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вторник, 27 ноября 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Mark Zuckerberg slammed by global politicians for refusing to give evidence in UK Parliament

Politicians around the world today said they are 'deeply disappointed' at Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to appear in front of their grand committee at the UK Houses of Parliament. 

The Facebook boss was 'empty chaired' after he snubbed their demands to appear in front of a Commons select committee to be grilled on the Cambridge Analytica scandal and privacy breaches.

It came as committee chairman Damian Collins revealed a Facebook engineer in 2014 warned bosses that Russians were harvesting three billion data points a day.

The revelation, which is contained in a cache of secret documents seized by the committee, raises fresh questions about the scale of Facebook privacy breaches.

Mr Zuckerberg refused to appear in front of the committee despite being invited six months ago - and Instead sent British Facebook executive Richard Allan in his place.

The move sparked fury among politicians from countries including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Latvia and Singapore, who had travelled to the UK for the grilling.

Charlie Angus, a politician from Canada, lashed Mr Zuckerberg, saying 'we are deeply disappointed' and demanded to know why the Facebook boss decided to 'blow off this meeting'. 

He added: 'Mr Zuckerberg's decision to not appear here speaks volumes.

'When he says that the plan was, to move fast and break things, and that breaking may have involved our Democratic institutions, does he not think or not believe that parliamentarians will push back?' 

His colleague Bob Zimmer said: 'In this room we represent over 400 million people and to not have your CEO sit in that chair is an offence to all of us in this room, and our citizens as well.'

Lord Allan said Facebook would 'very much welcome' tighter regulations to clamp down on fake news and foreign interference in elections, saying new laws would be 'extraordinarily helpful'.

The DCMS select committee brought representatives from 9 countries around the world to quiz Facebook over the privacy breached which has rocked the tech giant - and were furious when Mark Zuckerberg snubbed the invite - and empty-chaired him

The DCMS select committee brought representatives from 9 countries around the world to quiz Facebook over the privacy breached which has rocked the tech giant - and were furious when Mark Zuckerberg snubbed the invite - and empty-chaired him

The DCMS select committee brought representatives from 9 countries around the world to quiz Facebook over the privacy breached which has rocked the tech giant - and were furious when Mark Zuckerberg snubbed the invite - and empty-chaired him

The Facebook boss sent Richard Allan, a Lib Dem peer and senior Facebook executive, in his place to face the furious politicians (pictured)

The Facebook boss sent Richard Allan, a Lib Dem peer and senior Facebook executive, in his place to face the furious politicians (pictured)

The Facebook boss sent Richard Allan, a Lib Dem peer and senior Facebook executive, in his place to face the furious politicians (pictured)

Lord Allan, a Lib Dem peer, admitted the no show looks 'not good, but added: 'I also have a role supporting my company as it tries to grapple with the issues it faces today. 

'I am proud of the fact that we have answered thousands of questions and appeared in front of many committee hearings around the world.'

And he admitted that trust in Facebook has plummeted in the wake of a series of scandals, saying: 'We recognise through our own actions and external events that we are not in a good pace in terms of trust.' 

Lord Allan also revealed that he volunteered to face the wrath of politicians on the committee today. 

Today's hearing comes after British MP Mr Collins used his parliamentary powers to seize a cache of secret documents from a company linked to the scandal.  

What are the accusations against Facebook?

Facebook is facing allegations from all over the work that it has been used to spread 'fake news', interfere with elections, and peddle hate.

It is also facing hugely damaging revelations of privacy data breaches among its accounts.

Here are some of the controversies it has been embroiled in: 

'Fake news' and Russia 

Facebook has come under the spotlight amid claims that Russian accounts used the platform to spread 'fake news' during the 2016  Brexit referendum.

In America, Russians accounts have been accused of using Facebook to harm Hilary Clinton's prospects of being elected over Donald Trump. 

In the UK, some have claimed that misleading information was used to promote Brexit in the run up to the 2016 referendum. 

Cambridge Analytica Scandal:

The data of around 87 million Facebook users was harvested by the company Cambridge Analytica (CA).

It has been claimed CA used the information to assess peoples' personalities and come up with political strategies to sway voters to back Brexit and Donald Trump.

Spread of extremism and hate

Facebook has been repeatedly criticised for not being quick enough to take extremist content down from its site.

Critics have warned that Facebook has become a safe haven for extremists who peddle hate and try to recruit jihadis to kill and maim.

He sent a House of Commons Serjeant at Arms to personally demand documents from the founder of a company called Six4Three, a controversial app that allowed people to find pictures of friends in bikinis.

The papers - said to include confidential emails between senior executives, and correspondence with Mr Zuckerberg - are under orders to be kept secret by a US court.

The Tory MP said he would not be publishing the documents - but did reveal that they suggested Russia had been using the social networking site to get access to massive amounts of information.

