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пятница, 1 февраля 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Trump to appeal to evangelicals with tough talk on late-term abortion in State of the Union

Democrats bracing for a border security lesson on Tuesday night may want to prepare for a lecture on late-term abortion from the president, as well.

President Trump will rail against bills in Virginia and New York that would relax legal restrictions on the practice in his State of the Union address, the White House indicated on Friday. 

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway suggested, in response to a question from on the theme of Trump's speech, that the president would denounce the measures in the primetime address.

'I’m not going to tell you what’s in the speech – I’ve seen it – but maybe he’ll ask Democrats, in view of the new news, why do you object to the Pain-Capable bill that non-partisan scientists say a baby can feel pain after the twentieth week,' Conway said.

Democrats who worry they're in for a border security lesson on Tuesday night, may want to prepare for a lecture on late-term abortion from the president, instead

Democrats who worry they're in for a border security lesson on Tuesday night, may want to prepare for a lecture on late-term abortion from the president, instead

Democrats who worry they're in for a border security lesson on Tuesday night, may want to prepare for a lecture on late-term abortion from the president, instead

Politico also reported that White House sources were saying it would be a major topic. 

Conway said that Trump would be highlighting bipartisan efforts like criminal justice reform and praising the economic gains the nation has seen under his presidency.

But she indicated that he'd also tackle the controversial issue of late-term abortion. 

'Now we’ve got, we’ve got governors, and state legislators in many places, but most illustratively, and recently, in New York in Virginia, saying that a baby can have his or her life snuffed out of it, out of him or her... after 20 weeks. I mean this is who we are as Americans?' she asked.  

Trump said Thursday that a them of his State of the Union address will be 'unity' — and he will praise Republicans for sticking by him over the course of his last year in office.  

'I think it’s unification, I think it’s industry, I think it’s about the people that you see right here,' he told reporters from the Oval Office. 

Trump quickly pivoted to an attack on Democrats for refusing his pleas for a border wall and then back to the topic of unity in the next sentence as he gave reporters their first look at the Tuesday speech. 

'The problem is the Democrats, you know when they say, we don't want to build, as an example, we don't want to build a wall, because it doesn't work or because it's immoral,' he charged. 

Bringing up House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's claim that a wall is 'immoral,' he said that allowing Americans to die at the hand of violent immigrants is also unacceptable.

'Well it's also immoral, the people that come into our country that shouldn't be here and kill people. That's immoral, too. That's a lot more immoral,' he claimed with no build-up. 

He added, as he got back on topic: 'But I really think it's going to be a speech that is going to cover a lot of territory but part of it is going to be unity.'

Asked by about the assault on the opposing party, seconds after he said he wanted to spark unity, Conway said Friday, 'Well the president, of course, is going to be a unifying figure. He is the leader of the country. 

'And he is certainly the leader of the country at the State of the Union. It’s his opportunity once a year to look the American people in the eye, cut out the middle man – respectfully, until the panels talk afterwards – to convey to them, many things they don’t hear throughout the year.'

She mentioned the January jobs report that dropped earlier on Friday. Companies created more jobs the first month of the year than forecasters expected.

'The record of accomplishment, the facts and figures of his great economy, today with 304,000 new jobs created, well above the line of 70,000 that were projected. So, he will say things like that, showing the economy’s strong,' she said.

As part of his bid to spark 'unity' she said he will talk about criminal justice reform, prescription drug legislation and other issues on which 'Republicans and Democrats have proven they can come together and work toward a common purpose of serving the American people.'

'He believes border security is a non-partisan issue that should have bipartisan solutions,' she added. 'And I don’t think that the speaker of the House, respectfully, sounds very unifying, most days she sounds like a cable news pundit ... She doesn’t sound like a unifying figure.'

