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понедельник, 18 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» May on course to cancel third vote and agree a lengthy Brexit delay

Theresa May could now shelve the third vote on her deal that had been expected on Tuesday, and make her next move asking the EU for a Brexit extension after several rebel Brexiteer MPs including Boris Johnson refused to back her.

The Prime Minister is said to prefer calling off a third vote on her deal if she 'has no chance of winning' it before Thursday's EU summit, and if she has not secured backing by then will ask EU leaders to agree a delay of Brexit of up to two years.

She could then use that prospect to crank up the pressure on her MPs by holding a vote just days before Britain had been due to leave on March 29.

Boris Johnson last night urged MPs to vote down Mrs May's deal for a third time if it is put to a vote this week and warned in his Daily Telegraph column that it gives the EU an 'indefinite means of blackmail' against the UK. 

In a direct attack on Mrs May, Boris Johnson paints her and her team as collaborators in the 'final sabotage of Brexit' just 11 days before Britain is due to leave the EU. 

Today crisis talks with the DUP continue and if the Northern Irish party backs Mrs May's deal a number of Eurosceptic Tories could follow - but a senior ERG source predicts that even with the DUP on board, the PM would still lose by 30 to 40 votes. 

David Davis says if the DUP moves then she has a '50-50 chance' of winning but said still may not vote for the deal while former ministers Priti Patel and Dominic Raab are expected to rebel even if Mrs May manages to win over Arlene Foster's party. 

But Brexit ringleader Jacob Rees-Mogg is softening as he insisted Mrs May's deal was better than staying in for months or years, 'however bad it is'.  

Mr Rees-Mogg told LBC: 'I genuinely haven't made up my mind. There is a hierarchy. No deal is better than Mrs May's deal, but Mrs May's deal is better than not leaving. I don't think we will get another chance to leave the European Union. 'Delay is denial. The thought that if you get two years for something better is hopelessly optimistic.'  

Theresa May is seen arriving at Downing Street this morning

Theresa May is seen arriving at Downing Street this morning

Boris Johnson dealt a heavy blow to her hopes of winning in the Commons after he refused to back it today

Boris Johnson dealt a heavy blow to her hopes of winning in the Commons after he refused to back it today

Theresa May leaves church with her husband Philip yesterday as her deal hangs in the balance and she could delay it. Boris Johnson dealt a heavy blow to her hopes of winning in the Commons after he refused to back it today

Mrs May faces an uphill battle to win a vote - if it happens - and needs to convince 75 MPs to change sides

Mrs May faces an uphill battle to win a vote - if it happens - and needs to convince 75 MPs to change sides

Mrs May faces an uphill battle to win a vote - if it happens - and needs to convince 75 MPs to change sides

Mrs May could now tee-up a longer delay to Brexit at an EU summit on Thursday ensuring Tories who vote down her deal must also accept the blame for a lengthy delay to leaving the EU.

Brexit: What happens next?  

What happened last week? 

MPs twice rejected Theresa May's Brexit deal. They also voted against leaving with no deal, and now voted in favour of a delay. 

What will happen next?  

MPs have supported a delay, so May will have to request an extension to Article 50 from the EU.

Could Brexit be delayed? 

If other member states agree to it, Brexit will be postponed, but May has said that this should be for no longer than three months. 

If, however, MPs do not support her deal, she warned that the extension could be far longer. 

 Could Brexit be stopped? 

May has warned this is a possibility. While she will not revoke Article 50 herself, she has warned political chaos could see the Government replaced by Jeremy Corbyn or another pro-Remain administration.  

Will the Prime Minister face a motion of no confidence? 

It is possible. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has insisted he will only call another vote of no confidence if he has a chance of winning - but in January Mrs May precipitated one herself. 

Will May just resign after a second defeat?

Unlikely but not impossible. Defeat would be another monumental blow to the PM's political authority. 

Will there be a general election? 

There are mounting calls for one. Tory MP Charles Walker said yesterday if the House could not pass the deal, the current Parliament probably needs to be replaced so a new Government can be formed to tackle Brexit.

One of the advantages of an election is it would be much quicker to organise and resolve than a second referendum.

