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четверг, 14 марта 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Beto O'Rourke is running for president in 2020

Beto O' Rourke has announced that he is running for president in 2020. 

The former Texas congressman has joined the growing list of Democrats who hope to take on Donald Trump at the next election. 

O'Rourke, 46, ended months of speculation over his potential presidential bid by simply sending a text to a local Texas news station. 

'I'm really proud of what El Paso did and what El Paso represents,' O'Rourke sent KTSM on Wednesday afternoon. 'It's a big part of why I'm running. This city is the best example of this country at its best.'   

The news came hours after O'Rourke's Vanity Fair magazine cover was revealed with the caption: 'Beto's Choice: His road to 2020 begins'.  

Beto O' Rourke has announced that he is running for president following this Vanity Fair cover that teased his 'road to 2020'

Beto O' Rourke has announced that he is running for president following this Vanity Fair cover that teased his 'road to 2020'

Beto O' Rourke has announced that he is running for president following this Vanity Fair cover that teased his 'road to 2020'

O'Rourke, 46, ended months of speculation over his potential presidential bid by simply sending a text to a local Texas news station

O'Rourke, 46, ended months of speculation over his potential presidential bid by simply sending a text to a local Texas news station

O'Rourke, 46, ended months of speculation over his potential presidential bid by simply sending a text to a local Texas news station

O'Rourke revealed during the interview for the April issue that he wanted to run for president, adding that he is 'just born to be in it'. 

'You can probably tell that I want to run,' he said. 'I do. I think I'd be good at it.' 

'I want to be in it. Man, I'm just born to be in it, and want to do everything I humanly can for this country at this moment.'

O'Rourke will hit the ground running after his formal presidential announcement on Thursday morning.   

He will attend a meet-and-greet in Muscatine, Iowa on Thursday night and plans to campaign in Cedar Rapids on Friday and spend Saturday in Waterloo. 

The plan will give O'Rourke three days in a state that values the kind of door-to-door campaigning he perfected during his Senate contest.   

O'Rourke revealed during the interview for the April issue that he wanted to run for president, adding that he is 'just born to be in it'

O'Rourke revealed during the interview for the April issue that he wanted to run for president, adding that he is 'just born to be in it'

 O'Rourke revealed during the interview for the April issue that he wanted to run for president, adding that he is 'just born to be in it'

O'Rourke rose to national fame during his 2018 Senate bid last year, despite the fact that he was defeated by incumbent Ted Cruz.  

And buzz about Beto reached its peak this week after his rock star appearance at the South by Southwest festival, a new blitz from his campaign asking supporters to sign up for a message from O'Rourke about 2020, and his first visit to Iowa this weekend.

Capping off the speculation O'Rourke was going to announce his 2020 presidential bid this week was a report that his campaign had asked for volunteers to help send 'some text messages' on Thursday morning. 

Many believed O'Rourke would announce his presidential bid online, harnessing the same social media audience that turned him into a Democratic star during his close campaign to try and take down Cruz. 

O'Rourke's cover story in Vanity Fair is seen as the next step in building anticipation for the former congressman's run for the White House.

The 9,000 word profile examines O'Rourke's failed bid to become a member of the Senate last year and his rise to national prominence that has made him the focus of much 2020 speculation.

O'Rourke reveals in the piece how he convinced his family to come on board with the possibility of a presidential campaign - even as a few of the younger members expressed their doubts.

O'Rourke will hit the ground running after his formal presidential announcement on Thursday, with plans to stump for three days in Iowa

O'Rourke will hit the ground running after his formal presidential announcement on Thursday, with plans to stump for three days in Iowa

O'Rourke will hit the ground running after his formal presidential announcement on Thursday, with plans to stump for three days in Iowa  

'Dad, if you run for president, I'm going to cry all day,' his eight-year-old son Henry told the politician.

'Just the one day?' asked O'Rourke.

'Every day,' Henry replied.

But 10-year-old Molly declared: 'I want to live in the White House!'   

'I only want you to run if you're gonna win,' added 12-year-old Ulysses. 

O'Rourke has no explanation for his rise to Democratic superstardom.

'I honestly don't know how much of it was me,' he told the magazine. 'But there is something abnormal, super-normal, or I don't know what the hell to call it, that we both experience when we're out on the campaign trail.' 

It was O'Rourke's third campaign stop for the Senate bid, in Houston, where he and wife Amy first noticed 'the power of O'Rourke's gift' - in Vanity Fair's words. 

'Every seat was taken, every wall, every space in the room was filled with probably a thousand people,' Amy said. 'You could feel the floor moving almost. It was not totally clear that Beto was what everybody was looking for, but just that people were so ready for something.' 

'So that was totally shocking. I mean, like, took-my-breath-away shocking.'

O'Rourke reveals in Vanity Fair how he got his family, including wife Amy and their children Ulysses, 12, Molly, 10, and Henry, eight, to come on board with a presidential campaign

O'Rourke reveals in Vanity Fair how he got his family, including wife Amy and their children Ulysses, 12, Molly, 10, and Henry, eight, to come on board with a presidential campaign

O'Rourke reveals in Vanity Fair how he got his family, including wife Amy and their children Ulysses, 12, Molly, 10, and Henry, eight, to come on board with a presidential campaign

O'Rourke described the near-mystical experience, revealing he hadn't even prepared what he was going to tell the crowd. 

