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пятница, 15 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Trump issues the first veto of his presidency to protect his border wall

President Donald Trump issued the first veto of his presidency on Friday during an Oval Office ceremony with mothers whose children were killed by illegal immigrants.

The 'angel moms' were present in the Rose Garden when Trump declared that a national emergency existed on America's southern border; they returned to the Oval Office to see him formally reject an attempt by Congress to overturn it. 

'Today I am vetoing this resolution,' he said. 'Congress has the freedom to pass this resolution and I have the duty to veto it. And I'm very proud to veto it.' 

Trump has insisted that drugs and criminals coming into the United States would be radically inhibited by the presence of a border wall he he long promised to erect. 

'As president, the protection of the nation is my highest duty,' he said, blasting Democrats for passing a 'dangerous' and 'reckless' resolution.

'We want border security, we want safety, we want no drugs, we want no human trafficking. Okay?' he told reporters. 

he also insisted he didn't put pressure on 12 Republican who crossed the aisle to vote against him Thursday in the U.S. Senate.

Trump's national emergency declaration, which his veto preserves, allows him to repurpose billions of dollars to accelerate the wall project. Voting to kill it, he said, is a vote 'against reality.'

Signing it, he claimed, 'would put countless Americans in danger, very grave danger.'

'It is definitely a national emergency. Rarely have we had such a national emergency,' he said.

President Donald Trump issued the first veto of his presidency this afternoon during a ceremony with law enforcement officers and mothers whose children were killed by illegal immigrants

Trump's veto cancels a congressional attempt to cancel the national emergency he says is undebiably present because of illegal immigration and drug trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico border

Trump's veto cancels a congressional attempt to cancel the national emergency he says is undebiably present because of illegal immigration and drug trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico border

Trump's veto cancels a congressional attempt to cancel the national emergency he says is undebiably present because of illegal immigration and drug trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico border

The president is using his national emergency declaration to redirect billions of taxpayer dollars to building his long-promised border wall; in this photo from December, a Honduran youth jumped from a border fence in Tijuana, Mexico

The president is using his national emergency declaration to redirect billions of taxpayer dollars to building his long-promised border wall; in this photo from December, a Honduran youth jumped from a border fence in Tijuana, Mexico

The president is using his national emergency declaration to redirect billions of taxpayer dollars to building his long-promised border wall; in this photo from December, a Honduran youth jumped from a border fence in Tijuana, Mexico

The word 'veto' comes from a Latin word that means 'i forbid.' Tribunes, the people's representatives in the Roman republic, would use the word whenthey opposed measures adoptde by the upper-class senators.

Trump's first veto puts him on a slower pace than any president since James Garfield, who served in office for just 6 months in 1881 and never inked his veto pen.

Barack Obama and George W. Bush each vetoed 12 bills; Bill Clinton had 37, George H.W. Bush had 44 in just four years, and Ronald Reagan issued 78.

Franklin Roosevelt holds the record with 635 during his 12 years in office.

Vice President Mike Pence praised Trump on Friday for standing up to congressional Democrats. 

'I don't know that I've ever been more proud to be standing next to your desk than I am today,' Pence said as Trump sat at the Resolute Desk with a black Sharpie sitting nearby.

Trump emphasized what he has framed as a crisis fueled by narcotics traffickers and 'murderers' sneaking into the country in places where there are no physical borders to impede them.

Border agents have apprehended tens of thousands in the past year, but 'we're bursting at the seams,' he said. 'You can only do so much.'

'In some cases you have murderers coming in,' the president said.

He claimed that his administration is arresting or expelling 'thousands and thousands a year of MS-13 gang members and other gang members that are just as bad.'

They enter, he said, 'where we don't have proper wall, where we don't have any wall at all.'

Trump's own Customs and Border Patrol agency told on Thursday that despite Trump's animated statements, there is nowhere along the U.S.-Mexico border where a wall stands today on a spot that was undefended when the president took office.

The president reframed the situation on Friday, defending the decision to replace and renovate existing barriers before protecting new border regions.

'We're building a lot of wall right now. It's started,' he said. 'A lot of people are saying, "Well, gee, you took down wall and you're building new." Well, we took down wall that almost didn't exist. It was like — it was like paper. And we're replacing it with, in many cases, 30-foot bollards and in many cases we're replacing it with 18-foot wall.'

'We have many miles under construction right now,' he claimed, 'and we're going to be signing contracts over the next couple of days for literally hundreds of miles of wall. And it's being built in the right places and it's doing the job.'

Attorney General William Barr said in the Oval Office that 'from a legal standpoint,' Trump's national emergency declaration 'is solidly grounded in law.'

'And from the standpoint of protecting the American people, it is imperative,' he said. 

Neither chamber of Congress had enough votes this week to override the president's veto, but opponents of the policy remained hopeful that dozens of Republicans would reconsider their positions.