Could there be a second referendum on Brexit? 

There are mounting demands for a new public vote - but probably not currently a majority in the Commons for it.

A new referendum would take at least six months to organise and run. This could be optimistic as there is no consensus over what the question might be. 


Her final pitch to Tory Brexiteers backfired yesterday after saying her opponents are unpatriotic if they do not back her Brussels divorce but warned them: 'We will not leave the EU for many months, if ever'. 

The former foreign secretary urged her to postpone the vote and use a forthcoming EU summit to seek 'real change' on the Irish backstop.

Mr Johnson said: 'It would be absurd to hold the vote before that has even been attempted.'

Despite this pressure Mrs May received a string of major endorsements for her Brexit deal last night that gave fresh hope it could pass within days.

In a significant boost for the PM, former Chancellor Norman Lamont urged his fellow Brexiteers to focus on the 'prize' of leaving the EU – and back the deal.

Writing on the page opposite, the Eurosceptic grandee warns wavering MPs that 'history will not understand if it is Conservative MPs who prevent us claiming our self-government'. Mrs May is hoping to build momentum behind her deal today with an agreement with the DUP that could bring dozens of Eurosceptics on board.

In a major intervention last night, Northern Ireland's former First Minister David Trimble also dropped his objections to the so-called Irish backstop.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner praised Mrs May for securing 'substantive' concessions on the backstop, adding: 'The chances of the PM getting the deal through Parliament have improved.' Former Vote Leave chief Matthew Elliot also came out for the deal, warning Euroscptic MPs: 'It's May's deal or nothing.'

But, with the trickle of Eurosceptic MPs declaring their support still failing to turn into a flood, the prospects for the deal remain on a knife edge. Mrs May was last night still deciding whether or not to press ahead with tomorrow's planned vote on her Brexit deal. Philip Hammond and Liam Fox both said it could be pulled if it looked like it would be defeated a third time.

Downing Street was braced for Boris Johnson to 'double down' on his opposition. 

And Tory sources said fellow leadership hopeful Dominic Raab was also indicating he would help Labour vote down the deal for a third time.  

''No deal' will prove to be the precursor to a very good deal indeed,' wrote the Tory MPs, including former ministers Owen Paterson, Sir John Redwood and David Jones.

'Our moral course is clear: it is not our fault that we are confronted by two unacceptable choices, but it will be our fault if we cast a positive vote in favour of either for fear of the other.'

Mr Johnson said Mrs May's Agreement would leave the UK 'in a position of almost unbearable weakness' for subsequent talks on trade, risking transforming the country into 'a kind of economic colony of Brussels'.

The backstop arrangement - under which the UK remains in a customs union until both sides agree a trade deal - gives the EU 'an indefinite means of blackmail', said the Brexit figurehead.

'Unless we have some change - and at present, in the immortal phrase, nothing has changed - it is hard to ask anyone who believes in Brexit to change their mind,' he said.

'There is an EU summit this week. It is not too late to get real change to the backstop. It would be absurd to hold the vote before that has even been attempted.'

The Tory MPs set to defy Theresa May's Brexit because they prefer No Deal  

Adam Afriyie MP 

Lucy Allan MP 

Steve Baker MP 

Crispin Blunt MP 

Peter Bone MP 

Andrew Bridgen MP 

Sir Christopher Chope MP 

Richard Drax MP 

Mark Francois MP 

Marcus Fysh MP 

Chris Green MP 

Adam Holloway MP 

Philip Hollobone MP 

Ranil Jayawardena MP 

Sir Bernard Jenkin mp 

Andrea Jenkyns MP 

David Jones MP Dr Julian Lewis MP 

Craig Mackinlay MP 

Sheryll Murray MP 

Owen Paterson MP 

Sir John Redwood MP 

Andrew Rosindell MP 

Ross Thomson MP 

Michael Tomlinson MP 

Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP 

The 10 DUP MPs are viewed by Downing Street as pivotal, not just for the votes they provide but the influence of their stance on Conservative Eurosceptics.

DUP MLA Jim Wells told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'We still have a huge difficulty with the backstop, because we see it as a waiting room for constitutional change.

