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понедельник, 11 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Tucker Carlson blasts the liberal mob for reporting his comments

Tucker Carlson has responded to reports containing dozens of his controversial comments from old radio appearances by accusing the 'liberal mob' of trying to take him down.

The Fox News anchor opened his show on Monday night with a lengthy diatribe alluding to the backlash he's faced after Media Matters For America published old transcripts from his guest spots on the shock jock radio program Bubba the Love Sponge Show between 2006 and 2011. 

The first set of transcripts published Sunday included clips where Carlson defends underage marriage and statutory rape and employs deeply misogynistic rhetoric to describe women. 

The second set out on Monday night details repeated racist remarks by Carlson, who called people from Iraq 'semiliterate primitive monkeys', said Afghanistan is 'never going to be a civilized country because the people aren't civilized' and credited 'white men' with 'creating civilization'.  

Carlson didn't specifically address any of his comments on Monday night's show, but said that it was 'pointless to try to explain how the words were spoken in jest, or taken out of context'. 

He went on to say: 'Since the day we went on the air, they've been working hard to kill this show,' referring to what he calls 'the liberal mob'. 

'We haven't said much about it in public. It seemed too self-referential. The point of this show has never been us. But now it's obvious to everybody. There's no pretending that it's not happening. It is happening. And so going forward, we'll be covering their efforts to make us be quiet. 

'For now, just two points to leave you with: First, FOX News is behind us, as they have been since the very first day. Toughness is a rare quality in a TV network, and we are grateful for that. 

'Second, we've always apologized when we're wrong, and will continue to do that. That's what decent people do. They apologize. But we will never bow to the mob. Ever. No matter what.' 

Nowhere in his statement did Carlson, who was hired by Fox News in 2009, actually apologize for any of the 'naughty' remarks he'd made in years past. 

Tucker Carlson responded to reports containing dozens of his controversial comments from old radio appearances by accusing the 'liberal mob' of trying to take him down during the opening remarks on his show Monday night

Tucker Carlson responded to reports containing dozens of his controversial comments from old radio appearances by accusing the 'liberal mob' of trying to take him down during the opening remarks on his show Monday night

Tucker Carlson responded to reports containing dozens of his controversial comments from old radio appearances by accusing the 'liberal mob' of trying to take him down during the opening remarks on his show Monday night

Over Sunday and Monday, Media Matters For America published 40 transcripts from Carlson's appearances on Bubba the Love Sponge, a Florida-based radio program, between 2006 and 2011. 

For about an hour each week, Carlson would call into the show and weigh in on current events, often sharing controversial opinions in vulgar terms along with host Todd Clem (aka Bubba the Love Sponge) and a co-host. 

After the first set of 27 transcripts were published Sunday, Carlson brushed them off with a statement on Twitter.  

'Media Matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show more than a decade ago,' he wrote on Twitter. 

'Rather than express the usual ritual contrition, how about this: I'm on television every weeknight live for an hour. If you want to know what I think, you can watch. Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why.' 

Media Matters President Angelo Carusone responded to Carlson's statement by saying: 'The reason we released this is precisely because the things you say on your Fox News show echo the misogyny displayed in those clips. We were actually helping people better understand just how vile your current Fox News show is by showing what that worldview really looks like.' 

For about an hour each week, Carlson would call into the show hosted by Bubba the Love Sponge (above), real name Todd Clem, and weigh in on current events, often sharing controversial opinions in vulgar terms


'Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight.

As anyone who's ever been caught in its gears can tell you, the great American outrage machine is a remarkable thing. One day you're having dinner with your family, imagining everything is fine. The next, your phone is exploding with calls from reporters. They read you snippets from a press release written by Democratic party operatives. They demand to know how you could possibly have said something so awful and offensive. Do you have a statement on how immoral you are? It's a bewildering moment, especially when the quotes in question are more than a decade old.

