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воскресенье, 2 декабря 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Parents found out three-year-old daughter had cancer after father took photo of her falling asleep

Parents of a three-year-old girl found out she had cancer after a cute photograph of her falling asleep in a swing turned out to be a symptom of a deadly disease.

Dave Fletcher, 39, thought he was capturing a tender childhood moment when he pictured daughter Izzy dozing off at a playground in Claines, Worcester when she was 23-months-old.

But just a few weeks later Dave and wife Vicky, 37, were left devastated after their toddler daughter's tiredness turned out to be a sign that she had leukemia.

Izzy was captured by her father Dave Fletcher, 39, dosing on a playground swing when she was just 23 months old

Izzy was captured by her father Dave Fletcher, 39, dosing on a playground swing when she was just 23 months old

Izzy was captured by her father Dave Fletcher, 39, dosing on a playground swing when she was just 23 months old

The youngster has since undergone 570 doses of gruelling chemotherapy and is now receiving maintenance therapy in a bid to stop the cancer returning.

Mr Fletcher, an auditor, is now warning other parents to be vigilant and look out for the tell-tale signs of the disease.  

He said: 'It was just an afternoon pop out to the swings. She was swinging away - I turned around and she had dropped off.

'She was drowsy and fell asleep but I didn't think much of it. I thought it was a cute moment and just took a picture of her as you do.

 Mr Fletcher, an auditor, is now warning other parents to be vigilant and look out for the tell-tale signs of the disease after Izzy was diagnosed with cancer

 Mr Fletcher, an auditor, is now warning other parents to be vigilant and look out for the tell-tale signs of the disease after Izzy was diagnosed with cancer

 Mr Fletcher, an auditor, is now warning other parents to be vigilant and look out for the tell-tale signs of the disease after Izzy was diagnosed with cancer

Mr Fletcher and wife Vicky Fletcher were left devastated when they found out that their toddler daughter's tiredness turned out to be a sign that she had leukemia

Mr Fletcher and wife Vicky Fletcher were left devastated when they found out that their toddler daughter's tiredness turned out to be a sign that she had leukemia

Mr Fletcher and wife Vicky Fletcher were left devastated when they found out that their toddler daughter's tiredness turned out to be a sign that she had leukemia

'It was only afterwards we realised it was all part of the symptoms and what I'd captured was her displaying signs of something more sinister.

'She had been tired, had had a few colds or viruses, and quite a bit of bruising on her legs. But we put all this down to normal childhood bumps and minor illness.

'You get a bit sentimental, looking at pictures of her before she was ill - you just realise how much she's been through since at so young.'

The couple first took Izzy to a GP in January last year after a strange rash appeared on her leg.

Izzy has since undergone 570 doses of gruelling chemotherapy and is now receiving maintenance therapy in a bid to stop the cancer returning

Izzy has since undergone 570 doses of gruelling chemotherapy and is now receiving maintenance therapy in a bid to stop the cancer returning

Izzy has since undergone 570 doses of gruelling chemotherapy and is now receiving maintenance therapy in a bid to stop the cancer returning

They were advised to come back several days later for blood tests if the rash had not gone, and to take her straight to hospital if it got worse.

However by the next morning, Izzy's rash had spread and she then developed a temperature, so her parents took her to Worcester Royal Hospital.

She was diagnosed with leukaemia the same day and began a course of chemotherapy the following week.

Izzy spent her second birthday in Birmingham Children's Hospital waiting to have a procedure to sample her bone marrow. 

Mr Fletcher added: 'She has grown up very quickly and been subjected to medicine she doesn't like but has taken everything in her stride so far.

Izzy was diagnosed quickly and her parents say she has coped well with treatment, suffering very few setbacks or unplanned hospital admissions

Izzy was diagnosed quickly and her parents say she has coped well with treatment, suffering very few setbacks or unplanned hospital admissions

Izzy was diagnosed quickly and her parents say she has coped well with treatment, suffering very few setbacks or unplanned hospital admissions

'When she was diagnosed it came out of the blue. We were both in real shock as it happened so fast

'It was a big unknown. A family member died of leukaemia five years ago, so it was a scary time.

'We didn't know what was going to happen at that stage or what the future held.

'But we were lucky Izzy was diagnosed quickly and lucky she has coped very well with the treatment, suffering very few setbacks or unplanned hospital admissions.

'The type of leukaemia she has has a better chance of recovery than some others. She is young which helps those odds.

The couple first took Izzy to a GP in January last year after a strange rash appeared on her face

The couple first took Izzy to a GP in January last year after a strange rash appeared on her face

The couple first took Izzy to a GP in January last year after bruises were on her legs

The couple first took Izzy to a GP in January last year after bruises were on her legs

The couple first took Izzy to a GP in January last year after a strange rash appeared on her face (pictured left) and bruises were on her legs (pictured right)

Izzy spent her second birthday in Birmingham Children's Hospital waiting to have a procedure to sample her bone marrow

Izzy spent her second birthday in Birmingham Children's Hospital waiting to have a procedure to sample her bone marrow

Izzy spent her second birthday in Birmingham Children's Hospital waiting to have a procedure to sample her bone marrow

'It makes us more optimistic. She doesn't have to have so many steroids because of the trial she is on.

'It's a treatment plan they use in other countries and we are grateful to be given the opportunity.

'It shows just how important research is in pioneering new treatments.

'The NHS doctors and nurses have been brilliant. and we've had lots of support from family and friends.'

Brave Izzy has now received a Cancer Research UK Kids & Teens Star Award in recognition of what she has been through.

Brave Izzy has now received a Cancer Research UK Kids & Teens Star Award in recognition of what she has been through

Brave Izzy has now received a Cancer Research UK Kids & Teens Star Award in recognition of what she has been through

Brave Izzy has now received a Cancer Research UK Kids & Teens Star Award in recognition of what she has been through

Mrs Fletcher, 37, an archivist, said: 'Izzy was so excited to receive her award. It was a nice positive experience that rewarded her for struggling on with her treatment.'

Jane Redman, spokesperson for Cancer Research UK Kids & Teens in Worcestershire, said: 'Cancer can have a devastating impact on their lives and many of those who survive may live with serious long-term side effects from their treatment.

'Our mission is to fund research to find new, better and kinder treatments for young cancer patients.

'We want to bring forward the day when every child and young person survives cancer and does so with a good quality of life.' 

Mrs Fletcher said that Izzy was 'so excited' to receive her award and it was a positive experience that rewarded her for 'struggling on with her treatment'

Mrs Fletcher said that Izzy was 'so excited' to receive her award and it was a positive experience that rewarded her for 'struggling on with her treatment'

Mrs Fletcher said that Izzy was 'so excited' to receive her award and it was a positive experience that rewarded her for 'struggling on with her treatment'
Main photo article Parents of a three-year-old girl found out she had cancer after a cute photograph of her falling asleep in a swing turned out to be a symptom of a deadly disease.
Dave Fletcher, 39, thought he was capturing a tender childhood moment when he pictured daughter Izzy dozing off at a playground in...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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