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четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Being able to walk up four flights of stairs without stopping is key to avoiding an early death

Being able to walk up four flights of stairs, without stopping for a break, is key to avoiding an early death, a scientist has claimed.

In a study of 12,615 people over nearly five years, Spanish researchers found those who struggled to take the steps were three times more likely to die from heart disease and twice as at risk of cancer-related fatalities.   

The researchers claim their results 'provide further evidence of the benefits of exercise and being fit on health and longevity.

'In addition to keeping body weight down, physical activity has positive effects on blood pressure and lipids, reduces inflammation, and improves the body's immune response to tumours,' they added.    

Being able to walk up four flights of stairs, without stopping for a break, is key to avoiding an early death from heart disease and even cancer, a scientist has claimed (stock)

Being able to walk up four flights of stairs, without stopping for a break, is key to avoiding an early death from heart disease and even cancer, a scientist has claimed (stock)

Being able to walk up four flights of stairs, without stopping for a break, is key to avoiding an early death from heart disease and even cancer, a scientist has claimed (stock)

Researchers from the University Hospital Coruña in Galicia analysed people with diagnosed or suspected coronary artery disease. 

The study was presented at EuroEcho-Imaging 2018 in Milan, and led by the cardiologist and associate professor Dr Jesús Peteiro.

CAD affects more than 1.6million men and one million women in the UK, and a total of 15million adults in the US. It occurs when the major blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen become damaged due to a build-up of plaque.  

When plaque builds up, it narrows the coronary arteries, decreasing blood flow to the heart. Over time this can lead to angina, while a complete blockage can cause a heart attack.

The participants were asked to walk or run on a treadmill, gradually increasing the intensity until they reached the point of exhaustion. 

While exercising, they were hooked up to echocardiogram, or echo, which uses sound waves to create moving pictures of the heart that show its size and shape, as well as how well its chambers and valves are working.  

Exercise echocardiography has been used for 30 years and is a recognised method of diagnosing CAD. 

The energy the participants exerted was measured in metabolic equivalents (METs). One MET is the rate of energy expenditure, or oxygen use, while sitting quietly.


Coronary artery disease occurs when the major blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients become damaged.

CAD affects more than 1.6million men and one million women in the UK, and a total of 15million adults in the US. 

It is usually due to plaque and inflammation.

When plaque builds up, it narrows the arteries, which decreases blood flow to the heart.

Over time this can cause angina, while a complete blockage can result in a heart attack.

Many people have no symptoms at first but as the plaque builds up they may notice chest pains or shortness of breath when exercising or stressed. 

Other causes of CAD include smoking, diabetes and an inactive lifestyle. 

It can be prevented by quitting smoking, controlling conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, staying active, eating well and managing stress. 

Drugs can help to lower cholesterol, while aspirin thins the blood to reduce the risk of clots.

In severe cases, stents can be put into the arteries to open them, while coronary bypass surgery creates a graft to bypass the blocked arteries using a vessel from another part of the body.

Source: Mayo Clinic 

Light activities, such as standing or walking slowly, use less than three METs, moderate-intensity activities, like brisk walking, use three-to-six METs, and vigorous-intensity activities, such as jogging or playing football, use more than six METs.

The study defined good functional capacity as being able to achieve ten METs during the treadmill test.

The participants were divided into two groups according to the number of METs they achieved - poor functional capacity of less than ten METs and good functional capacity of ten or more METs.

During the follow-up, 1,253 of the participants died from cardiovascular disease, 670 from cancer and 650 from other causes.

After adjusting for factors including age and sex, each MET achieved during the test was associated with a nine per cent reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer and a four per cent lower risk of passing away from another cause.

The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was nearly three times higher among the participants with poor functional capacity compared to those whose recording was good at 3.2 per cent versus 1.2 per cent.

Non-cardiovascular and non-cancer deaths were also nearly three-fold higher in those with poor compared to good functional capacity at 1.7 per cent versus 0.6 per cent.

Cancer deaths were almost twice as high in the participants with poor compared to good functional capacity at 1.5 per cent versus 0.8 per cent.

'Our results provide further evidence of the benefits of exercise and being fit on health and longevity,' Dr Peteiro said.

'In addition to keeping body weight down, physical activity has positive effects on blood pressure and lipids, reduces inflammation, and improves the body's immune response to tumours.'

As the researchers expected, the echo imaging part of the experiment helped to predict those at risk of cardiovascular death but not fatalities caused by cancer or other conditions.

Dr Peteiro stressed people do not need to undergo exercise echo tests to check their fitness levels.

'There are much cheaper ways to estimate if you could achieve ten METs on the treadmill test,' he said. 'If you can walk very fast up three floors of stairs without stopping, or fast up four floors without stopping, you have good functional capacity.

'If not, it's a good indication that you need more exercise.'

The European Society of Cardiology recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic physical activity, or a combination of the two intensities. 


Main photo article Being able to walk up four flights of stairs, without stopping for a break, is key to avoiding an early death, a scientist has claimed.
In a study of 12,615 people over nearly five years, Spanish researchers found those who struggled to take the steps were three times more likely to die from ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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