There's really not that much you can do to respond. It's pointless to try to explain how the words were spoken in jest, or taken out of context, or in any case bear no resemblance to what you actually think, or would want for the country. None of that matters. Nobody cares. You know the role you're required to play: You are a sinner, begging the forgiveness of Twitter. So you issue a statement of deep contrition. You apologize profusely for your transgressions. You promise to be a better person going forward. With the guidance of your contrition consultants, you send money to whatever organization claims to represent the people you supposedly offended. Then you sit back and brace for a wave of stories about your apology, all of which are simply pretexts for attacking you again. In the end, you get fired, you lose your job. Nobody defends you. Your neighbors avert their gaze as you pull into the driveway. You are ruined.

And yet, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how despised and humiliated you may be, there is one thing you can never do, one thing that is absolutely not allowed: You can never acknowledge the comic absurdity of the whole thing. You can never laugh in the face of the mob. You must always pretend that the people yelling at you are somehow your moral superiors. You have to assume that what they say they're mad about is what they're actually mad about. You have to take them at face value. You must pretend this is a debate about virtue, and not about power; that your critics are arguing from principle and not from partisanship. No matter what they take from you in the end, you must continue to pretend that these things are true: You are bad. They are good. The system is on the level.

But what if we stopped pretending for a minute? What if we acknowledged what's actually going on? One side is deadly serious. They believe that politics is war. They're not interested in abstractions or principles, rules or traditions. They seek power. They plan to win it, whatever it takes. If that includes getting you fired, or silencing you, or threatening your family at home, or throwing you in prison, ok, they know what their goal is. If you're in the way, they will crush you.

What's interesting is how reliably the other side pretends that none of this is happening. Republicans in Washington do a fairly credible imitation of an opposition party. The still give speeches. They tweet quite a bit. They make concerned noises about how liberals are bad. But on the deepest level, it's all a pose. In their minds, where it matters, Republican leaders are controlled by the left. They know exactly what they're allowed to say and believe. They know what the rules are. They may understand that those rules were written by the very people who seek their destruction. They ruthlessly enforce them anyway. Republicans in Washington police their own with a never-ending enthusiasm. Like trustees in a prison, they dutifully report back to the warden, hoping for perks. Nobody wants to be called names. Nobody wants to be Trump.

How many times have you seen it happen? Some conservative figure will say something stupid, or incomplete, or too far outside the bounds of received wisdom for the moral guardians of cable news. Twitter goes bonkers. The mob demands a response. Very often, the first people calling for the destruction of that person are Republican leaders. You saw it with the Covington Catholic high school kids. You see it all the time. Kevin McCarthy spends half his day telling Republican members not to criticize progressive orthodoxy. Paul Ryan did the same before him. A couple of years ago, the entire Democratic Party decided to deny the biological reality of sex differences, an idea that's as insane as it is dangerous. Republican leaders decided not to criticize them for it. They might get upset.

This is a system built on deceit and enforced silence. Hypocrisy is its hallmark. Yet in Washington, it's considered rude to ask questions about how exactly it works. Why are the people who considered Bill Clinton a hero lecturing me about sexism? How can the party that demands racial quotas denounce other people as racist? After a while you begin to think that maybe their criticisms aren't sincere. Maybe their moral puffery is a costume. Maybe the whole conversation is an absurd joke. Maybe we're falling for it.

You sometimes hear modern progressives described as new puritans. That's a slur on colonial Americans. Whatever their flaws, the puritans cared about the fate of the human soul and the moral regeneration of their society. Those are not topics that interest progressives. They're too busy pushing late term abortion and cross dressing on fifth graders. These are the people who write our movies and our sitcoms. They are not shocked by naughty words. They just pretend to be when it's useful.

It's been very useful lately. The left's main goal, in case you haven't noticed, is controlling what you think. In order to do that, they have to control the information that you receive. Google and Facebook and Twitter are on fully board with that. They're happy to ban unapproved thoughts and they don't apologize for it. They often do. So do the other cable channels, and virtually every major news outlet in this country. One of the only places left in the United States where independent thoughts are allowed is right here, the opinion hours on this network. Just a few hours in a sea of television programming. It's not much, relatively speaking. For the left, it's unacceptable. They demand total conformity.