'We could find ourselves locked in there forever in effect, and once you get in you can never get out. We have to have a mechanism where we can escape the backstop.'

Mr Wells said a proposed 'gentlemen's agreement' that any changes to Northern Ireland's relationship with the EU would be mirrored by the rest of the UK might prove 'unenforceable'.

And he denied that the DUP was taking part in a financial 'auction' for its support, insisting that 'money is not being discussed on the table at the moment'.

Mr Wells estimated that as many as 30 Tory MPs will never vote for Mrs May's deal, meaning that a third defeat was 'inevitable' with or without DUP support.

So far the number of Tories publicly switching positions falls far short of the 75 MPs Mrs May needs to change sides.

Bolton West MP Chris Green told BBC Radio 4's Westminster Hour: 'I want to vote against it because I don't believe when Parliament defeated it by the biggest margin in the history of Parliament that was because it was in any way a good deal, and the substance of the deal hasn't changed.'

But he added that a shift in the DUP's position would have a 'big impact' and the implications of rejecting the deal for a third time weighed heavily on him 'because it could lead to a general election, and we don't know how that will pan out'.

As part of the effort to put pressure on Tory hardliners and the DUP, Chancellor Philip Hammond and International Trade Secretary Liam Fox took to the airwaves on Sunday to make clear that the Prime Minister would not chance a third defeat on her deal.

And Security Minister Ben Wallace, a close ally of Mr Johnson who chaired his abortive bid for the leadership in 2016, urged the former foreign secretary and other Tory Brexiteers to back Mrs May's deal.

DUP MP Nigel Dodds on Friday denied cash was being talked about in discussions with the Government but insisted his party was keen to support the PM's deal if they can

DUP MP Nigel Dodds on Friday denied cash was being talked about in discussions with the Government but insisted his party was keen to support the PM's deal if they can

DUP MP Nigel Dodds on Friday denied cash was being talked about in discussions with the Government but insisted his party was keen to support the PM's deal if they can

How will Brexit be delayed and will MPs get a vote on it?

Why is Brexit day set on March 29, 2019? 

There are two reasons. The first because it is the second anniversary of Britain formally telling the EU it wished to leave by invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. 

This triggered a two-year divorce negotiation that will expire on March 29.

The second reason is because British laws on leaving specify 11pm on March 29, 2019, as 'exit day'.

Writing this into law triggered a political fight in the Commons because it was not actually necessary but the Government insisted on doing it.

What needs to happen for the date to be changed? 

There are again two processes. First, Theresa May will need to go to Brussels and get political agreement for delay and the terms on which it happens.

The second is British law will need to be changed to amend the date of Brexit. This will require a vote in both Commons and Lords.

What will happen at the EU Council? 

Whatever the terms of delay, the Prime Minister will ask EU leader for what she wants and then they will make a decision - without her. Brexit issues are decided only by the 27 remaining states, without a British say.

A delay to Brexit must be agreed unanimously - all EU states have a full veto. 

Mrs May has said if MPs have passed her deal, she will ask EU for a short extension of a couple of months to sort out UK law. If MPs have not passed the deal, she will have to ask for a 'much longer' extension.

What needs to happen in the UK? 

Once a new date is agreed, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 has to be amended. This must be done via Statutory Instrument - a form of 'secondary legislation' that changes the law without going through the full parliamentary process.

A minister will table the SI in Parliament setting out the new date for Brexit. The law says it must be done via the 'affirmative' procedure - this means there will have to be a straight vote in both the Commons and Lords, with no possibility of amendment.

Will it happen? 

At this point, almost certainly. We know from last week there are enough votes in the Commons to block no deal. The EU also does not want no deal and is thought likely to agree both versions of the extension plan at the summit.

Can a no deal Brexit still happen on March 29? 

Yes - if there is no political agreement on changing the date at the EU Council or Parliament rejects the SI, Brexit will still happen as the legal default.

Could Brexit happen on March 29 with the deal? 

No - even if MPs pass the deal this week there is no practical way to get all the necessary laws through in time. Delay could in theory be limited to a couple of weeks, potentially.  