The president predicted the exact opposite, saying in a Friday afternoon tweet that their constituents would greet them like heroes when they come home over the weekend to their districts.

'I’d like to thank all of the Great Republican Senators who bravely voted for Strong Border Security and the WALL. This will help stop Crime, Human Trafficking, and Drugs entering our Country,' he tweeted. 'Watch, when you get back to your State, they will LOVE you more than ever before!'

The Senate voted Thursday to terminate Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency on the border in the most significant legislative rebuke he has suffered as president.

The 59-41 vote included 12 Republicans who bucked the president to support the measure, which had already cleared the Democratic-run House. The most prominent rebels were Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney.


To the House of Representatives:

I am returning herewith without my approval H.J. Res. 46, a joint resolution that would terminate the national emergency I declared regarding the crisis on our southern border in Proclamation 9844 on February 15, 2019, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act.

As demonstrated by recent statistics published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and explained in testimony given by the Secretary of Homeland Security on March 6, 2019, before the House Committee on Homeland Security, our porous southern border continues to be a magnet for lawless migration and criminals and has created a border security and humanitarian crisis that endangers every American. Last month alone, CBP apprehended more than 76,000 aliens improperly attempting to enter the United States along the southern border -- the largest monthly total in the last 5 years. In fiscal year 2018, CBP seized more than 820,000 pounds of drugs at our southern border, including 24,000 pounds of cocaine, 64,000 pounds of methamphetamine, 5,000 pounds of heroin, and 1,800 pounds of fentanyl. In fiscal years 2017 and 2018, immigration officers nationwide made 266,000 arrests of aliens previously charged with or convicted of crimes. These crimes included approximately 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 killings. In other words, aliens coming across our border have injured or killed thousands of people, while drugs flowing through the border have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

The current situation requires our frontline border enforcement personnel to vastly increase their humanitarian efforts. Along their dangerous trek to the United States, 1 in 3 migrant women experiences sexual abuse, and 7 in 10 migrants are victims of violence. Fifty migrants per day are referred for emergency medical care, and CBP rescues 4,300 people per year who are in danger and distress. The efforts to address this humanitarian catastrophe draw resources away from enforcing our Nation's immigration laws and protecting the border, and place border security personnel at increased risk.

As troubling as these statistics are, they reveal only part of the reality. The situation at the southern border is rapidly deteriorating because of who is arriving and how they are arriving. For many years, the majority of individuals who arrived illegally were single adults from Mexico. Under our existing laws, we could detain and quickly remove most of these aliens. More recently, however, illegal migrants have organized into caravans that include large numbers of families and unaccompanied children from Central American countries. Last year, for example, a record number of families crossed the border illegally. If the current trend holds, the number of families crossing in fiscal year 2019 will greatly surpass last year's record total. Criminal organizations are taking advantage of these large flows of families and unaccompanied minors to conduct dangerous illegal activity, including human trafficking, drug smuggling, and brutal killings.

Under current laws, court decisions, and resource constraints, the Government cannot detain families or undocumented alien children from Central American countries in significant numbers or quickly deport them. Instead, the Government is forced to release many of them into the interior of the United States, pending lengthy judicial proceedings. Although many fail ever to establish any legal right to remain in this country, they stay nonetheless.

This situation on our border cannot be described as anything other than a national emergency, and our Armed Forces are needed to help confront it.

My highest obligation as President is to protect the Nation and its people. Every day, the crisis on our border is deepening, and with new surges of migrants expected in the coming months, we are straining our border enforcement personnel and resources to the breaking point.

H.J. Res. 46 ignores these realities. It is a dangerous resolution that would undermine United States sovereignty and threaten the lives and safety of countless Americans. It is, therefore, my duty to return it to the House of Representatives without my approval.



March 15, 2019.

Voted down: The moment the Senate decided against Trump's declaration of a border emergency after 12 Republicans rebelled

Voted down: The moment the Senate decided against Trump's declaration of a border emergency after 12 Republicans rebelled

Voted down: The moment the Senate decided against Trump's declaration of a border emergency after 12 Republicans rebelled

Trump blasted out his response to the extraordinary rebuke on Twitter with a one-word declaration

Trump blasted out his response to the extraordinary rebuke on Twitter with a one-word declaration

Trump blasted out his response to the extraordinary rebuke on Twitter with a one-word declaration

In full: After his one-word VETO! tweet Trump attacked Republicans who had voted against him for backing a 'Democratic inspired Resolution'

In full: After his one-word VETO! tweet Trump attacked Republicans who had voted against him for backing a 'Democratic inspired Resolution'

In full: After his one-word VETO! tweet Trump attacked Republicans who had voted against him for backing a 'Democratic inspired Resolution'

GOP support for the resolution, which appeared to mushroom in the final 24 hours, was enough to easily ensure passage, setting up Friday's veto. 