He said: 'An engineer at Facebook notified the company in 2014 that an entity with Russian IP addresses had been using an API key to pull over three billion data points a day...was that reported to any external body at the time?'

But Lord Allan downplayed the claims - saying it was from a 'hostile litigant' adding: 'Any information is at best partial, or at worst misleading.'

He said he will look into the claim and write to the committee to explain what the firm's position is.

The hearing is the first time politicians from around the world have taken part in such an international hearing in the British Parliament since 1933. 

They have travelled to hold a special session of the inquiry, which was set up to investigate fake news on Facebook after the 2016 EU referendum but widened following revelations about Cambridge Analytica and claims Russia used the social network to spread disinformation and sow chaos.

Lord Allan was challenged over whether Facebook poses a threat to democracy.

He said: 'What we want are free and fair elections.'

He said the firm did 'spot this activity' from foreign countries and that it was 'wrong'. was wrong 

Facebook has demanded the Six4Three papers are handed back without being opened by MPs or published.

Six4Three are the makers of the controversial app Pinkini, and is suing Facebook for restricting the app's access to users' data.

As part of its case, Six4Three's lawyers  were handed internal Facebook documents - including executives' email correspondence with Mr Zuckerberg - but they were 'sealed' by a court in California, meaning they are kept secret.

Where do the papers Six4Three Facebook papers come from?

The documents seized by Collins and his committee stem from a court case being heard in California between app developer Six4Three and Facebook.

Ted Kramer, who owns the developer, launched a suit against Facebook after the tech company restricted to data that one of his apps - Pinkini - could access.

The app was designed to identify bikini photos among albums posted by friends on Facebook, and the restrictions effectively killed it. 

As part of the lawsuit, Kramer accuses Facebook of encouraging developers to build apps based around access to data that it then withdrew.

He also alleges that Zuckerberg sold expensive ads to developers in return for long-term access to the data.

This form of access was later exploited by Cambridge Analytica in an attempt to affect elections. 

As part of his case, Kramer got his hands on documents - said to include confidential emails between senior executives, and correspondence with Zuckerberg - apparently showing they knew about issues around the privacy of user data.

Facebook fought for months to keep the documents secret, and was ultimately vindicated when a California judge ruled in its favor.

But now Collins is threatening to publish the documents because he is outside of US jurisdiction and protected in his role as a minister heading up an investigation.   

It believed the documents show how the firm created and effectively drew attention to a privacy loophole later used by Cambridge Analytica to collect the data of millions of users.

Six4Three managing director Ted Kramer gave the documents to British authorities after being warned he could be banned from leaving the UK if he refused.

In an extraordinary sequence of events, he ignored three demands for the emails before being personally served by a Serjeant at Arms and meeting Mr Collins in his Commons office. 

MPs drew up the 'unprecedented' order to seize the documents after discovering that Mr Kramer was due to visit the UK.

Mr Kramer has claimed in court documents he 'panicked' while in the meeting with Mr Collins and his staff, meaning he copied documents from his cloud storage and onto a USB stick.   

But after seizing the documents, Mr Collins said: 'Under UK law and parliamentary privilege we can publish papers if we choose to.

'As you know we have asked many questions of Facebook about its policies on sharing user data.

'I believe these documents may contain important information.'

He said Facebook had some 'very serious questions' to answer and accused it of misleading the committee over Russian involvement on the platform.

'It has not answered our questions about who knew what, when with regards to the Cambridge Analytica scandal,' Mr Collins said.

'We have followed this court case in America and we believed these documents contained answers to some of the questions we have been seeking about the use of data, especially by external developers.' 

Mr Collins is attempting to hold Facebook to account over data breaches that affected more than 87 million Facebook users in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Charlie Angus, a politician from Canada,(pictured) lashed Mr Zuckerberg for not bothering to show up to the committee, saying 'we are deeply disappointed'

Charlie Angus, a politician from Canada,(pictured) lashed Mr Zuckerberg for not bothering to show up to the committee, saying 'we are deeply disappointed'

Charlie Angus, a politician from Canada,(pictured) lashed Mr Zuckerberg for not bothering to show up to the committee, saying 'we are deeply disappointed'

An app called ThisIsYourDigitalLife harvested the data of millions of Facebook users, largely without their knowledge, then sold it on to now-defunct political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica.

The firm then used the data to target political advertising at users during both the US elections in 2016 and the Brexit referendum when it worked on behalf of Donald Trump's campaign and Leave.EU. 

Who is grilling Facebook at today's hearing?  

Politicians around the world are separately investigating Facebook and its role in fake news. Many have demanded evidence from Mark Zuckerberg personally - but have been rebuffed as he only agreed to speak to the US Senate and European Parliament.

Britain's Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee chaired by Damian Collins MP set up an international hearing to try and persuade the Facebook founder to come.

He refused again but committee will meet today anyway.

