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воскресенье, 10 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Muslim children chant with hate-filled rant during a protest against same-sex relationship lessons

Muslim children were encouraged to chant 'shame, shame, shame' towards their headteacher who told them it was okay to be gay during a protest this week. 

During the protest against Birmingham headteacher Andrew Moffatt's decision to introduce lessons on equality, same-sex marriage and relationships one speaker said being gay should not be given a 'positive spin'.  

He then called the lessons, designed to teach the children at Parkfield Community Scool about equality and introduce them to books called 'Mummy, Mama and Me' and 'King & King', 'toxic' and an 'aggressive indoctrination'.

The speaker questioned where the headteacher of the school received his religious education and called him a 'mufti moffatt' which caused a laugh from the crowd

More than 200 people turned up waving placards and shouting through loudspeakers outside the gates in Birmingham

And the children gleefully chanted 'shame' along with their parents after he directed the words 'shame, shame, shame' at their headteacher.

He said: 'We have to make one thing very clear. 

'This program is not just about telling people there are other families and other types of lifestyles exist it is actually aggressively promoting them. 

'Giving a positive spin and telling people that it is okay or you to be Muslim and for you to be gay. Mr Moffatt. Shame, shame, shame.'

Placards can be seen outside the school where parents and their children are protesting

Placards can be seen outside the school where parents and their children are protesting

Placards can be seen outside the school where parents and their children are protesting

The speaker then questioned where the headteacher of the school received his religious education and called him a 'mufti moffatt' which caused a laugh from the crowd. 

A mufti is qualified to give an opinion on a point of Islamic law.  In history they were a scholar who interpreted what Islamic laws meant.

The speaker said: 'I did not want to make this personal but Mr Moffatt has decided to reinterpret our religious scripture.

'Our beliefs are not here to be changed.

'This is an aggressive indoctrination that we are against. If it was not aggressive promotion then you would not have had all these parents come out on the street. 

'As I have said to you this program is very toxic. Not only are we going to have it abolished at this school but in every school in Birmingham and every school in the country. 

'That is going to happen from parents coming out and fighting for their children’s rights.'      

Parents and pupils stage protest outside Parkfield community school Saltley, Birmingham, demanding LGBT lessons are banned

Parents and pupils stage protest outside Parkfield community school Saltley, Birmingham, demanding LGBT lessons are banned

Parents and pupils stage protest outside Parkfield community school Saltley, Birmingham, demanding LGBT lessons are banned

Despite an earlier report the lessons had been scrapped the school has insisted the 470-pupils at Parkfield Community School learn about same-sex relationships in classrooms after Easter.

The school said 'equalities education' will continue at the school and that staff will be working in consultation with parents. 

However, more than 200 people turned up waving placards and shouting through loudspeakers outside the gates in Birmingham.

They accused gay assistant head Andrew Moffatt of promoting homosexuality and LGBT issues without their consent. 

Parents at the school, where 99 per cent of pupils are Muslim, want the lessons scrapped because homosexuality is banned in Islam. They also said their children are 'too young' for the content while one mother complained her child told her 'it's ok to be gay'.

Parents and pupils stage protest outside Parkfield community school today despite earlier claims the lessons were stopped

Parents and pupils stage protest outside Parkfield community school today despite earlier claims the lessons were stopped

Parents and pupils stage protest outside Parkfield community school today despite earlier claims the lessons were stopped

A podium was set up for speakers to address the crowds outside the school in Birmingham

A podium was set up for speakers to address the crowds outside the school in Birmingham

A podium was set up for speakers to address the crowds outside the school in Birmingham

The school has been accused of 'exploiting innocence' of the children. Pictured: protests last week

The school has been accused of 'exploiting innocence' of the children. Pictured: protests last week

The school has been accused of 'exploiting innocence' of the children. Pictured: protests last week 

Today children and parents protested outside the gates waving banners saying the school is 'Exploiting Children's Innocence'.

Many of the children were dressed as fictional characters such as Captain America, Mary Poppins, and the Incredible Hulk, for World Book Day.

Placards being waved by the youngsters read: 'Say no to sexualising children' and 'Respect and be respected.'

Parents also created a podium in which they voiced their concerns from a microphone and speaker mounted on the back of a truck.

Seven police officers also attended the 45-minute protest which passed off peacefully.

Father-of-three Abdul Muhammad, 46, who has a two-year-old at the school said: 'We are here today to protest for our children's rights.

'The school is denying our right as a parent, the equality act of 1994 states it's the parents right, when it comes to education you cannot teach anything that the parents are not ok with.

Children held up banners during the protest outside the school in Birmingham

Children held up banners during the protest outside the school in Birmingham

Children held up banners during the protest outside the school in Birmingham 

'This school has made some kind of experiment thinking, they can do this behind the parents.

'The school has not provided us with any consultation.

'We are against this programme, we are not homophobic, we are not against anybody.

'We are saying this is not age appropriate for the children.'

Mariam Ahmed, 30, full-time mum-of-two, was one of the first mothers to protest 'No Outsiders' said: 'When I first saw it I had a few concerns.

'As I started speaking to other parents about it, they started coming forward saying that their children are coming out with saying 'it's ok to be gay.'

'Mr Moffat was telling them it was ok to gay and Muslim, you can be whatever you want to be.

'It just gradually got worse, it has been taught in lessons continuously, they are saying it's only five times a term but it's not.

'They're doing weekly assemblies and role plays.

'Mr Moffat even tells the children about his own personal life, I'm sorry but you shouldn't be doing that.

'My child is coming home to me saying 'I can swap clothes with opposite gender and change my name too.'

'Why is my four-year-old coming home and saying things like this?

'She should be concentrating on things like Maths and English and not homosexuality.

'It's way too young for children of this age.'

Selma Khalil, 35, full-time mum of three, said: 'The main issue I have with 'No Outsiders' programme is that it is not age appropriate.

'Every parent here lives with different sexualities and we've got no problem with that but teaching our children it's not appropriate.

Parents insisted lessons which include books on same sex couples should be scrapped

Parents insisted lessons which include books on same sex couples should be scrapped

Parents insisted lessons which include books on same sex couples should be scrapped 

'As far as I remember I was never taught at school about homosexuality, living in society you just come to know of it.

'That's the best way in my opinion, our children will be able to see for themselves.

'Just let the children be children and go out and play.

'We will continue with our protest and hopefully get a good outcome.'

In January school bosses started a consultation process with parents about the LGBT section of the course with some taster lessons taught in school.

Last week the school denied making a U-turn after reports the classes had been shelved following pressure from parents.

Hazel Pulley, Chief Executive of Excelsior Multi Academy Trust which runs the school, said: 'The lessons are there for after Easter.

'Equalities education will continue.'

Parents say they will continue to hold protests outside the school every week until the 'No Outsiders' programme is scrapped. 

Main photo article Muslim children were encouraged to chant ‘shame, shame, shame’ towards their headteacher who told them it was okay to be gay during a protest this week. 
During the protest against Birmingham headteacher Andrew Moffatt’s decision to introduce lessons on equality, same-sex ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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