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пятница, 15 февраля 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Trump announces 'national emergency' on the border

President Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the border on Friday, a move calculated to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a second government shutdown after a bitter standoff with Congress. 

He signed the declaration behind closed doors prior to a Rose Garden announcement, which he delayed while he met with women whose children were either killed by illegal immigrants or died because of drug cartels.

'We're going to be signing today, and registering, national emergency. And, it's a great thing to do, because we have an in of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people, and it's not acceptable,' the president said.

Congress appropriated $1.375 billion that Trump can use for 'bollard' fencing in a spending bill that has not reached the president's desk, yet, but is expected to make its way to him before funding for a host of federal agencies runs out at midnight.

Trump is cobbling together the rest of the money through a patchwork operation that has him taking $600 million from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund and $2.5 billion from an account within the Department of Defense that is used for counter-drug activities, in order to build his wall. 

Democratic lawmakers are already plotting to void his national emergency through legislation that would call it off. Opponents of the policy are also hustling to put together legal challenges.

President Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the border to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a government shutdown after bitter standoff with Congress

President Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the border to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a government shutdown after bitter standoff with Congress

President Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the border to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a government shutdown after bitter standoff with Congress

Trump signed the national emergency declaration before his Rose Garden remarks

Trump signed the national emergency declaration before his Rose Garden remarks

Trump signed the national emergency declaration before his Rose Garden remarks

The president's Rose Garden announcement turned into a news conference, with him fielding questions on his national emergency declaration

The president's Rose Garden announcement turned into a news conference, with him fielding questions on his national emergency declaration

The president's Rose Garden announcement turned into a news conference, with him fielding questions on his national emergency declaration

Answering the question on everyone's mind before he opened the event up for questions, the president acknowledged that the national emergency he signed today would end up in court, before the Ninth Circuit, and eventually wind make its way to the Supreme Court. 

Trump said he was confident that he would win at the high court, where two conservative justices he out on the bench are the deciders, just like he was ultimately successful with his travel ban.

'One of the things I said I have to do, and I want to do, is border security. Because we have tremendous amounts of drugs flowing into our country, much of it coming from the southern border. When you look, and when you listen to politicians, in particular certain Democrats, they say it all comes through the port of entry.'

He charged, 'It's wrong. It's wrong. It's just a lie. It's all a lie. They say walls don't work. Walls work 100 per cent.'

'I'm going to be signing a national emergency, and it's been signed many times before,' he said several minutes in. 'It's rarely been a problem. They sign it, nobody cares.'

Trump said national emergencies have been used 'many' times by past presidents as he harangued Obama for the economic slowdown that hung like a dark cloud over much of his tenure.

He said he is considering a second emergency that would target to the cartels directly that is rooted in an emergency declaration his predecessor signed.

'It's a very good emergency that he signed. And we're going to use parts of it on our dealings on cartels. But that would be a second national emergency,' he said.

He claimed that the country was 'heading south, and it was going fast' under the previous administration. Trump meanwhile said that he's done a 'fantastic job' that he is making America great again despite hurdles.  

Trump also said that aside from the crisis at the border, a problem for which Democrats have been loathe to provide him any money.

'I don't know what to do with all the money they're giving us,' he bragged.

Then, in pointed remarks at fired Cabinet officials and the former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan the president said that he didn't have the best people by his side the first year and a half that he was on the job. 

'I was a little new to the job, a little bit new to the profession,' he said. 'But some people didn't step up.'

He declined to say later on if his criticism was meant for Ryan, who retired last month from Congress.  

Trump continued to claim on Friday that a wall would be 99.9 percent effective at keeping criminals out.

'Take a look at Israel. They're building another wall. Their wall is 99.9 per cent effective, they told me, 99.9 per cent. That is what it would be with us, too,' he said. 'The only weakness is they go to a wall and then they go around the wall ... It's very simple.' 

On Friday the president also returned to a claim that human traffickers are tying up women and taping their mouths so they can sneak them over the border in the back of trucks unnoticed.

'You can't take human traffic, women and girls, you can't take them through ports of entry. You can't have them tied up in the back seat of a car or a truck or a van. They open the door, they look. They can't see three women with tape on their mouth or three women whose hands are tied. They go through areas where you have no wall. Everybody knows that,' he claimed. 'Nancy knows it. Chuck knows it. They all know it.'