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam speaks to a crowd during a Women's Rights rally at the Capitol in Richmond, Va. A push by Virginia Democrats to loosen restrictions on late-term abortions is erupting into a fierce partisan clash due to a lawmaker's comments about late-term abortion. Gov. Ralph Northam added gas to the fire

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam speaks to a crowd during a Women's Rights rally at the Capitol in Richmond, Va. A push by Virginia Democrats to loosen restrictions on late-term abortions is erupting into a fierce partisan clash due to a lawmaker's comments about late-term abortion. Gov. Ralph Northam added gas to the fire

Virginia Del. Kathy Tran presents HB2491, her bill dealing with eliminating some requirements for abortion inside the State Capitol in Richmond this week

Virginia Del. Kathy Tran presents HB2491, her bill dealing with eliminating some requirements for abortion inside the State Capitol in Richmond this week

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam speaks to a crowd during a Women's Rights rally at the Capitol in Richmond earlier this month (left); Virginia Del. Kathy Tran presents HB2491, her bill dealing with eliminating some requirements for abortion inside the State Capitol in Richmond this week (right)

Conway said that Nancy Pelosi, who represents liberal San Francisco in Congress should broaden her own message and 'get a little bit better control of her temper and her chamber.' 

'And those who don’t show up for the State of the Union, that’s on them, not on the president. They need to explain to their constituents why they thought so little of the people they represent that they refused to sit in the hallowed chamber in the Capitol and listen to our president come forward and try to call for bipartisan action on any number of measures. That’s on them,that’s not on him.'

No Democrats have said so far that they are boycotting the speech, but many refused to sit in the chamber and listen to Trump in 2018 - some over comments he made about immigrants from 's***hole nations' seeking refuge in America. 

The president and Democrats are still clashing over the issue that looms large ahead of a Feb. 15 deadline to fund the Department of Homeland Security and other major agencies. 

They're also butting heads on Trump's foreign policy. The Senate moved forward with legislation to rebuke his Middle East policy moves this week. They want a review of his troop withdrawal in Syria and an assessment of a possible pullout in Afghanistan. 

Conway said national security and foreign policy would be major pillars of Trump's address on Tuesday, as well.

'The president spends a good part of everyday thinking about the nation’s intelligence, security, foreign policy certainly, “endless wars” as he calls them in places like Syria and Afghanistan, where he thinks that we have spent enormous treasure, most of all, our young men and women who have perished there. And of course he will be addressing that in the State of the Union, as well as domestic issues,' she added. 

Democrats have selected former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams to give their response to Trump. 

He said he hopes she does a good job and has 'respect' for her on Thursday, despite referring to her as 'not qualified' to hold office last year as he tried to bring her down. 

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democratic response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address next Tuesday

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democratic response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address next Tuesday

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democratic response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address next Tuesday

Abrams said she was 'delighted' to have been chosen

Abrams said she was 'delighted' to have been chosen

Abrams said she was 'delighted' to have been chosen

'I respect her. I don't know her. I haven't met her, but I hope she does a good job,' Trump said of the Democratic politician.

He mentioned that he doesn't the Georgian who he worked to to keep out of office on a personal level. 

'I campaigned against Stacey Abrams, I know that President Obama campaigned for her. Michelle Obama campaigned for her, and Oprah campaigned for her, and all Brian [Kemp] had was me, and he won fairly easily, you know fairly easily. So, I hope that she does a good job.' 

Abrams garnered national attention in her bid to become the first female, African American governor of Georgia in a contest that went down to the wire.

Democratic star power flooded the state to support her, including Oprah Winfrey and former President Barack Obama.  Abrams lost to Kemp by 1 percent of the vote. 

She is the first African-American woman to deliver a response to the State of the Union, a speech that has traditionally served as a springboard for higher office.  

Trump delivered his State of the Union address on January 30, 2018, speaking to a packed House chamber where every seat was filled and the galleries were at capacity

Trump delivered his State of the Union address on January 30, 2018, speaking to a packed House chamber where every seat was filled and the galleries were at capacity

Trump delivered his State of the Union address on January 30, 2018, speaking to a packed House chamber where every seat was filled and the galleries were at capacity

President Trump will speak first on Feb. 5

President Trump will speak first on Feb. 5

President Trump will speak first on Feb. 5


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Main photo article Democrats bracing for a border security lesson on Tuesday night may want to prepare for a lecture on late-term abortion from the president, as well.
President Trump will rail against bills in Virginia and New York that would relax legal restrictions on the practice in his State of the Union...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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