so old they can’t pull.

They’re hard-wired to cheat

There’s mounting evidence that the genes we’re born with lay the foundation for infidelity.

Studies of twins separated at birth have shown that if one twin is unfaithful, the other has a higher rate of infidelity – and this holds true for both sexes.

Women who have just had recently a baby may see their man go astray as the pressures of raising a child if they feel 'trapped' by parenthood

Women who have just had recently a baby may see their man go astray as the pressures of raising a child if they feel 'trapped' by parenthood

Women who have just had recently a baby may see their man go astray as the pressures of raising a child if they feel 'trapped' by parenthood

A recent Australian study found 40 per cent of instances of infidelity in women and 62 per cent in men had to do with genetics.

Researchers found evidence that people with fewer dopamine receptors in their brain are 50 per cent more likely to cheat on a spouse.

This means their brains don’t respond as well to chemicals that create emotional bonding, like dopamine, oxytocin and vasopressin.

For most people, sex bonds physically and emotionally.

If your partner’s brain doesn’t have the ability to respond to these natural ‘love drugs’, they’ll be less likely to be faithful and less likely to see sex as a betrayal.

This could explain why certain cheaters genuinely don’t see what all the fuss is about when caught because ‘it’s just sex’.

They have a close friend of the opposite sex (or same sex if they’re gay)

Emotional infidelity is now more common than physical infidelity.

Research from the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy found 45 per cent of men and 35 per cent of women have admitted to having an emotional affair.

(On average, 20 per cent of people admit to physical infidelity.)

Having female friends doesn’t mean he’s cheating but if he doesn’t include you when he sees her, talks a lot about her and is evasive or defensive about the relationship, pay attention.

Their parents cheated

If you grow up in a home where one or both parents cheated, or you watched siblings do it, you think that’s just what people do.

If the experience was traumatic, it’s also not uncommon for a child to look at both parents – one devastated, the other having caused the pain – and decide they’d rather be the latter.

Their mind set becomes ‘I’ll get in first. I don’t want to be the one sliding down the wall.’

Your partner’s childhood and parent’s relationships are strong indicators of infidelity.

You earn more than he does

A 2015 US study found people who are economically dependent on their partners are more likely to be unfaithful – and it’s especially true of men.

Fifteen per cent of men who are completely financially dependent on their wives cheat, compared to five per cent of women in the same boat.

Why? Because men feel emasculated when not living up to the role prescribed to them by society as primary earner.

They cheat to validate their masculinity.

They watch a lot of porn

Simply watching porn doesn’t make someone unfaithful (that would make 99 per cent of all men potential cheaters!) but it has been linked to higher infidelity for several reasons.

First up, everyone ‘cheats’ with everyone in porn - and rather than get upset, partners join in.

Just as lots of young men think threesomes are the norm because they happen all the time in porn, watching porn constantly blurs the line between real life relationships and what happens on screen.

It makes the concept of multiple partners look extremely appealing and fuels the fantasy that everyone’s at it.

They have a history of cheating

Last on the list but one that most people are aware of: there is truth in the ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ saying.

A study last year of 500 adults followed them through two (mixed-gender) relationships. Researchers asked participants to report their own infidelity and whether they knew or suspected their partner had been unfaithful.

Perhaps predictably, people who reported being unfaithful in the first relationship were three times more likely to report being unfaithful in the second (compared to people who didn’t cheat).

More interesting – if depressing: people who reported that their first partner had cheated on them were twice as likely to report their second partner had as well.

Which brings me to my final point.

Remember we all have control over what we do

The most important indicator of whether your partner is going to cheat is what sort of person your partner is.

Choose wisely.

A person who has a strong moral code, who believes in monogamy, wants commitment and genuinely wants to make you happy is still unlikely to cheat, even if they tick all of the above boxes.

Don’t put your head in the sand if you’re suspicious for good reason but don’t assume the worst either.

Check out Tracey’s brand new products at or


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Main photo article It’s not just madly, freshly in love couples who are obsessed with infidelity, it’s a topic that’s intrigued researchers for centuries.
Which is why there’s a plethora of information about how much people cheat – and why.
Some of the factors aren’t surprising in the slightest – if your part...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Femail HienaLouca

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