The president's contention has actually been disputed, and some theorists believe he or someone advising him took the talking point from a fictional film.

'It's all a big lie. It's a big con game,' Trump insisted on Friday. 'You don't have to be very smart to know: You put up a barrier, the people come in and that's it. They can't do anything unless they walk left or right and they find an area where there's no barrier and they come into the United States. Welcome!'

For weeks, the president has been suggesting he would declare an emergency on the border and made it official on Friday morning in a Rose Garden announcement. 

Trump pulling power from the National Emergencies Act, which U.S. presidents have used 58 time since its 1976 creation. The United States 

The White House confirmed Thursday that the president will sign a bipartisan spending deal to avoid another government shutdown but will declare the national emergency in an effort to procure funds to build a border wall.   

The move announced Thursday drew both statements of relief from lawmakers and a threat from Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the emergency declaration.

Pelosi called it an 'end-run around the will of the people,' speaking to reporters minutes after news of Trump's position broke, while warning it could come back to bite Republicans.

'We will review our options, we'll be prepared to respond appropriately to it,' Pelosi said, asked about Trump's planned emergency declaration.

The House speaker chaffed at the 'precedent' that the Republican president is establishing. Republican lawmakers have also said that a national emergency is not their first preference.

White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told press during a call that preceded the president's remarks that today's action creates 'zero precedent' and that Democrats would have declared national emergencies for their priorities already if they believed they had the authority to do so.

'There's been some concern in the media about whether this creates a dangerous precedent. It actually creates zero precedent. This is authority given to the president in law already,' Mulvany said. 'It's not as if he just didn't get when he wanted so he's waving a magic wand and taking a bunch of money.'

Invoking the House speaker, he said, 'I saw Nancy Pelosi yesterday aid this sets the precedent for the Democrats to declare a gun emergency the next time they're in the Oval Office. That's completely false. 

'If the Democrats could have figured out a way to do it they would have done that already. And the authority to do so has been on the books since '76. So it's not like they haven't had a chance to do that already. There's no precedential value to doing this.' 

Lawmakers in Congress have approved $1.375 billion for 'bollard' fencing that Trump can deploy across 55 miles on the southern border. 

His national emergency will allow him to build more. 

A senior White House official told reporters prior to the announcement that his goal is to build 234 miles of bollard fencing.

'In terms of how many miles does this buy us, as you know we sent a request to the Hill for $5.7 billion that would have gotten us 234 miles. That's our goal, to try to accomplish that amount of miles,' the person said.

'It's going to be a little mix-and-match because instead of Congress just providing the money, the different pots have different authorizations for how and where we can use that money,' the person explained. 'And so we are in the process to make sure that we can make those dollars go as far as they possibly can. And we expect that they will be able to go farther than 234 miles.'

President Donald Trump has expressed misgivings about a bipartisan deal, but will sign it, the White House said

President Donald Trump has expressed misgivings about a bipartisan deal, but will sign it, the White House said

President Donald Trump has expressed misgivings about a bipartisan deal, but will sign it, the White House said

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi signs a $328 billion spending bill to prevent another government shutdown Thursday 

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi signs a $328 billion spending bill to prevent another government shutdown Thursday 

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi signs a $328 billion spending bill to prevent another government shutdown Thursday 

She also brandished the threat a future Democratic president could use the same tactic of Trump moves forward 

'I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say. Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people,' she said.

'You want to talk about a national emergency? Let's talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America,' Pelosi said, referencing the one-year anniversary of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

'That's a national emergency. Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would. But a Democratic president can do that. [A] Democratic president can declare emergencies as well,' she threatened. 

Within minutes after the White House announced its support, the Senate adopted the legislative package by a vote of 83-16. The House followed suit, approving the deal in a 300-128 vote. 

Sen. Mitch McConnell updated colleagues on his conversation with Trump, saying he 'indicated' he is 'prepared to sign' the budget bill minutes before the White House announced his support

Sen. Mitch McConnell updated colleagues on his conversation with Trump, saying he 'indicated' he is 'prepared to sign' the budget bill minutes before the White House announced his support

Sen. Mitch McConnell updated colleagues on his conversation with Trump, saying he 'indicated' he is 'prepared to sign' the budget bill minutes before the White House announced his support

'The precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans,' said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

But Pelosi, even while touting the package as the product of compromise, bristled at Trump's stated move to get around strict funding limits it included, namely $1.4 billion for border fencing. 