Trump didn't take long to reveal how he would respond. He blasted out a one-word tweet in all capital letters within minutes of the vote: 'VETO!' he said.

Elaborating a half-hour later, the president said he couldn't wait to exercise his constitutional authority to rebuff Congress for the first time since he took office nearly 26 months ago.

'I look forward to VETOING the just passed Democrat inspired Resolution which would OPEN BORDERS while increasing Crime, Drugs, and Trafficking in our Country,' he tweeted. 'I thank all of the Strong Republicans who voted to support Border Security and our desperately needed WALL!'  


A dozen Republican senators voted Thursday to block the president's national emergency. 

They are: 

Lamar Alexander of Tennessee

Roy Blunt of Missouri

Susan Collins of Maine

Mike Lee of Utah

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Rob Portman of Ohio

Mitt Romney of Utah

Marc Rubio of Florida

Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Rand Paul of Ketucky

Jerry Moran of Kansas 

Trump had ten days, excluding Sunday, per the U.S. Constitution, to send the unsigned bill back, or cave and sign it.

After Trump vetoes the measure, the House and Senate would each have to muster the two-thirds majority to overturn it. That would mean six more Republicans flipping from Trump's side. 

A new vote will not be held in the U.S. House of Representatives until March 26. Lawmakers have already fled the district for a week-long recess. 

The measure would have the effect of terminating Trump's use of the National Emergencies Act to reprogram funds to build a border wall – despite a standoff with Democrats during the government shutdown that resulted in Trump being denied the $5.7 billion he was requesting for that purpose.

However, supporters of the measure were short of the 67 votes needed to override his promised veto and lawmakers were leaving town for week-long recess.

The vote seeking to turn back Trump on his signature campaign issue came just a day after the Senate pushed back on his foreign policy – voting to end U.S. support for the war in Yemen. The war is backed by a coalition led by Saudi Arabia, a key ally courted by Trump.  

The Republican-run Senate mobilized to try to overturn his national emergency effort after Trump marshaled $6.6 billion more for wall funding than Congress had appropriated using the emergency designation. 

Their opposition put Trump in the uncomfortable position of having to censure his own party. 

Gleeful: Nancy Pelosi wasted no time signing the bill repealing the declaration of a national emergency. It will go to the president's desk where he has ten days to sign or veto it

Gleeful: Nancy Pelosi wasted no time signing the bill repealing the declaration of a national emergency. It will go to the president's desk where he has ten days to sign or veto it

Gleeful: Nancy Pelosi wasted no time signing the bill repealing the declaration of a national emergency. It will go to the president's desk where he has ten days to sign or veto it

All smiles: The rebuke for Trump from his own party represents a victory for the Democrats

All smiles: The rebuke for Trump from his own party represents a victory for the Democrats

All smiles: The rebuke for Trump from his own party represents a victory for the Democrats 

Trump moved to milk the issue not long after the vote by sending out a fundraising email with subject line: 'Veto?' The email blast asked: 'Should President Trump use his veto power to FINISH THE WALL?' 

So did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She sent out an email promising to match donations to Democrats dollar for dollar until the president issues a veto. 

She signed the resolution immediately, holding it up for cameras to get a good look at it an the huge grin on her face.  

Senators rebuked Trump hours after he told them they would have to go through him to end his border emergency. He said Thursday morning that he would use the power of his pen for the first time in his presidency.

A dozen Republicans joined in the rebellion. The list included members of the powerful Appropriations Committee, which has amassed institutional power by steering funds as designated through spending legislation, as well as institutionalists wary of ceding congressional authority to the executive.

He insisted the country has a 'MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY' on the border and that's all they need to be considering

He insisted the country has a 'MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY' on the border and that's all they need to be considering

He insisted the country has a 'MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY' on the border and that's all they need to be considering

But the resistance was severely cut by a pledge that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, himself a former Appropriations 'cardinal,' made to Trump not to support the effort. 

'I will vote to support the president's decision later today, and I will encourage our colleagues to do the same,' he said as he opened the vote on the Senate floor.

Republicans voting with Democrats to advance the measure were Tennessee's Lamar Alexander, Utah's Mitt Romney, Ohio's Rob Portman, Pennsylvania's Pat Toomey, Kansas' Jerry Moran, Missouri's Roy Blunt, Maine's Susan Collins, Utah's Sen. Mike Lee, Alaska's Lisa Murkowski, Florida's Marco Rubio, and Mississippi's Roger Wicker. 

In one unexpected twist, Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, who is up for reeelction in 2020, voted against the measure, after being one of the first to back it.

'It's never a tough vote for me when I'm standing on principle,' Tillis said last week before he changed his mind.

Main photo article President Donald Trump issued the first veto of his presidency on Friday during an Oval Office ceremony with mothers whose children were killed by illegal immigrants.
The ‘angel moms’ were present in the Rose Garden when Trump declared that a national emergency existed on...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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