'I know Boris very well and I know he's passionate about leaving the European Union,' Mr Wallace told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

'If he is passionate about that, he will recognise that voting for this deal is the way to deliver Brexit and the way to deliver leaving the EU ... I strongly urge my colleagues to vote for it.'  

Conservative MP Sir John Redwood dismissed Theresa May's Withdrawal Agreement as 'a very expensive invitation to more talks about possibly getting out with a sensible trade agreement, or perhaps not, with the ultimate problem that Northern Ireland might not be allowed out at all'.

Dutch PM says Theresa May's Brexit approach is like the Black Knight from Monty Python

Monty Python's Black Knight refuses to admit defeat after a duel against Graham Chapman's King Arthur, suggesting they call it a draw despite losing all his limbs

Monty Python's Black Knight refuses to admit defeat after a duel against Graham Chapman's King Arthur, suggesting they call it a draw despite losing all his limbs

Monty Python's Black Knight refuses to admit defeat after a duel against Graham Chapman's King Arthur, suggesting they call it a draw despite losing all his limbs

Dutch PM Mark Rutte likened Mrs May to the Monty Python character the Black Knight, who refused to give in even after having his limbs chopped off.

Mr Rutte was commenting on Mrs May's wish to take her deal back to the Commons for a third vote - and could try for a fourth time next week.

He then compared her to the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail who is fighting a losing battle.

As a rival chops off his limbs he keep going insisting it's a 'merely a flesh wound' and 'I'll bite your legs off!'.

Mr Rutte, who is campaigning in local elections in the Netherlands, told the country's WNL op Zondag television programme.

'I have a lot of respect for Theresa May -- she reminds me occasionally of that Monty Python character where all his arms and legs are cut off and then says to his opponent: let's call it a draw,'

'If the British ask for a delay, interesting, but that was also my irritation this week -- what do you want with that delay?' he said on Sunday. While the U.K. is 'in a very bad position right now,' Rutte respects his counterpart in London. 'She's doing incredibly, she goes on and on.' 

Sir John told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'It violates the Conservative manifesto in many important ways. The manifesto is very clear that no deal is better than a bad deal.'

He said that 'a lot' of Conservative MPs shared his concerns, but declined to estimate how many would vote against Mrs May's deal in a third meaningful vote.

'It's a lot of people, and it goes far wider than the ERG (European Research Group), who have been particularly keen to have the right kind of Brexit.'

Sir John said that at this week's EU summit, Mrs May should say that 'we are going to be leaving on March 29 in accordance with her oft-repeated mantra, but that we would like a free trade agreement... and if they would just agree to talks on a free trade agreement we needn't impose barriers on each other'.

Some senior figures believe tomorrow's vote should be delayed until next week, by which time Mrs May is expected to have requested an extension of Article 50. One Cabinet minister urged the PM to delay, adding: 'Whenever it comes it is going to be incredibly tight. I think the DUP will come across but we also need Boris and Raab and Rees-Mogg to have a chance. Even then, we will need some more Labour MPs to come on board.' 

At the start of a crunch week on Brexit:

  • Philip Hammond angered Eurosceptics by saying it was now 'physically impossible to leave on March 29' following Parliament's decision to back a Brexit delay.

  • Dutch PM Mark Rutte likened Mrs May to the Monty Python character the Black Knight, who refused to give in even after having his limbs chopped off.

  • Former work and pensions secretary Esther McVey said she would reluctantly back the deal, but called for Mrs May and other 'feeble negotiators' to quit. 

  • David Davis urged Eurosceptic MPs to back the deal, saying it was 'capable of rescue' in Brussels.

Mrs May's deal suffered a record 230-vote defeat in January and lost again by 149 votes last week.

Ministers believe they are close to sealing an agreement with her DUP backers, which could see dozens of Eurosceptic Tories reluctantly fall into line behind the deal. Mr Hammond yesterday indicated the DUP could be handed more cash for Northern Ireland if they agree to back the PM's deal.

He told the BBC's Andrew Marr show: 'This isn't about money. It's about a political assurance – well, look, we are coming up to a spending review and we will have to look at all budgets, including devolved block-grant budgets.'

