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вторник, 15 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Woman takes the JanuHAIRY trend even further by dyeing her armpit hair pink, purple and green

A woman is taking the Januhairy movement one step further by dyeing her armpit hair all the colours of the rainbow.

When Emerald Jade, 24, from Arkansas first began to sprout body hair as a teenager, she removed it by shaving, which would irritate her sensitive skin.

Eventually, tired of her skin flaring up, she vowed to ditch razors for good when she was 20. Then, last year, she took things even further and started to dye her armpit fuzz.

This January she even dyed her armpit hair bright pink, to celebrate the JanuHAIRY movement. 

British student Laura Jackson, of Warwickshire, launched the JanuHairy movement earlier this month, which aims to normalise body hair and encourage women to grow out their own.

Emerald, who is currently single, said: 'In my experience, men don't mind it. It's something a little different. I've never had any negative comments.

'It also makes me feel much more confident and empowered, which helps with dating.'

Emerald Jade, 24, from Arkansas is taking the Januhairy movement one step further by dyeing her armpit hair all the colours of the rainbow

Emerald Jade, 24, from Arkansas is taking the Januhairy movement one step further by dyeing her armpit hair all the colours of the rainbow

Emerald Jade, 24, from Arkansas is taking the Januhairy movement one step further by dyeing her armpit hair all the colours of the rainbow

Hair stylist Emerald first began to sprout body hair as a teenager, but shaving it would irritate her sensitive skin so now she lets her armpit hair grow out 

Hair stylist Emerald first began to sprout body hair as a teenager, but shaving it would irritate her sensitive skin so now she lets her armpit hair grow out 

Hair stylist Emerald first began to sprout body hair as a teenager, but shaving it would irritate her sensitive skin so now she lets her armpit hair grow out 

Hair stylist Emerald said: 'The only colours I haven't been are red and orange, just as I don't like them all that much. But everything else – pink, purple, green – you name it, I've done it.

'I started out dyeing my pit hair as a bit of fun, but now I feel much more confident and empowered.'   

Though supporters have got behind Januhairy in their thousands, and strong celebrity women like Miley Cyrus and Madonna have also happily displayed their body hair, the idea has been met with some resistance. 

Emerald claims that her colourful body hair helps to give her confidence when she goes on dates, and insist that men don't seem to mind  

Emerald claims that her colourful body hair helps to give her confidence when she goes on dates, and insist that men don't seem to mind  

Emerald claims that her colourful body hair helps to give her confidence when she goes on dates, and insist that men don't seem to mind  

 Strangers on the street also notice her vivid armpit hair when she shows it off in warmer months but no-one has reacted too badly, she said.

'Luckily, I have never had anyone say anything negative to my face - but because I don't attempt to hide my body hair, I do get people staring,' she continued.

'I think people feel awkward because it isn't the norm for women to have body hair – let alone bright pink body hair.

'Other people's opinions don't bother me, though. It is ridiculous that, in 2019, women are still pressured to shave or wax.

Emerald said of her colourful hair: 'Growing it makes me feel much more confident and empowered, which helps with dating'

Emerald said of her colourful hair: 'Growing it makes me feel much more confident and empowered, which helps with dating'

Emerald said of her colourful hair: 'Growing it makes me feel much more confident and empowered, which helps with dating'

 'Body hair is a personal choice, and what I do with my armpits is up to me, and no different to what someone chooses to do with their head hair or eyebrows.'

Growing up, Emerald told how she initially removed her armpit hair with a razor, or by waxing, when it first appeared, but it made her sensitive skin break out in a rash and feel sore.

'Eventually, I thought, 'Why am I doing this?' she said. 'I realised I would rather be comfortable and odd, than make myself uncomfortable trying to blend in.'

From there, Emerald decided to grow out all of her body hair, including her legs, which she once dyed bright purple as an 'experiment' when she was 20.

'It didn't really show up much,' she laughed. 'It was more of a purple glow – not worth the bother really.'

At first, she would occasionally trim her armpit fuzz with scissors when it grew too long – but, as of 2018, she no longer does even that.

Laura Jackson, of Warwickshire, launched the Januhairy movement, which aims to normalise body hair and encourage women to grow out their own

Laura Jackson, of Warwickshire, launched the Januhairy movement, which aims to normalise body hair and encourage women to grow out their own

Laura Jackson, of Warwickshire, launched the Januhairy movement, which aims to normalise body hair and encourage women to grow out their own

One of the biggest misconceptions around growing out underarm hair, she said, is that it is somehow unhygienic. 

 'If it's so unhygienic, why do men have armpit hair as the norm? Nobody ever mentions hygiene to them, so that argument doesn't stand up,' said Emerald. 'I personally haven't found body odour to be an issue – I just use deodorant, like everybody else.

'Body hair is supposed to be there, that's why it grows. It has a function and letting it grow out is just allowing it to do that function.'

Last year, around the same time Emerald decided to stop even trimming her hair, she also opted to dye it at home one day, purely as a 'bit of fun'.

The process taking around an hour, she started by applying bleach to remove the hair's natural colour, ensuring more dramatic results.

Next, she coated on a layer of fuchsia pink colourant from an at-home kit. Pleased with the results, she then uploaded a snap of her psychedelic pits to Instagram.

 'I wasn't sure what reaction I'd get, but people loved it,' she said. 'My immediate family thought it was a little odd, but my friends thought it was great.

'Body hair is supposed to be there, that's why it grows. It has a function and letting it grow out is just allowing it to do that function,' Emerald explained

'Body hair is supposed to be there, that's why it grows. It has a function and letting it grow out is just allowing it to do that function,' Emerald explained

'Body hair is supposed to be there, that's why it grows. It has a function and letting it grow out is just allowing it to do that function,' Emerald explained

'Stopping shaving myself has even inspired some of them to do the same – not completely, but just cutting down to whatever they are comfortable with.'

Since then, Emerald has continued to experiment with dye, which she said has made her more confident, as it has helped her realise body hair is not something to feel insecure about.

She posts a lot of snaps to Instagram, under the hashtag 'pony pits'. Now, she hopes to reduce the stigma that she believes comes with women embracing their body hair.

She continued: 'Each to their own, is my motto. There is nothing wrong with growing or removing your body hair – it's up to you.

'But I think those that believe it's strange to see a woman embracing her hair need to ask themselves why that is. Why should it matter what somebody else does with their body? 


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Main photo article A woman is taking the Januhairy movement one step further by dyeing her armpit hair all the colours of the rainbow.
When Emerald Jade, 24, from Arkansas first began to sprout body hair as a teenager, she removed it by shaving, which would irritate her sensitive skin.
Eventually, tired of her...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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