Since the day we went on the air, they've been working hard to kill this show. We haven't said much about it in public. It seemed too self-referential. The point of this show has never been us. But now it's obvious to everybody. There's no pretending that it's not happening. It is happening. And so going forward, we'll be covering their efforts to make us be quiet. For now, just two points to leave you with. First, FOX News is behind us, as they have been since the very first day. Toughness is a rare quality in a TV network, and we are grateful for that. Second, we've always apologized when we're wrong, and will continue to do that. That's what decent people do. They apologize. But we will never bow to the mob. Ever. No matter what.' 

The second set of transcripts that dropped Monday includes 13 segments with racist remarks from Carlson, as detailed below.

People from the Middle East are 'uncivilized', 'Muslim lunatics' and 'primitive monkeys' 

Carlson shares highly offensive opinions about people from the Middle East in five of the transcripts included in the second MMFA report.  

He remarked during one show in March 2006 that he wanted a president who would say: 'You know what the problem is? It’s Islamic extremism. It's not terror, it's not some, you know, indefinable threat out there. It's these lunatic Muslims who are behaving like animals, and I'm going to kill as many of them as I can if you elect me.' 

In May 2006, he said of Arabs in Iraq: 'They're also so just awful. Just awful. 

'I just have zero sympathy for them or their culture. A culture where people just don't use toilet paper or forks.'

He continued: 'They can just shut the f*** up and obey, is my view. And, you know, the second we leave, they’re going to be calling for us to return because they can’t govern themselves. 

Carlson insulted Iraq during another show on March 11, 2011, when Bubba asked him how the country could be salvaged and he replied: 'I mean if, somehow, the Iraqis decided to behave like human beings.' 

Months later in October, Bubba mentioned something about how Carlson doesn't like Canada, to which he responds: 'I totally disagree. If I didn't like Canada, I wouldn't consider it worth invading. I mean, Iraq is a crappy place filled with a bunch of, you know, semiliterate primitive monkeys -- that’s why it wasn't worth invading. 

'But Canada's a solid place with good-looking women and good fishing. We should invade.'

Carlson goes on to mention how he once had a speaking gig in Canada canceled 'because I called them our retarded cousins.' 

The host took aim at Iraq's neighbor Afghanistan during a September 23, 2009, show when he said: 'It's never going to be a civilized country because the people aren't civilized.' 

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Immigrants should be 'hot' or 'really smart' 

Anyone who has watched Carlson's show on Fox News knows that he has extreme views about immigration. 

Just a couple months ago Tucker Carlson Tonight lost multiple advertisers after the host implied that immigrants make the US 'poorer and dirtier'. 

It appears that his views haven't changed much in the last two decades, as he made similar remarks when talking about immigrants on Bubba the Love Sponge on March 17, 2006. 

'People who come to this country ought to have something to offer. Be hot, be really smart, you know what I mean?' Carlson said. 

'But people to come over and pick lettuce, I mean, I'm not saying that's an undignified - I mean, that's great, you know, and I admire people who work hard, but on the other hand, is that - are those people who are going to build, you know, a stronger country 20 years from now?'   

Americans 'need a racist president' 

Carlson laid out what he'd like to see in an American president during a show on March 21, 2006, just as the 2008 election cycle was picking up speed. 

After he laid out a lengthy list of qualifications, a co-host summarized: 'So, basically we need a racist president' who will say: 'We need to get these Mexicans out of here, and the Islam. Let’s kill all the Muslims.'

Carlson replied: 'I think that you're onto something. I mean, not someone who’s like a Klansman or anything, but someone who's totally unbound by P.C. rules, who will just say whatever the hell he wants.

'You know, someone who really will -- and everyone claims: "Oh, I say it like it is." But nobody actually does. The guy who does, who says, "I'm unabashedly pro-American. F*** the French. Who cares what they think? The Belgians? They don’t like it, they can pound sand." You know what I mean? That guy is going to get elected.'

In show just before the election, Carlson mentioned how Governor Mike Huckabee didn't win the nomination because 'the country's so f***ed up on the subject' of white men. 

'Everyone's embarrassed to be a white man I guess, that's a bad thing,' he said. 

'White men, you know, they've contributed some, I would say. I mean creating civilization and stuff, I think they've done a pretty - I don't know, whatever! I just don't like to think of the world in those terms.' 