Gordon Henderson, a Tory MP who has voted against the deal twice, told the Mail: 'If the Government can find a formula that satisfies our DUP colleagues, then it will satisfy me.' Ministers were helped last night by Lord Trimble's decision to drop his opposition to the backstop plans in the light of fresh legal assurances that it could only be temporary.

In a paper for the Policy Exchange think-tank, he said: 'The Government has succeeded in securing substantive changes that will affect and limit the impact of the Irish backstop'. The intervention from Lord Lamont, a patron of the hardline Leave Means Leave organisation, could also prove significant.

The former Chancellor, who served in the Thatcher government, warns fellow Eurosceptics that Brexit could be lost altogether unless they stop their infighting and back the PM.

He said it was 'wishful thinking' to believe that Parliament wouldn't try to stop Brexit once it had been delayed. And he said there would be 'all to play for' in the second round of talks with Brussels, as long as the withdrawal deal was passed. He added: 'To assert as some Eurosceptics do that it is preferable to remain in the EU than to accept Mrs May's deal is absurd. The PM's deal is far from ideal. But it has one overwhelming advantage. Under her deal we will definitely leave.'

Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski, a member of the European Research Group of Eurosceptic MPs, said: 'The mood is changing. People are getting tired of the infighting at Westminster and in the Conservative Party. They expect us to get this across the line.'

Emma Lewell-Buck, who resigned from Labour's front bench last week to vote against a second referendum, said she and other like-minded MPs wanted to see Brexit delivered with the current deal.

But some Tory hardliners suggested they would never back down. Andrea Jenkyns, a prominent member of the ERG, said: 'The British spirit is to fight on and not to back down to threats.'

Jeremy Corbyn yesterday warned he was ready to call a vote of no confidence in the Government this week if Mrs May's deal is voted down again, potentially triggering an election. 

He also plunged Labour's Brexit policy into fresh confusion after revealing he could campaign to leave the EU if he succeeds in forcing a second referendum.

Third time lucky? So, what on earth happens next?

SCENARIO 1: THIRD TIME LUCKY Theresa May's deal is finally approved. This is how it would play out.

TUESDAY: Prime Minister wins Meaningful Vote No 3 (just) after DUP and most of the European Research Group fold.

THURSDAY: Wins approval at EU summit for short delay to planned March 29 Brexit date.

MONDAY, MARCH 25: Mrs May begins approving deal and – crucially – changing March 29 Brexit date. Commons and Lords vote through the date change.

SCENARIO 2: DEJA VU Deal blocked for third time, but a two-year Brexit delay approved.

TUESDAY: MPs narrowly defeat Mrs May's attempt No 3 to secure her deal. PM says she will now go to Brussels to ask for more time.

THURSDAY: Brussels summit of EU leaders grants a two-year extension; UK takes part in MEP elections in May.

MONDAY, MARCH 25: Backed by Jeremy Corbyn's Labour, May wins Commons vote approving two-year delay.


We leave with no deal after a guerrilla war by Tory Brexit 'ultras'.

TUESDAY: MPs narrowly defeat Mrs May's third vote on her deal. PM says she will go to Brussels to ask for more time.

THURSDAY: Brussels insists on two-year extension to Brexit.

MONDAY, MARCH 25: Hardcore No Deal Tory Brexiteers support a no-confidence vote in May.

Move paralyses Government. MPs fail to change Brexit date.

FRIDAY, MARCH 29: UK leaves EU without a deal.


TUESDAY: Speaker John Bercow throws a spanner in the works by ruling that putting the deal to a third vote breaches Commons rules over repeated votes on same terms. Mrs May forced to go to Brussels with no approved deal.

THURSDAY: EU insists on two-year extension.

MONDAY, MARCH 25: Mrs May wins resulting votes to change Brexit date.

OR… She loses vote of no confidence. No Deal on March 29.



Main photo article Theresa May could now shelve the third vote on her deal that had been expected on Tuesday, and make her next move asking the EU for a Brexit extension after several rebel Brexiteer MPs including Boris Johnson refused to back her.
The Prime Minister is said to prefer calling off a third vote on...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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