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суббота, 15 декабря 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Family of 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who died in Border Patrol custody demands answers  

The family of a seven-year-old Guatemalan girl who died from dehydration in Border Patrol custody is demanding answers as officials refuse to take responsibility for her death. 

Jakelin Caal Maquin died in an El Paso hospital on December 8, two days after she was arrested with her father, 29-year-old Nery Caal, and 163 others trying to enter the US at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry in New Mexico.   

Jakelin's family is now mourning her death from 2,000 miles away in the remote Mayan Q'eqchi' community of Raxruhá, Guatemala. 

'It really hurts,' the girl's grandfather, Domingo Caal, told CNN en Español. 'Honestly, it's hard to take in.' 

Caal told the network of how Jakelin had jumped up and down when her father told his favorite daughter that they'd be heading for America, leaving behind her family, who will now never see the seven-year-old again. 

He said his son decided to leave Guatemala because he was tired of living in extreme poverty - as the family was surviving on just $5 a day made harvesting corn and beans.

'He wanted to work, because he said he could make a better living there,' Caal said. 

He also translated for Jakelin's mother Claudia Maquin, who said through tears in a Mayan dialect: 'Every time they ask me what happened to the girl, it hurts me again.'

The mother said she hopes her husband is able to remain in the US to work and eventually make enough money to pay the debt they racked up in sending the pair to America.    

In a statement released by lawyers, Jakelin's family said the girl appeared to be in good health as she traveled through Mexico, contradicting an account from US government officials who said the girl had not been given food or water for days prior to her arrest.   

Border Patrol officials did not immediately respond to the family's statement, which was released Saturday during a news conference in El Paso, Texas, at an immigrant shelter where Jakelin's father is staying. Her family did not attend and has asked for privacy.

Jakelin Caal Maquin died in an El Paso hospital on December 8, two days after she was arrested with her father and 163 others trying to enter the US at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry in New Mexico. Jakelin's family (pictured) is now mourning her death from 2,000 miles away in the remote Mayan Q'eqchi' community of Raxruhá, Guatemala

Jakelin Caal Maquin died in an El Paso hospital on December 8, two days after she was arrested with her father and 163 others trying to enter the US at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry in New Mexico. Jakelin's family (pictured) is now mourning her death from 2,000 miles away in the remote Mayan Q'eqchi' community of Raxruhá, Guatemala

Jakelin Caal Maquin died in an El Paso hospital on December 8, two days after she was arrested with her father and 163 others trying to enter the US at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry in New Mexico. Jakelin's family (pictured) is now mourning her death from 2,000 miles away in the remote Mayan Q'eqchi' community of Raxruhá, Guatemala

Jakelin's grandfather Domingo Caal told CNN en Español: 'It really hurts. Honestly, it's hard to take in'

Jakelin's grandfather Domingo Caal told CNN en Español: 'It really hurts. Honestly, it's hard to take in'

Jakelin's grandfather Domingo Caal told CNN en Español: 'It really hurts. Honestly, it's hard to take in'

Speaking through tears in a Mayan dialect, Jakelin's mother Claudia Maquin said: 'Every time they ask me what happened to the girl, it hurts me again'

Speaking through tears in a Mayan dialect, Jakelin's mother Claudia Maquin said: 'Every time they ask me what happened to the girl, it hurts me again'

Maquin holds a photo of Jakelin in one hand with one the girl's three siblings in the other

Maquin holds a photo of Jakelin in one hand with one the girl's three siblings in the other

Speaking through tears in a Mayan dialect, Jakelin's mother Claudia Maquin said: 'Every time they ask me what happened to the girl, it hurts me again.' Pictured: Maquin holds a photo of Jakelin in one hand with one the girl's three siblings in the other

Caal told CNN of how Jakelin (pictured) had jumped up and down when her father told her that they'd be heading for America, leaving behind her family, who will now never see the seven-year-old again

Caal told CNN of how Jakelin (pictured) had jumped up and down when her father told her that they'd be heading for America, leaving behind her family, who will now never see the seven-year-old again

Caal told CNN of how Jakelin (pictured) had jumped up and down when her father told her that they'd be heading for America, leaving behind her family, who will now never see the seven-year-old again


Jakelin's cousin Carlos Rigoberto Caal Cux, 23, is seen reading a newspaper article about her death on Saturday in Raxruha

Jakelin's cousin Carlos Rigoberto Caal Cux, 23, is seen reading a newspaper article about her death on Saturday in Raxruha

Jakelin's cousin Carlos Rigoberto Caal Cux, 23, is seen reading a newspaper article about her death on Saturday in Raxruha

Jakelin's family aren't the only ones looking for answers in the girl's death, which was just made public on Thursday. Members of Congress and immigration advocates say Jakelin's death raises serious questions about the way migrants are treated at the border.  