'Barack Obama would still be in the state Senate in Illinois if he were white'

Carlson pulls no punches when it comes to President Barack Obama, whom he's been critical of since before he made it to the Oval Office. 

In August 2008, a couple months before Obama was elected, Carlson told Bubba listeners: 'I still can't get over Obama saying: "They're going to attack me because I'm Black." I mean, that's just ridiculous. I mean, that is so low to say something like that.  

'Everybody knows that Barack Obama would still be in the state Senate in Illinois if he were white.' 

Bubba interrupts: 'Hold on, Tucker, hold on. You don't deal with the public like we do. We have an open forum to the public, and we hear how these people think, and how these people act. And let me tell you something, he's not far off. 

'We answer the phone and be like: "Hi, Bubba Show." "Yeah, let me tell you something, that fucking n***** ain't going to [inaudible] and fuck." I mean, seriously. It's really sad, Tucker.' 

Carlson responds: 'Well, there are some serious crackers out there. I'm not saying that there aren't racists. There are tons of ugly, ugly, ugly racists out there. I'm just saying it cuts both ways. I mean, it cuts both ways.' 

'And Obama has -- will he be hurt by the fact he's Black? There's no question about that. No one doubts that. But he will also be helped, as he has been helped.'

In an earlier show in 2006, Carlson said of Obama: 'How is he Black, for one thing? He has one white parent, one Black parent. I mean, why isn't he white?'

The co-host responds: 'Well, the US government says that if you're more than 33 percent a minority, then you're that minority.'

Carlson replies: 'That sounds like some kind of Nazi rule.' 

The second installment of transcripts from MMFA can be read in full here.  

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The first MMFA report contains 27 transcripts broken down into four sections: 'Talking about underage girls and sex, and minimizing and defending statutory rape', 'Diminishing sexual violence/laughing about violence against women', 'Sexism against specific women' and 'Sexism against unnamed women'.

The conversations are detailed below. 

Sexualizing underage girls and defending statutory rape

The first transcript is pulled from an August 27, 2009, show during which Carlson, Bubba and a co-host discuss underage marriage.  

'Look, just to make it absolutely clear, I am not defending underage marriage at all,' Carlson prefaces before saying: 'I just don't think it's the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.

After Bubba and the co-host express outrage at Carlson's defense, he explains: 'The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different. I mean, let's be honest about it.'

The co-host replies: 'That's twisted. That's demented.'

Carlson then says: 'I got myself in a position that seem like I'm defending it, because I am against that.'

Months later on an October 25, 2009, show, the group talks about how Carlson's 14-year-old daughter goes to boarding school. 

Bubba - who is against his children going to boarding school, describes a scenario in which underage girls experiment with each other sexually in their dormitory. 

Carlson remarks: 'If it weren't my daughter I would love that scenario.'

One of the earlier transcripts of Bubba the Love Sponge is from a September 5, 2006, show during which the group talks about Warren Jeffs, who at the time was on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list for his involvement in arranging illegal underage marriage. 

Carlson calls the charges against Jeffs 'bullshit' because 'arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her'.

On another show, Carlson said that if he made the laws, Jeffs would be go free and Michael Vick, who was convicted of dog fighting, would be executed. 

In an April 2006 show about a teacher who had sex with a 13-year-old student multiple times, Carlson said: 'Teachers like this, not necessarily this one in particular, but they are doing a service to all 13-year-old girls by taking the pressure off. They are a pressure relief valve, like the kind you have on your furnace.'

The sixth and final transcript from the first section of the MMFA report, taken from a January 2008 show, contains a conversation about Bill Clinton.

Carlson says: 'Why doesn't [Bill] divorce [Hillary] and, you know, take up plural marriage or something with a bunch of teenagers in a foreign country.' 


Below is a list of the most controversial comments by Tucker Carlson revealed in the transcripts compiled by Media Matters For America: 

What women want: 

'By the way, women hate you when they do you wrong and you put up with it. Because they hate weakness. They're like dogs that way. They can smell it on you, and they have contempt for it; they'll bite you.  

'I mean, I love women, but they're extremely primitive, they're basic, they're not that hard to understand. And one of the things they hate more than anything is weakness in a man.' 

- October 30, 2007

In defense of underage marriage:  

'I just don't think it's the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child. 

