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понедельник, 10 декабря 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Nicola Sturgeon issues direct appeal to Jeremy Corbyn to topple the Tories

Jeremy Corbyn last night stood accused of shying away from his threats to bring down the Government after he ignored calls from his own MPs to table a vote of no confidence in Theresa May.

After the Prime Minister confirmed she was pulling the vote on her deal, dozens of Labour MPs and peers signed a letter to demand Mr Corbyn try to force an election.

The leaders of the Lib Dems and the Scottish and Welsh nationalists also urged him to do his 'duty'.

Nicola Sturgeon (pictured) is trying to capitalise on the chaos rocking the Government to topple the Tories from power and force another Brexit referendum

Nicola Sturgeon (pictured) is trying to capitalise on the chaos rocking the Government to topple the Tories from power and force another Brexit referendum

Jeremy Corbyn is under mounting pressure to call a no confidence vote in Theresa May's government

Jeremy Corbyn is under mounting pressure to call a no confidence vote in Theresa May's government

Nicola Sturgeon (pictured left) today seized on the Brexit disarray to issue a direct appeal to Jeremy Corbyn  (pictured right) to try to topple the Government

A motion of no confidence was last successful in 1979 when Margaret Thatcher forced the end of Jim Callaghan's Labour administration.

Labour MP Ian Murray said the letter to Mr Corbyn had been written 'following today's farcical events by the Government'.

Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable said: 'I and my colleagues will fully support the Leader of the Opposition if he now proceeds to a no confidence vote, as duty surely calls.' SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon offered to support the Labour leader in a no-confidence motion, adding: 'This shambles can't go on'.

Liz Saville Roberts, the Westminster leader of Plaid Cymru, also backed the calls. But last night a Labour Party spokesman rejected them.

'We will put down a motion of no confidence when we judge it most likely to be successful,' he said.

But scores of Labour MPs disagree and went public with a revolt tonight, led by Ian Murray writing a letter to Jeremy Corbyn (pictured) 

When Mrs May returns with 'the same deal' after further talks with Brussels, 'she will have decisively and unquestionably lost the confidence of Parliament,' he added. Mrs May's leadership was described as a 'shambles' by her Democratic Unionist Party allies last night, raising fears for the partnership.

'If anyone needs any further lesson on how not to negotiate, look at the shambles today of the Government having to pull a vote on something that they said was the only way forward,' DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds told the BBC.

Meanwhile, party leader Arlene Foster reiterated that the PM must get rid of the backstop – an insurance policy to prevent a hard border with Ireland. Mrs May relies on the DUP for a working majority in Parliament to pass legislation.  

The Labour MPs' letter, drafted by Mr Murray, said: 'With the Government now clearly unable to command a majority in the House of Commons for the Prime Minister's Brexit plan - which is at the heart of the Government's entire agenda - it is imperative to take action this week under the terms of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act to table a vote of no confidence in HM Government.

'If this fails we must commit to a public vote with an option to stay in the EU straight away.' 

Most of the Labour MPs involved support a new referendum on the EU. Labour policy is only to switch to this if it cannot secure a new election - a hope that would fade if Mrs May won a confidence vote in the Commons. 

Ms Sturgeon said: 'So it is confirmed - pathetic cowardice it is from PM. Yet again the interests of the Tory party are a higher priority for her than anything else. This can't go on.'

In a direct Twitter appeal to Labour, she added: 'So Jeremy Corbyn - if Labour, as official opposition, lodges motion of no confidence in this incompetent government tomorrow, will support & we can then work together to give people the chance to stop Brexit in another vote. 

EU court rules Britain CAN just cancel the Article 50 Brexit process 

European Court of Justice judge Carl Gustav Fernlund read out the ruling on Article 50 at the court in Luxembourg today (pictured) 

European Court of Justice judge Carl Gustav Fernlund read out the ruling on Article 50 at the court in Luxembourg today (pictured) 

European Court of Justice judge Carl Gustav Fernlund read out the ruling on Article 50 at the court in Luxembourg today (pictured) 

EU judges delivered a boost for Remainer rebels today by ruling that Britain can unilaterally cancel Brexit

The European Court of Justice decided that Article 50 can be withdrawn by the UK without permission from other member states.