'I don't ever prepare a speech,' he added. 'I don't write out what I'm going to say. I remember driving to that, I was like, what do I say? Maybe I'll just introduce myself. I'll take questions.' 

'I got in there, and I don't know if it's a speech or not, but it felt amazing. Because every word was pulled out of me. Like, by some greater force, which was just the people there. Everything that I said, I was, like, watching myself, being like, How am I saying this stuff? Where is this coming from?' 

'There's something that happens to me,' he said, 'Or that I get to be a part of in those rooms, that is not like normal life. I don't know if that has ever happened to me before. I don't know if that would happen again.'

O'Rourke knows that one of the biggest obstacles for him to overcome in the Democratic primary will be the fact that he is a white man. 

'The government at all levels is overly represented by white men,' he said. 'That's part of the problem, and I'm a white man. So if I were to run, I think it's just so important that those who would comprise my team looked like this country.' 

'If I were to run, if I were to win, that my administration looks like this country. It's the only way I know to meet that challenge.'

O'Rourke also paid tribute to progressive icons Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who he will soon be facing off against in the Democratic primary, although he declined to adopt the liberal label. 

'I leave that to other people. I'm not into the labels. My sense in traveling Texas for the past two years, my sense is that people really aren't into them either,' he said. 

'If I bring something to this, I think it is my ability to listen to people, to help bring people together to do something that is thought to be impossible.'

'My sense is, following some success that I had in Congress, and working with Republicans to actually get things signed into law, including both President Obama and President Trump's administrations, that I may have an ability to work with people who think differently than I do, come to a different conclusion that I've come to on a given issue, and yet find enough common ground to do something better than what we have right now,' he added.

O'Rourke knows that one of the biggest obstacles for him to overcome in the Democratic primary is the fact that he is a white man, he told Vanity Fair

O'Rourke knows that one of the biggest obstacles for him to overcome in the Democratic primary is the fact that he is a white man, he told Vanity Fair

O'Rourke knows that one of the biggest obstacles for him to overcome in the Democratic primary is the fact that he is a white man, he told Vanity Fair  

The build up to O'Rourke's formal announcement has been coming all week. He got a standing ovation from an adoring crowd at the South by Southwest festival (pictured) on Saturday

The build up to O'Rourke's formal announcement has been coming all week. He got a standing ovation from an adoring crowd at the South by Southwest festival (pictured) on Saturday

The build up to O'Rourke's formal announcement has been coming all week. He got a standing ovation from an adoring crowd at the South by Southwest festival (pictured) on Saturday

O'Rourke told the magazine he never intended to tell Oprah Winfrey that he would make a decision on 2020 'before the end of this month' after he taped a special episode of her show in New York in February.   

He was flying back to El Paso from that interview when he learned President Donald Trump was coming to his hometown to hold a rally to support his border wall.

At the time, Amy was reading Michelle Obama's memoir Becoming on the plane, which includes the former first lady's recounting of the toxic presidential race Obama had to face in 2008.  

'She was kind of pissed at me when we got home,' O'Rourke said of his wife. 'Almost like "You f***er.'" 

But O'Rourke said he will not run a negative campaign.   

'I just don't get turned on by being against,' O'Rourke said. 'I really get excited to be for. That's what moves me. It's important to defeat Trump, but that's not exciting to me.' 

'What's exciting to me is for the United States to lead the world, in making sure that the generations that follow us can live here.'

The build-up to O'Rourke's formal announcement has been coming for weeks.

A presidential run seemed imminent after O'Rourke announced two weeks ago that he would not run for Senate against Republican incumbent John Cornyn next year. 

O'Rourke told Dallas Morning News at the time that he and Amy had 'made a decision about how we can best serve out country' and were 'excited to share it with everyone soon'.   

On Saturday, after he got a standing ovation from an adoring crowd at South by Southwest festival in Austin, O'Rourke told reporters that his future plans would be known 'soon'.   

'I want to make sure I do it the right way and tell everyone at the same time,' said O'Rourke, who was attending a screening of the documentary film Running With Beto - which followed his 2018 Senate campaign. 

'I gotta be on the timeline that works for my family and for the country and so that's the timeline we're on,' he added.  

O'Rourke told reporters after the screening of the documentary Running with Beto - about his 2018 Senate campaign - that his future plans will be known 'soon'

O'Rourke told reporters after the screening of the documentary Running with Beto - about his 2018 Senate campaign - that his future plans will be known 'soon'

O'Rourke told reporters after the screening of the documentary Running with Beto - about his 2018 Senate campaign - that his future plans will be known 'soon'

But speculation of the looming announcement ran rampant after it was revealed his team had asked volunteers for help 'sending some text messages' on Thursday morning

But speculation of the looming announcement ran rampant after it was revealed his team had asked volunteers for help 'sending some text messages' on Thursday morning

But speculation of the looming announcement ran rampant after it was revealed his team had asked volunteers for help 'sending some text messages' on Thursday morning 

Then there were other signs.