'The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different. I mean, let's be honest about it.' 

- August 27, 2009 

Warren Jeffs' imprisonment for facilitation of child rape is 'bullshit'

'I should make the laws around here, and Michael Vick would have been executed, and Warren Jeffs would be out on the street.

'I'm not for child rape. I'm just saying, if you mistreat dogs like that, we're going to have to execute you. 

In defense of a teacher who had sex with a 13-year-old female student 

'Teacher's like this, not necessarily this one in particular, but they are doing a service to all 13-year-old girls by taking the pressure off. They are a pressure relief valve, like the kind you have on your furnace.'

- April 4, 2006 

In defense of Duke University lacrosse players accused of gang raping a sex worker

'She sells sex for a living. If she's accusing other people of nonconsensual sex, it's a little more complicated than if some, you know, housewife claims she was pulled off the street and raped. 

'It's just not the same thing. It's harder to determine what's consensual and what's not.'

- April 8, 2006 

The case for removing rape shield laws 

'Why is it if I accuse you of embezzlement, of shooting my dog, or shooting me, of any crime, I have to go face you in open court. My name is available to anybody who's reporting on the case, right?

'Your name is in the public eye. My name is in the public eye. Why is it that, in this one category of crimes, the accuser doesn't have to be treated as an adult? I don't understand that. It gives the accuser all the power. 

'So if I'm alleging rape, I have the protection of anonymity. I can say whatever I want while hiding behind anonymity, while the person I accused, whether he's guilty or not, has his life destroyed. That's totally unfair. 

'We've done a couple of shows on this, and we always had these feminists on who kind of: 'Well, because no one would ever report rape'. Really? I don't know. Women seem to be adults to me. I mean, in other words, if you are grievously injured by another person, it's not your fault. I don't understand why, if you're an adult, you just can't get up and say: 'This is what the person did to me.''

- May 9, 2006 

 On Alexis Stewart 

'She seems extremely c***y. I just wanted to give her the spanking she so desperately needs. 

'I don't normally laugh at girls' appearances, just because I think it's mean. But she - I'm bending the rule for her.' 

- May 2, 2006 

On Hillary Clinton 

'She has dreams of real power. Now, if she were to get real power -- let's say she were to get absolute power, how long do you think it would take before she castrated you?' 

- March 12, 2006

'The problem with Hillary is you look at Hillary and you know in your heart that if she could castrate you, she would. 

'So thereby she gets not a single vote from any white male in the country. Now you can hate white males if you want, but you kind of need them to vote for you.' 

- March 14, 2006  

On Oprah Winfrey   

'Somehow the rest of us have been bullied into pretending that Oprah's great, that she doesn't hate the penis, that she's not anti-man. But she completely is.

'The subtext of every Oprah show is men suck. They abuse you, they rape you, they sleep with your sister and leave you.'  

 - December 11, 2007

On 14-year-old girls experimenting sexually at boarding school

'If it weren't my daughter I would love that scenario.'

 - October 25, 2009

Diminishing sexual violence against women 

Tucker went on a rant about confusion over sexual consent during an April 2006 show about gang rape allegations against Duke University lacrosse players. 

'Well, I think they could get railroaded. I mean, you know, look, here's the bottom line.... this woman sells sex for a living. OK? I'm not attacking that -- I'm merely noting it. She sells sex for a living. If she's accusing other people of nonconsensual sex, it's a little more complicated than if some, you know, housewife claims she was pulled off the street and raped. It's just not the same thing. It's harder to determine what's consensual and what's not. 

'And to act like, you know, these guys absolutely did it because she's this oppressed stripper, pardon me, adult dancer or exotic dancer, whatever the hell they're calling her, is ridiculous. I mean, these kids, maybe they did do something wrong, I don't know. But, I mean, you got to give them the benefit of the doubt.' 


Bubba the Love Sponge, real name Todd Clem, was once Florida's boisterous equivalent to Howard Stern, hosting one of the state's largest radio shows and making up to $2million a year.

But his place among the radio elite came to a screeching halt after he was involved in a Nielsen rating scandal and secretly filmed former best friend - wrestling icon Hulk Hogan - having sex with his wife in 2006.  