Border Patrol's Inspector General's office is investigating the death and has said it will release its findings publicly.  

Government officials have said Jakelin was taken into custody at 9.15pm on December 8. Between 10pm and 4.30am she remained at the Port of Entry, apparently with access to food, water and restrooms, until both she and her father were put on a bus to be taken for processing 95 miles away at the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station.

At 5am, the child started vomiting and her father alerted the agents on the bus but there was nothing they could do other than carry on, according to government officials, and alert medical staff to be prepared at the other end of the journey.

Ninety-minutes later, the child's father told agents that she had stopped breathing  at the same time they arrived at the patrol station. 

'There wasn't a whole lot for them to do. Really, in that part of the border, there is no faster means to get her to where she needs medical treatment,' an official said on Friday. 

According to DHS and CBP officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity on Friday during a conference call with reporters, the girl's father also told an agent in Spanish that she did not have any health problems and it was marked on a form used to process them. 

The DHS official who repeatedly refused to go on the record said the girl would have 'died alone in the desert' had it not been for the 'life saving measures' that were taken by agents, despite the fact that she died 36 hours after entering their custody.  

Jackeline Caal Maquin died on December 8th a day after being detained on the border with her father. Her death has sparked humanitarian concerns about the US's treatment of illegal migrants in their custody. Above is an illustration of her final hours 

Jackeline Caal Maquin died on December 8th a day after being detained on the border with her father. Her death has sparked humanitarian concerns about the US's treatment of illegal migrants in their custody. Above is an illustration of her final hours 

Jackeline Caal Maquin died on December 8th a day after being detained on the border with her father. Her death has sparked humanitarian concerns about the US's treatment of illegal migrants in their custody. Above is an illustration of her final hours 

The child was airlifted from the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station in New Mexico (shown) at 7.45am on December 7 but she had stopped breathing more than an hour earlier while being transported on a bus from the Antelope Wells Port of Entry where agents say she was checked over, showed no signs of illness and had access to food and water 

The child was airlifted from the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station in New Mexico (shown) at 7.45am on December 7 but she had stopped breathing more than an hour earlier while being transported on a bus from the Antelope Wells Port of Entry where agents say she was checked over, showed no signs of illness and had access to food and water 

The child was airlifted from the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station in New Mexico (shown) at 7.45am on December 7 but she had stopped breathing more than an hour earlier while being transported on a bus from the Antelope Wells Port of Entry where agents say she was checked over, showed no signs of illness and had access to food and water 

They say it was around the time that they arrived at the patrol station but the exact number of minutes between her stopping breathing and their arrival is unclear. 

She was then airlifted to hospital in El Paso, Texas, at 7.45am - more than an hour later - and went into cardiac arrest.

After being revived, a CT scan revealed that Jackeline had brain swelling. She died the next day, early in the morning, from liver failure.  

They insist that there was nothing else they could have done to save her and that she was properly checked over despite the border agents not having medical training.  

'The initial screening revealed no evidence of health issues. There is no indication that it was a lack of attention. The questions were asked... there were plenty of opportunities in that period of time for her father to alert agents.

'He had already been asked questions about her health, he knew we were interested in it,' the CBP official said. 


December 6th, 9.15pm: Jackeline is detained at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry 

10pm: She is looked over by border agents who clear her and say she has no signs of ill health 

December 7th, 4.30am: Jackeline is put on a bus with her father to be taken to the Lordsburg Patrol Station 

5am: The child begins vomiting on the bus 

Agents call ahead to the Lordsburg station and keep driving 

6.30am: Jackeline's father tells agents she has stopped breathing 

6.45am: EMTs treat Jackeline at the border patrol station 

7.45am: She is airlifted to Providence Children's Hospital in El Paso, Texas

December 8th: Jackeline Dies in the early morning after a CT scan revealed brain swelling, liver failure, dehydration, and septic shock   


Asked by if it was possible the girl was not thoroughly checked over due to the fact there were so few agents and so many migrants to process, the official denied that there was a lack of care. 

'Our agents are almost always outnumbered in the middle of the night on the border,' they said. 

There were no medical staff on the scene when they were first apprehended and the checks carried out boiled down to a visual observation and a list of questions, the officials said.  


One thing that has been repeated by officials on and off the record is that no one raised the alarm that the girl was ill until she was being sick on the bus.

During the call on Friday, agents said that the girl's father was interviewed and answered, like others, around 20 questions. 

Because she was a minor, he answered on her behalf. 

Crucially, the officials said that the interview was conducted in Spanish and that 'all' border patrol agents had to be 'proficient' in the language in order to keep their jobs. 

His answers were translated and used to complete the form where it was written that the girl had no medical problems.


The first group, which contained predominantly unaccompanied minors, was taken from Antelope Wells to Lordsburg at 10pm. There was only one bus that was available to agents in the area which is extremely remote. 

