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понедельник, 19 ноября 2018 г.

«Breaking News» 'Dubrow Diet' promises anti-ageing benefits akin to PLASTIC SURGERY and you can still drink alcohol

In the current age of health and well being, carbs are widely regarded across Australia as public enemy number one - a reality which has inspired many diets prohibiting the consumption of carbohydrates at all costs.

Often highly restrictive, these fad diets promise rapid weight loss through sometimes unhealthy and unbalanced eating habits such as drinking copious amounts of grapefruit juice and munching on nothing but baby food for three days straight.

A slightly less radical and increasingly popular meal plan is the Dubrow Diet, a combination of increasingly popular intermittent fasting and the internationally adhered to Keto.

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The Dubrow Diet is blend of intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic diet which promises incredible anti-ageing results and sustained weight loss (pictured, production director Natalie Puche before and after beginning her Dubrow journey)

The Dubrow Diet is blend of intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic diet which promises incredible anti-ageing results and sustained weight loss (pictured, production director Natalie Puche before and after beginning her Dubrow journey)

The Dubrow Diet is blend of intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic diet which promises incredible anti-ageing results and sustained weight loss (pictured, production director Natalie Puche before and after beginning her Dubrow journey)


1. When: The Dubrow method only works if you observe the 16-hour fasting period.

2. What: Eating a clean, simple and low-carbohydrate diet.

3. How much: The Dubrow Diet is particularly focused on portion control.

Source: SporteLuxe

The brainchild of US reality TV couple Heather and Terry Dubrow, SporteLuxe report their eponymous diet advocates a low-carb meal plan with occasional cheat meals and consistent adherence to intermittent fasting.

The basis of the Dubrow is similar to the 16:8 principle, a hugely popular dietary trend in Australia which involves fasting for 16 hours each day and eating your required daily meals within an eight-hour window of your choice.

The Dubrow differs slightly from 16:8 because dieters are not required to count calories or track macros – instead, you simply abide by the three principles of eating: when, what and how much.

Mr and Mrs Dubrow claim the diet activates anti-ageing cellular reactions thanks to a process called autophagy, where cells 'remodel themselves'.

According to the couple, the long-term effects of this process are akin to plastic surgery as they leave the body and complexion youthful and lean.

Intermittent fasting is increasingly touted as the world's most effective weight loss plan, with the 16:8 principle growing in popularity across Australia (pictured, Melbourne mother Joanne Peters before and after starting the 16:8)

Intermittent fasting is increasingly touted as the world's most effective weight loss plan, with the 16:8 principle growing in popularity across Australia (pictured, Melbourne mother Joanne Peters before and after starting the 16:8)

Intermittent fasting is increasingly touted as the world's most effective weight loss plan, with the 16:8 principle growing in popularity across Australia (pictured, Melbourne mother Joanne Peters before and after starting the 16:8)

How does the Dubrow Diet work?  

The Dubrow diet is presented in three stages customised to how fast you want to lose weight.

1. During phase one, christened 'Red Carpet Ready', the diet aims to 'shock your system' and recommends fasting for 16 hours a day for two to five days each week.

2. Phase two, known as 'Summer is Coming', should be followed until you reach your goal weight and can be adjusted accordingly depending on how quickly you wish to get there. 

3. The final phase, known as 'Look Hot While Living Like a Human', is the maintenance zone for maintaining your new weight and physique.

The recommended fasting schedule for phase three is 12 hour fasts five days per week with two more severe 16 hour fasting days.

Nutritional experts say intermittent fasting increases energy and helps shed stubborn kilos, with Aussie A-lister Nicole Kidman said to be a long-time fan.

Melbourne mum-of-two Joanne Peters, 42, is also a huge believer in intermittent fasting.

Ms Peters began her weight loss journey at 62 kilos and rapidly lost five kilos by fasting for 16 hours a day and eating during the permitted eight hour block.

Her routine relaxes slightly 'when life gets in the way' or she has social plans.

'I am asleep for most of it but I'll tend to eat between the hours of 12-8pm. It sounds hard but when your body adapts it becomes easy and you really don't feel hungry,' she previously told Daily Mail Australia.

Joanne said the best thing about fasting is the reduction in cravings.

'What I love best about intermittent fasting is that I just don't think about food like I used to.'

The Dubrow Diet does not call for counting calories or tracking macros, allowing adherents to eat a small amount of carbs and consume a moderate quantity of alcohol provided it is done within the specified time window

The Dubrow Diet does not call for counting calories or tracking macros, allowing adherents to eat a small amount of carbs and consume a moderate quantity of alcohol provided it is done within the specified time window

The Dubrow Diet does not call for counting calories or tracking macros, allowing adherents to eat a small amount of carbs and consume a moderate quantity of alcohol provided it is done within the specified time window

Ms Peters began her weight loss journey at 62 kilos and rapidly lost five kilos by fasting for 16 hours a day and eating during the permitted eight hour block

Ms Peters began her weight loss journey at 62 kilos and rapidly lost five kilos by fasting for 16 hours a day and eating during the permitted eight hour block

Ms Peters began her weight loss journey at 62 kilos and rapidly lost five kilos by fasting for 16 hours a day and eating during the permitted eight hour block

'I used to wake up thinking about breakfast and would then workout while thinking about my post workout meal and half the time the food I would have consumed in this period would have already cancelled out my workout.

The Dubrow Diet is very similar but is structured in three phases, each of which require a different length of fasting. 

During stage one, christened 'Red Carpet Ready', the diet aims to 'shock your system' and recommends fasting for 16 hours a day for two to five days each week.

Phase one prohibits alcohol but dieters may drink coffee, tea and water and is designed to reset the body's hunger and fullness cues.

Phase two, known as 'Summer is Coming', should be followed until you reach your goal weight and can be adjusted accordingly depending on how quickly you wish to get there. 

The Dubrow Diet is less restrictive in terms of food choices than many other fad diets, focusing more heavily on when followers consume their meals rather than what they are eating

The Dubrow Diet is less restrictive in terms of food choices than many other fad diets, focusing more heavily on when followers consume their meals rather than what they are eating

The Dubrow Diet is less restrictive in terms of food choices than many other fad diets, focusing more heavily on when followers consume their meals rather than what they are eating

Why is intermittent fasting twice per week beneficial?  

* It helps the body transform from 'sugar-burning' into 'fat-burning' mode.

* It balances your hormones - particularly those that balance hunger and satiety (insulin and leptin).

* It ensures the body uses the food we consume more efficiently as energy.

* It ensures the body burns fat stores for energy, with cells deriving most of their energy from fat.

*It boosts your metabolism and energy levels.

Fast-track weight loss requires sticking with the initial 16 hour fasting period and eight hour 'refuel window', while a medium term plan calls for a 14 hour fast and 10 hour refuel time.

During this phase, dieters can also consume alcohol in moderation.

The final phase, known as 'Look Hot While Living Like a Human', is the maintenance zone for maintaining your new weight and physique.

The recommended fasting schedule for phase three is 12 hour fasts five days per week with two more severe 16 hour fasting days.

Main photo article In the current age of health and well being, carbs are widely regarded across Australia as public enemy number one – a reality which has inspired many diets prohibiting the consumption of carbohydrates at all costs.
Often highly restrictive, these fad diets promise rapid weight loss...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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