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суббота, 16 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» BEL MOONEY: Will my husband ever again be the man I fell for?

Dear Bel,

I’m in my early 50s and married with one child. Our marriage was happy at first, but my husband and I each lost a parent and we were made redundant.

His remaining parent is an alcoholic and we were dealing with threats of suicide and police at the door at all hours.

Fortunately, I managed to get work — then had a very difficult pregnancy, a complicated birth and ongoing poor health. Though my husband wasn’t working, I always got up in the night with the baby as he said he ‘needs his sleep’.

I dragged myself to work, often in great pain. I became depressed and contemplated killing myself and my child — because I didn’t want to leave the baby with him as he was.

When I realised how bad things were getting, I went to my GP for help. My husband is still oblivious as to how I felt.

Thought of the week 

There are few better remedies for anxiety than thought. In writing a problem down or airing it in conversation we let its essential aspects emerge. And by knowing its character, we remove if not the problem itself, then its secondary characteristics: confusion, displacement, surprise.

From The Consolation Of Philosophy by Alain de Botton 

With only my salary for us to live on, I set a weekly budget — then found money disappearing from my purse. I confronted my husband, who said he took the cash to save it.

When our child started school, this gave him time to look for work, yet he had only two interviews in five years. Still ill, I’d drag myself to work for the money.

He’s moody, denigrating and angry. I know he has no confidence after 15 years of being unemployed, but he finds reasons not to apply for jobs I point out to him.

He says he loves me but never shows it. I don’t feel respected or valued. He puts himself first, then our child. I gave him control of the weekly budget for food, petrol, etc, but he tells me he’s run out of money before the weekend and has started stealing from my purse again.

I can’t talk to him — uncertain how he’ll react. I won’t confide in family because they’ll take sides. I still love him — but that doesn’t mean I respect him.

I’m taking the long view. When my child finishes education, hopefully I’ll be able to afford a divorce or to live separate lives at the same address.

There is also the chance that once he gets a job he’ll become the man I fell in love with. Am I taking the right road?


This week Bel advises a reader who hopes her husband will become the man she fell in love with

This week Bel advises a reader who hopes her husband will become the man she fell in love with

This week Bel advises a reader who hopes her husband will become the man she fell in love with

My hope is that writing this email (the original is much more detailed) helped you clarify issues in your mind.

As today’s ‘thought for the week’ from the philosopher Alain de Botton says (and countless readers have assured me), the very act of setting a problem down can be therapeutic.

Here is an exercise for you. Have you ever thought how your husband would frame his own problems in words? This needs you to look beyond the man who is making you so angry and ask yourself why he is as he is.

What would he say to me? He might talk about utter demoralisation after redundancy and a failure to find work, a feeling of being useless to his family and society, about the despair of having a remaining parent who is a chronic alcoholic.

What else? He might confess that he takes cash from his own wife’s purse to gain a small feeling of control over the wife he feels despises him.

He might say he feels ashamed because he reckons she is ashamed of him. I’m guessing here — but do you think some of that might be correct? You describe at length a level of neglect by your husband that once left you feeling suicidal and, indeed, infanticidal — until you went to your GP for help.

I suspect you were suffering from post-natal depression and that neither of you had ‘processed’ the double whammy of bereavement and redundancy, and that your relationship became crushed in the ensuing scrabble to keep heads about water.

But you seem to be averse still to discussing these matters, either with your husband or your family. This must leave you feeling extremely lonely as well as angry.

Did you ever discuss personal matters with your husband? You say he was ‘oblivious; to your dangerous suffering and still doesn’t know what you were going through.

It sounds as if you have always tip-toed around your marital discontents, allowing resentment to grow. I think you should examine why that is.


More from Bel Mooney for the Daily Mail...

Obviously, I wish you could find a way to start having frank conversations with the man you married and with whom you were once happy.

I realise this will be very difficult, given the habit of silence you have fallen into, but what choice do you have?

The atmosphere at home must be pretty bad, since you are both quite hostile, and surely this will affect your child, still at school and with exams and life choices to face?

That alone should make you realise you have to act. I believe that just as you went to your GP years ago and got help, you need to do the same thing now.

Only you can determine whether you should at least try to save your marriage — and in my opinion you should. It sounds as if deep down you want to.

Suffering in silence and focusing on separation later certainly does not seem a positive way to proceed. Your husband tells you he loves you and you say you love him — which surely means this sad marriage has a little life left in it.

Can you bear to try some first aid? I feel your frustration and his equally — which is why you need short-term help.

Why not start by consulting Relate ( on your own.

People make the mistake of thinking you have to go as a couple, but the website will show you a way to get help on your own, perhaps as a precursor to going as a pair.