For years all was quiet, until the tape leaked and was published by now-defunct gossip site Gawker in 2012.

The leak resulted in Bubba getting fired and Hogan winning a record-breaking $140million from Gawker which resulted in its closure. Hogan has moves in the work against other parties, but has taken no legal action against his former pal. 

Today Bubba hosts an internet broadcast called 'Bubba Radio Army'. 

In another show he called for the elimination of rape shield laws, which protect the identity of sexual assault victims by keeping their names out of police records and court documents. 

It's unclear what sparked the conversation on the May 9, 2006, program.  

Carlson says: 'One thing that can be done immediately is to eliminate rape shield laws. I mean, why is it if I accuse you of embezzlement, of shooting my dog, or shooting me, of any crime, I have to go face you in open court. My name is available to anybody who's reporting on the case, right?

'Your name is in the public eye. My name is in the public eye. Why is it that, in this one category of crimes, the accuser doesn't have to be treated as an adult? I don't understand that. It gives the accuser all the power. 

He continues: 'So if I'm alleging rape, I have the protection of anonymity. I can say whatever I want while hiding behind anonymity, while the person I accused, whether he's guilty or not, has his life destroyed. That's totally unfair. 

'We've done a couple of shows on this, and we always had these feminists on who kind of: 'Well, because no one would ever report rape'. Really? I don't know. Women seem to be adults to me. I mean, in other words, if you are grievously injured by another person, it's not your fault. I don't understand why, if you're an adult, you just can't get up and say: 'This is what the person did to me.''

Two other shows included in the report detail discussions about abusing women when they misbehave. 

In one from August 2, 2006, Bubba, his co-host and Carlson are discussing an upcoming guest, Miami Dolphins football player Lamar Thomas, who allegedly choked his girlfriend because 'she was acting up'. 

According to MMFA, Tucker could be heard laughing at the serious allegations.  

In the second show from January 6, 2010, Bubba and guest Hulk Hogan talks about how the former 'choked out' a woman named Rebecca. 

Carlson stays largely silent as the rather disturbing details are laid out.  

Sexism against specific women 

Carlson launched an attack on TV host Alexis Stewart during a May 2, 2006, show after Bubba and his co-host mention that they run into her frequently.

'She seems extremely c***y,' Carlson remarks.  

He said after he heard Stewart's appearance on MSNBC: 'I just wanted to give her the spanking she so desperately needs. 

'She seems so high maintenance, she seems like the kind of person you marry and then just the rest of your life is like hell.'

Carlson insulted TV personality Alexis Stewart (above) during a May 2006 show by saying she 'seems extremely c***y'

Carlson insulted TV personality Alexis Stewart (above) during a May 2006 show by saying she 'seems extremely c***y'

Carlson insulted TV personality Alexis Stewart (above) during a May 2006 show by saying she 'seems extremely c***y'

Bubba chimes in: 'She seemed like the kind of girl that you marry and then go out and have a w**** on the side.'

Carlson replies: 'At least, and then go shoot yourself. And even that's not enough to raise her spirits.' 

Bubba then says: 'She's got real big f***ing Dumbo teacup for ears. She looks like a taxicab going down the road with the doors open, Brent, with her f***ing ears.

Carlson responds: 'I don't normally laugh at girls' appearances, just because I think it's mean. But she -- I'm bending the rule for her.' 

Carlson took aim at Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an August 5, 2008, show when talking about one of then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign commercials. 

He said the campaign was 'trying to say that [Obama is] coming for your pristine white daughters by putting two of the biggest white w****s in America' in the ad. 

In a show that aired on election day, Carlson revealed that he had voted for Republican candidate John McCain, to which Bubba said: 'Because you want to f*** Sarah Palin.'

Carlson replied: 'I'll agree with that.'

During an August 2008 show, Carlson referred to Britney Spears (above in February 2018) and Paris Hiltonas two of the biggest white w****s in America'

During an August 2008 show, Carlson referred to Britney Spears (above in February 2018) and Paris Hiltonas two of the biggest white w****s in America'

Paris Hilton is pictured in June 2018

Paris Hilton is pictured in June 2018

During an August 2008 show, Carlson referred to Britney Spears (left in February 2018) and Paris Hilton (right in June 2018) as two of the biggest white w****s in America'

Three of the MMFA transcripts in this section of the report contain vulgar descriptions of Hillary Clinton. 