Britain would keep its current terms of membership if it quit the process - meaning keeping the rebate, the opt out from the Euro and exemptions from the Schengen passport-free zone.

Today's ruling will encourage hopes from pro-EU MPs that a second referendum can be held to stop the UK from leaving the bloc altogether. 

But Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the ruling was 'irrelevant' as it was 'certainly not the intention of the government' to delay Brexit. 

The case was brought by a cross-party group of Scottish politicians together with lawyer Jolyon Maugham QC, director of the Good Law Project.  

'This shambles can't go on - so how about it?'

A Labour spokesman said the party would only move a motion of no confidence when it thought it would be a success.

The spokesman said: 'It is clear to us that Theresa May will not renegotiate the deal when she goes to Brussels, and will only be asking for reassurances from EU leaders.

'When she brings the same deal back to the House of Commons without significant changes, others across the House will be faced with that reality.

'At that point, she will have decisively and unquestionably lost the confidence of Parliament on the most important issue facing the country, and Parliament will be more likely to bring about the general election our country needs to end this damaging deadlock.'

Mr Corbyn is facing a growing clamour to table the no confidence vote, with Labour backbencher Ben Bradshaw urging him to 'show leadership' in this 'time of crisis'.

But the Labour leadership are reluctant to call the vote - fearing it could backfire and rally Tory rebels to support the PM just when her premiership hangs by a thread.

It comes on a day of high political drama in Westminster after Mrs May dramatically U-turned and decided to pull the vote on her deal.

A staggering 110 Tory MPs had indicated they would refuse to back her deal - setting her on course to suffer one of the biggest parliamentary defeats ever. 

Staring down the barrel of this overwhelming defeat, Mrs May has finally caved to the pleas from her MPs and Cabinet ministers to delay the vote.

She is set go to Brussels for the EU summit on Thursday where she will plead with leaders for ore concessions to help her sell her deal back home.

The PM is under huge pressure to scrap or make major changes to the hated Irish backstop, to ensure Britain can pull out of it without needing the permission of the EU.

In a chaotic morning in Westminster, a series of Cabinet ministers and a spokeswoman for the PM all publicly insisted this morning that the vote was 'going ahead as planned'.

But within an hour, three senior sources told MailOnline they are certain that the Commons showdown will be put off. The Pound slid sharply on the news.

The decision - expected to be formally confirmed shortly - drew derision from critics, including Tories. 

Using Mrs May's election campaign phrase against her, Conservative MP Nick Boles jibed: 'Nothing has changed, right?'  

The SNP leader accused Theresa May of 'pathetic cowardice' for pulling the crunch vote on her Brexit deal at the eleventh hour

The SNP leader accused Theresa May of 'pathetic cowardice' for pulling the crunch vote on her Brexit deal at the eleventh hour

The SNP leader accused Theresa May of 'pathetic cowardice' for pulling the crunch vote on her Brexit deal at the eleventh hour

The SNP leader said that now is the time for opposition parties to rise up and work together to try to force the PM out of office, and trigger another referendum

The SNP leader said that now is the time for opposition parties to rise up and work together to try to force the PM out of office, and trigger another referendum

The SNP leader said that now is the time for opposition parties to rise up and work together to try to force the PM out of office, and trigger another referendum

Mr Corbyn said: 'The Government has decided Theresa May's Brexit deal is so disastrous that it has taken the desperate step of delaying its own vote at the eleventh hour.' 

He added: 'We have known for at least two weeks that Theresa May's worst of all worlds deal was going to be rejected by Parliament because it is damaging for Britain. 

'Instead, she ploughed ahead when she should have gone back to Brussels to renegotiate or called an election so the public could elect a new government that could do so.

'We don't have a functioning government. While Theresa May continues to botch Brexit, our public services are at breaking point and our communities suffer from dire under-investment.

 'Labour's alternative plan for a jobs first deal must take centre stage in any future talks with Brussels.'   

Main photo article Jeremy Corbyn last night stood accused of shying away from his threats to bring down the Government after he ignored calls from his own MPs to table a vote of no confidence in Theresa May.
After the Prime Minister confirmed she was pulling the vote on her deal, dozens of Labour MPs and peers...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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