Think about this carefully, because I believe it would be right (even for the sake of your child) for you to work out with a professional how to proceed.   

Should my love leave her partner for me?  

Dear Bel,

I’m 26 and I’ve not long had a job in London, which is so far going well. But for the past eight months I’ve been in a relationship with a girl (R), who is ‘spoken for’, as it were.

The other issue lies in the fact that she has a three-month-old son with her partner. There is further history to this as well.

Myself and R were sleeping together 18 months ago while she was still with her partner. I broke it off and was less than kind about it (something I’ve regretted ever since).

Not long after, she fell pregnant with her partner’s baby, which hurt me a lot, but after some time, we began seeing each other again.

We soon realised we were in love with each other — and have fallen more and more for each other as time has gone on.

I adore her son and love spending time with them both. She wants to leave her partner but is finding it difficult. I want her to leave him and be with me.

Obviously, she has to think about what is best for her child, but if she is unhappy with her partner, surely the best thing is for her and her son to be with me?

I’m not the biological father, but we would be in a loving relationship. Surely, if her and her partner are fighting already (this was the case before I came on the scene) then staying with her partner seems ludicrous.

Or am I in the wrong here? Should I walk away? Because I will give everything I have for R and her son. I will provide for them. I want to spend the rest of my life with them.

I have not put any pressure on R to leave her partner, as I thought it best a decision that she should make. We talk about a life together and having another baby. I know that’s what she wants, but is it realistic?


There will be many readers who will judge that both you and R have behaved irresponsibly, but you will not be the first twenty-somethings to find themselves in a very messy relationship.

Are you in the wrong? In some ways, yes. The trouble is, everything changes when there is a child involved.

I am pretty conventional on this issue, I’m afraid. I happen to think that too many people these days create babies without that sense of commitment that accompanies making vows and think too little of the real emotional security children need. Old fashioned yes — I told you.

You say the couple are always fighting, but I have to take that with a small pinch of salt, since it sounds as if your guilt is seeking justification.

You also admit that you dumped this girl in a pretty bad way, which you are not proud of. Does she trust you now? For that matter, do you trust her?

Both of you have bad history: she cheated on her partner and you treated her badly. To be honest, it’s not the best start to a life together, especially as you will always have the wronged partner in your lives.

He would have every right to have access to his own child — and I do not think that women have the right blithely to deprive blameless fathers of their own children.

Despite all my reservations, I’m tending to believe your professions of love. Would you marry R? That would seem to be something positive to offer her — if you really are serious.

You are absolutely right not to put pressure on her, but you might suggest it would do her good to have some time alone to think things through.

If you ‘walked away’ for a month, say, it would show you are serious.

I just hope you all work it out.

And finally...True grit is what keeps us going on

Last week I confessed I felt down: worried by a personal problem to which I could see no easy answer. You responded with some of the kindest, warmest, most helpful emails I’ve ever read. Thank you so much.

It reminded me (yet again) of just how miraculous the power of human beings to inspire each other is. I believe this is, in part, how this column works.

That thought was also in my mind at the spectacular Daily Mail Inspirational Women Awards (supported by Swarovski) last week.

I hope you read about the five finalists in Femail Magazine (March 7). Seeing them in person at the event, and hearing their stories of endurance, moved me to tears. And yes, it did put any problems I may have in perspective.

Bel answers readers’ questions on emotional and relationship problems each week.

Write to Bel Mooney, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT, or email

A pseudonym will be used if you wish.

Bel reads all letters but regrets she cannot enter into personal correspondence.

In his speech, our Editor Geordie Greig said that the stories of Victoria Azubuike, Lisa Wells, Eileen Chubb, Liz Rotherham and winner Lorraine Jones all demonstrated ‘adversity turned into triumph’.

He pointed out that what the five women’s very different stories had in common was ‘grit, determination and an ability to move forward’.

When you think of it, there is no other way to achieve the alchemy of a bad thing turned into good, like base metal into gold. Nothing but picking yourself up off the floor, taking those stumbling steps and putting distance between yourself and despair.

Of course, if you’re in luck there may be a helping hand to grasp. That’s what we all hope for, whether the verbal encouragement/practical assistance comes from family, friend, counsellor, stranger (like me) or priest.

But what if there is no hand to grasp? What the five finalists last week all shared was sheer defiance. Faced with a situation they disliked intensely or which caused them intolerable grief, the response was to pick up invisible boxing gloves and square up to fate — Pow! Oh, nobody says that’s easy. But never believe it’s not possible.      

Main photo article Dear Bel,
I’m in my early 50s and married with one child. Our marriage was happy at first, but my husband and I each lost a parent and we were made redundant.
His remaining parent is an alcoholic and we were dealing with threats of suicide and police at the door at all hours.
Fortunately, I m...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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