In March 2006, ahead of the Democratic presidential primaries, Tucker said of the then-Senator: 'She has dreams of real power. Now, if she were to get real power -- let's say she were to get absolute power, how long do you think it would take before she castrated you?'

He made similar comments during a show two days later, saying: 'The problem with Hillary is you look at Hillary and you know in your heart that if she could castrate you, she would. 

'So thereby she gets not a single vote from any white male in the country. Now you can hate white males if you want, but you kind of need them to vote for you.'

Two years later in early 2008, when Hillary was a strong frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, Carlson said: 'Here's Hillary, but there's also someone who isn't so strongly anti-penis also running with her.'

Carlson slammed Hillary Clinton in several radio appearances, calling her 'anti-penis' and saying: 'You know in your heart that if she could castrate you, she would'

Carlson slammed Hillary Clinton in several radio appearances, calling her 'anti-penis' and saying: 'You know in your heart that if she could castrate you, she would'

Carlson slammed Hillary Clinton in several radio appearances, calling her 'anti-penis' and saying: 'You know in your heart that if she could castrate you, she would'

He attacked fellow 'man-hater' Oprah Winfrey during a December 2007 show. 

'Somehow the rest of us have been bullied into pretending that Oprah's great, that she doesn't hate the penis, that she's not anti-man. But she completely is,' Carlson said.

'The subtext of every Oprah show is men suck. They abuse you, they rape you, they sleep with your sister and leave you.'  

 In other transcripts, Carlson calls media mogul Arianna Huffington 'a pig' and says he feels sorry for then-Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan because: 'I feel sorry for unattractive women.'

Generalized sexism against women

The final section features Carlson's blatantly sexist generalizations about women.  

On a show that aired May 2, 2006, Carlson described how in his 'brief experience,' arguing with women 'gets them going'. 

'You debate politics with a woman and just go -- just full blown out there, especially feminism. If you're talking to a feminist, and she's given you: 'Well, men really need to be more sensitive,' [say] no, actually, men don't need to be more sensitive. You just need to be quiet and kind of do what you're told.' 

He claimed that women 'love it' when they're put in their place.   

Carlson made several derogatory remarks about sex workers, specifically calling the ones in Florida 'so slutty and pathetic'.

On another show he said: 'There's no Canadian woman that you'd want to pay to sleep with. You know that's true.'

Perhaps his most disturbing comments came during an October 30, 2007, show. 

'By the way, women hate you when they do you wrong and you put up with it,' Carlson says.  

'Because they hate weakness. They're like dogs that way. They can smell it on you, and they have contempt for it; they'll bite you. 

He adds: 'I mean, I love women, but they're extremely primitive, they're basic, they're not that hard to understand. And one of the things they hate more than anything is weakness in a man.'  

Read MMFA's report with full transcripts here

Carlson responded to the MMFA report in a tweet on Sunday evening in which he essentially said he would not apologize for the 'naughty' comments he'd made

Carlson responded to the MMFA report in a tweet on Sunday evening in which he essentially said he would not apologize for the 'naughty' comments he'd made

Carlson responded to the MMFA report in a tweet on Sunday evening in which he essentially said he would not apologize for the 'naughty' comments he'd made

Donald Trump Jr came to the Fox News' hosts defense, brushing his comments off as satire and saying that the left was going after Carlson because he's 'effective at destroying their agenda'

Donald Trump Jr came to the Fox News' hosts defense, brushing his comments off as satire and saying that the left was going after Carlson because he's 'effective at destroying their agenda'

Donald Trump Jr came to the Fox News' hosts defense, brushing his comments off as satire and saying that the left was going after Carlson because he's 'effective at destroying their agenda'

Main photo article Tucker Carlson has responded to reports containing dozens of his controversial comments from old radio appearances by accusing the ‘liberal mob’ of trying to take him down.
The Fox News anchor opened his show on Monday night with a lengthy diatribe alluding to the backlash he’s...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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