'So, the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans. And of course we will respond accordingly when we review our options,' Pelosi said. 


A White House official told CNN:

$1.375 billion will come from the Homeland Security appropriations bill

$600 million from the Treasury Department's drug forfeiture fund

$2.5 billion from the Defense Department's drug interdiction program

$3.5 billion  from the Defense Department's military construction budget 

Pelosi also blasted Trump for 'making an end run around Congress. 

'The power of the purse, the power to declare war … and of course the responsibility to have oversight.' Although she said Democrats would 'review our options,' and did not commit to filing a lawsuit against the move.   

Pelosi said Congress maintains 'the power of the purse, the power to declare war … and of course the responsibility to have oversight.' 

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York blasted the move in even more scathing language. 'Declaring a national emergency would be a lawless act – a gross abuse of the power of the presidency and a desperate attempt to distract from the fact that President Trump broke his core promise to have Mexico pay for the wall,' Schumer told colleagues moments after the deal passed the Senate.

'It would be another demonstration of President Trump's naked contempt for the rule of law and congressional authority. Congress just debated this very issue. There was not support for the president's position on this issue,' Schumer said, pointing to the legislative history that a court would likely consider.

'For the president to declare an emergency now would be an unprecedented subversion of Congress's constitutional prerogative,' he said.


If President Trump declares that a national emergency exists on the U.S.-Mexico border, it's likely that court challenges will quickly seek to stop him from exercising the powers federal law would give him.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Thursday that 'the Constitution grants Congress the authority to appropriate federal dollars, so I’m sure such action will be litigated in the courts.'

Congress passed the National Emergencies Act in 1975 in order to force post-Watergate presidents to explain themselves if they claim powers beyond what Congress has authorized.

Trump would have to cite the specific laws he's relying on for emergency spending power.

The most likely basis is found in Section 2808 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code. It allows presidents to order the Defense Department to 'undertake military construction projects' during times of emergency 'that are necessary to support ... use of the armed forces.'

Trump began sending military troops to the southern border last year, tasking them with supporting border patrol units. Among their jobs has been hanging more than 150 miles of razor wire as a barrier to protect the border agents.

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who met with Trump in the Oval office on Thursday afternoon, said in a Feb. 4 speech 'they're putting up barbed wire. What's the difference between barbed ware and a steel slat? I'm confident the president has the legal ability to do this.'

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Thursday that 'it will be challenged in court and is of dubious constitutionality.'

Trump's opponents will have to find a loophole in Section 2293 of Title 33, which allows presidents to repurpose military 'civil works' budgets to build 'authorized' projects 'that are essential to the national defense.'

That law applies in times of war or 'national emergency.'

The largely civilian Army Corps of Engineers has already spent the past 18 months contracting out the work of building miles of border walls. It's the Pentagon's civil-works construction agency

It's unlikely a federal court would weigh in on whether Trump has the legal authority to use his own discretion in declaring declare a national emergency. The 1975 law leaves that judgment up to the White House.

Every president since Gerald Ford has used it at least once. Barack Obama did it 12 times. Americans are still living under the conditions of 31 of the 58 declared 'emergencies.' The U.S. Supreme Court has never invalidated one.

But his opponents would likely argue that Section 2808 can't be used to build permanent walls that go beyond what's necessary to protect the troops on border deployments.

And lawyers will squabble over whether Section 2293's reference to 'national defense' includes border security in the first place.

A White House official said Thursday that the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which provided for wall construction along the border, is enough to show Congress has 'authorized' what Trump might want to fund unconventionally.

The official said the administration is betting that federal judges won't want to weigh in on what is and is not related to national defense, a concept federal law has never clearly defined.

Trump said on Feb. 1 that while he expects legal challenges, 'we have very, very strong legal standing to win.'

It would be 'hard' for Democrats to stymie him, he claimed, 'but they tend to go to the Ninth Circuit,' traditionally America's most liberal and most often-overturned bank of judges. 

'And when they go to the Ninth Circuit, things happen.'

Main photo article President Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the border on Friday, a move calculated to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a second government shutdown after a bitter standoff with Congress. 
He signed the declaration behind closed doors p...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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