  • It includes: 

  • Leopoldo Moreau, Chair, Freedom of Expression Commission, Chamber of Deputies, Argentina

  • Nele Lijnen, member, Committee on Infrastructure, Communications and Public Enterprises, Parliament of Belgium

  • Alessandro Molon, Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil

  • Bob Zimmer, Chair, and Nathaniel Erskine-Smith and Charlie Angus, Vice Chairs, Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, House of Commons, Canada

  • Catherine Morin-Desailly, Chair, Standing Committee on Culture, Education and Media, French Senate

  • Hildegarde Naughton, Chair, and Eamon Ryan, Deputy Chair, Joint Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Parliament of Ireland

  • Dr Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Latvia

  • Pritam Singh, Edwin Tong and Sun Xueling, members, Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods, Parliament of Singapore.

The documents were seized after Zuckerberg was forced to defend his job over revelations that Facebook knew about Russian election interference despite denying it and used lobby firms to smear critics.

It was revealed last week that Facebook deliberately misled the public about what it knew about the Kremlin's 2016 election tampering.

The tech giant also employed a 'research firm' to smear protesters by linking them to George Soros and a lobby firm to brand critics anti-Semites.

When asked today if would consider stepping down as chairman Mr Zuckerberg told CNN Business 'That's not the plan.'

He was critical of the use of lobby and research firms to attack opponents.

'I wasn't particularly happy about that piece of it. And that's certainly a lot of what made me want to look into this more deeply,' he said.

'The intention was never to attack an individual but there are lobbying groups out there who are out to attack, it's fine to push back on them.'

He also criticised the decision to link critics to George Soros.

'George Soros has been the target of a lot of really horrendous attacks and I think that that is terrible and I certainly wouldn't want anyone who is associated with our company to be a part of that,' he said.

'A lot of the critique that folks have had about our company, I read and I think a lot of it is fair and we need to do better and learn from but at the same time I don't think all of it is fair.'

Facebook's share price has been tanking since it became embroiled in the data scandal, and took a particularly sharp nose-dive in recent weeks.

The social network is down almost 20 per cent in this quarter compared to last, with shares selling at $134.82 last week.

On July 25, Facebook was selling at $217.50 a share.  

Lord Allan has also urged Mr Collins not to reveal the documents. He warned Collins yesterday in an email that the documents are 'sub judice before a court in California' and are 'sealed'.  

Lord Allan is a Liberal Democrat peer and unlike previous Facebook witnesses at the House of Commons is an expert in Parliament's procedures.

He spent eight years as MP for Sheffield Hallam and was succeeded by Nick Clegg, who has since been hired by Facebook since he lost the seat last year.  

A US judge in California had ordered the files, obtained from Facebook via a legal discovery process, could not be revealed to the public earlier this year. 

Mr Zuckerberg has repeatedly refused to attend the UK Parliament saying that he has already testified to Congress in the US and before the European Union.

'It is not possible for Mr Zuckerberg to be available to all parliaments,' the firm said. 

Mr Collins has repeatedly hit out over the snub, describing the response as 'not good enough'.   

Facebook said after the documents were seized: 'The materials obtained by the DCMS committee are subject to a protective order of the San Mateo Superior Court restricting their disclosure.

'We have asked the DCMS committee to refrain from reviewing them and to return them to counsel or to Facebook.

'We have no further comment.'

What is the Cambridge Analytica scandal?

Consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica had offices in London, New York, Washington, as well as Brazil and Malaysia.

The company boasts it can 'find your voters and move them to action' through data-driven campaigns and a team that includes data scientists and behavioural psychologists. 

In 2013, Cambridge professor Aleksandr Kogan used his app, This Is Your Digital Life, to ask 270,000 Facebook users questions about their personalities.

By answering them, the users granted Kogan access to not only their profiles but to those of their friends.

He subsequently sold that information to Cambridge Analytica for $51million.

Facebook changed its rules in 2014 to limit what data such apps could access.

A year later, the company learned that Kogan had sold his findings and contacted both him and Cambridge Analytica to tell them to delete the data which they promised to do.

In March, Facebook made its announcement that it had suspended Cambridge Analytica after being warned of looming media reports that claimed not all of the information had been destroyed.

Those reports, which were informed by the accounts of whistleblowers who worked at the firm, also revealed the true scale of the breach.  

It was initially estimated that the firm was able to mine the information of 55 million Facebook users even though just 270,000 people gave them permission to do so.

But Facebook later since revealed the number was actually as high as 87 million. 

The data firm suspended its chief executive, Alexander Nix, after recordings emerged of him making a series of controversial claims, including boasts that Cambridge Analytica had a pivotal role in the election of Donald Trump.

The same information is said to have been used to help the Brexit campaign in the UK.  

Main photo article Politicians around the world today said they are ‘deeply disappointed’ at Mark Zuckerberg’s refusal to appear in front of their grand committee at the UK Houses of Parliament. 
The Facebook boss was ’empty chaired’ after he snubbed their demands to appear in front ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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