While she was waiting for her ride, the girl and her father had access to food, water and restrooms, according to the officials. 

'The resources that we have to use, we have to use as efficiently and effectively as we can. These are difficult and remote areas,' the official said. 

'Antelope Wells is a forward operating base, it is different to a station. 

'These are locations we put in very remote regions. No one lives out there and the roads are very limited.'   

The agency previously said she 'had not eaten or drank any water' for days but they did not indicate how they knew that. 

By the time she arrived at the border patrol station, after the journey, her temperature was 105.7 degrees.  

When she was flown to hospital, her father was driven to be with her. He was present for her death but has since been returned to custody. 

A group of migrants are arrested at the border in Tijuana on December 2 by US Border Patrol Agents. The child who died has not been named 

A group of migrants are arrested at the border in Tijuana on December 2 by US Border Patrol Agents. The child who died has not been named 

A group of migrants are arrested at the border in Tijuana on December 2 by US Border Patrol Agents. The child who died has not been named 


In a statement on Friday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said his agents did 'everything in their power' to save her once they knew she was ill. 

'Despite our trained EMT agents’ best efforts fighting for Jakelin’s life, and the work of the Hidalgo County and Providence Children’s Hospital medical teams treating her, we were unable to rescue her.

'The agents involved are deeply affected and empathize with the father over the loss of his daughter.'

The Department said it would review its procedures for releasing information such as this one in light of the delay in announcing the child's death. 


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen reiterated the government's previous statements on the matter during an interview on Friday, saying it was 'an example of the dangers of this journey.

'It’s heart-wrenching, is what it is. And my heart goes out to the family. All of DHS. You know this is just a very sad example of the dangers of this journey. 

'This family chose to cross illegally. What happened here was that they were about 90 miles away from where we could process them. 

'They came in such a large crowd it took our Border Patrol folks a couple times to get them all.' She insisted that she and the other migrants were given 'immediate care' but did not go into further detail. 

'We'll continue to look into the situation, but again, I cannot stress enough how dangerous this journey when migrants choose to come here illegally,' she said. 

White House Deputy Press Secretary John Hogan Gidley described her death as 'horrific'. 

'It's a horrific, tragic situation. Obviously, our hearts go out to the family and to anyone who's suffered any type of danger and peril that they see so often when they make that trek up from the southern border. It's a horrific situation. 

'There's no two ways about it and it's — it's a sad time, but it's also senseless. It's a needless death and it's 100 percent preventable.

'If we could just come together and pass some common sense laws to disincentivize people from coming up from the border and encourage them to do it the right way, the legal way, then those types of deaths, those types of assaults, those types of rapes, the child smuggling, the human trafficking that would all come to an end. 

'And we hope Democrats join the president.'

All CBP would say on Friday when contacted by earlier in the day was that its agents 'were unable to stop this tragedy.' 

'As we have always said, traveling north illegally is extremely dangerous. Drug cartels, human smugglers and the elements pose deadly risks to anyone who comes across the border illegally.

'Border Patrol always takes care of individuals in their custody and does everything in their power to keep them safe. Every year the Border Patrol saves hundreds of people who are overcome by the elements between our ports of entry. 

'Unfortunately, despite our best efforts and the best efforts of the medical team treating the child, we were unable to stop this tragedy from occurring. 

'Once again, we are begging parents to not put themselves or their children at risk attempting to enter illegally. Please present yourselves at a port of entry and seek to enter legally and safely,' a spokesman said. 


The case has outraged civil rights groups including the ACLU and sparked further concerns over the humanitarian component of the ongoing border crisis.  

Senator Dianne Feinstein said in a statement was among the first to abhor the incident and demand answers. 

'It's heartbreaking and unacceptable that a 7-year-old girl died of dehydration and shock last week in Customs and Border Protection custody.

'It's illegal and simply barbaric to deny water to a young girl in custody, particularly after they turned themselves in to authorities.

'Families walking hundreds of miles across the desert for a chance of refuge in the United States are desperate. This country owes them compassionate, humane treatment.

'We will be demanding answers from Commissioner Kevin McAleenan as to how this was allowed to happen,' she said.  

Cynthia Pompa, advocacy manager for the ACLU Border Rights Center, said migrant deaths increased last year even as the number of border crossing dropped.

'This tragedy represents the worst possible outcome when people, including children, are held in inhumane conditions. 

'Lack of accountability, and a culture of cruelty within CBP have exacerbated policies that lead to migrant deaths,' Pompa said.

Main photo article The family of a seven-year-old Guatemalan girl who died from dehydration in Border Patrol custody is demanding answers as officials refuse to take responsibility for her death. 
Jakelin Caal Maquin died in an El Paso hospital on December 8, two days after she was arrested with her father, 2...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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