An email that went out from his old Senate campaign on Saturday also suggested the news was imminent. 

'If you're on the edge of your seat about Beto's decision around a potential 2020 run for president, you're not alone. But since you're someone who supported Beto's run for Senate, I wanted to invite you to be first to hear Beto's big announcement,' the email read. 

'There's been an outpouring of speculation, excitement, and support from people across the country - everyone eagerly waiting for the news. Many of us are crossing our fingers and hoping that Beto has decided to run.' 

The jolt back to life of O'Rourke's email list, which is a powerful tool for candidates to raise funds and rally supporters, was seen as a major sign that the former congressman had big plans to step back onto the political stage.  

Then there is O'Rourke's Iowa trip this weekend - his first to one of the early voting states in the 2020 presidential nomination process. 

He'll be there to campaign for Eric Giddens, a candidate for Iowa state Senate, but the real star will no doubt be O'Rourke.

His strengths have been discussed - his youth and energy, his national following, the record $80million he raised in his Senate race, the three points he came within defeating Cruz - but the presidential fishbowl will likely bring up issues O'Rourke will have to address.

O'Rourke got national attention when he came within three points of beating Republican Sen Ted Cruz in their 2018 contest

O'Rourke got national attention when he came within three points of beating Republican Sen Ted Cruz in their 2018 contest

O'Rourke got national attention when he came within three points of beating Republican Sen Ted Cruz in their 2018 contest

Cruz brought in President Trump to campaign for him and Trump continues to attack O'Rourke as a loser

Cruz brought in President Trump to campaign for him and Trump continues to attack O'Rourke as a loser

Cruz brought in President Trump to campaign for him and Trump continues to attack O'Rourke as a loser

A big one will be his drunk driving arrest on September 27, 1998 on a Texas interstate. There were reports O'Rourke fled the scene, which he denies.

'I did not try to leave the scene of the accident, though driving drunk, which I did, is a terrible mistake for which there is no excuse or justification or defense, and I will not try to provide one,' O'Rourke said during a September 2018 Senatorial debate with Cruz.  

In the police report, the responding officer said O'Rourke was present when he arrived at the scene and that the then 26-year-old had a blood alcohol content of 0.136, according to a breathalyzer test. The legal state limit in Texas was .10 at the time and was lowered to 0.08 a year later. 

But the report also contained this line about O'Rourke: 'The driver attempted to leave the accident but was stopped by the reporter.'

The witness to the accident, who reported it to the police, is not identified and O'Rourke has repeatedly denied he tried to leave. 

Charges were dismissed in October 1999 after O'Rourke completed a court-recommended DWI program. 

There is also a concern that O'Rourke's policy talks will be hard to boil down into the soundbites and slogans that make up a presidential campaign.

Others worry about the lack of structure seen in his Senate bid. O'Rourke relied heavily on social media to get out his message, running a near constant stream of Facebook Lives, and as a way to let supporters know where to find him. 

He had no pollsters and not much of an advance team. That would be hard to replicate on the national level. 

O'Rourke's performance in the deep-red state, however, caught the attention of Democrats, who watched in disbelief as he came within 3 points of making it to the Senate. 

Trump has taken notice of the Beto Buzz.

During his El Paso rally for his border wall, Trump mocked the size of O'Rourke's counter-protest. 

The president called him 'a young man who's got very little going for himself, except he's got a great first name'. 

Trump has also repeatedly pointed out that O'Rourke lost last November, claiming he 'suffered a great defeat' despite the historically-close margin.  



Age on Inauguration Day: 71

Entered race:  Set up exploratory committee December 31, 2018

Career: Law lecturer and academic who became an expert on bankruptcy law and tenured Harvard professor. Ran for Senate and won in 2012, defeating sitting Republican Scott Brown, held it in 2018 60% to 36%. Was short-listed to be Hillary's running mate and campaigned hard for her in 2016

Family: Twice-married mother of two and grandmother of three. First husband and father of her children was her high-school sweetheart. Second husband Bruce Mann is Harvard law professor. Daughter Amelia Tyagi and son Alex Warren have both been involved in her campaigns. Has controversially claimed Native American roots; DNA test suggested she is as little as 1,064th Native American

Religion: Raised Methodist, now described as Christian with no fixed church

Views on key issues: Voted Republican until 1995 but has tacked left since. Pro: higher taxes on rich; banking regulation; Dream Act path to citizenship for 'dreamers'; abortion and gay rights; campaign finance restrictions; and expansion of public provision of healthcare - although still to spell out exactly how that would happen. Against: U.S. presence in Afghanistan and Syria; liberalization of gambling

Slogan: To be announced 


Age on Inauguration Day: 56 

Entered race: Announced she was running January 21, 2018 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - on Good Morning America. Formally entered race January 27

Career: Howard and U.C. Hunter law school grad who worked as assistant district attorney in Alameda County, CA, then in San Francisco's DA's office before being elected San Francisco DA in 2003 and used it as springboard to run successfully for California attorney general in 2010. Won again in 2014 and was at center of U.S. attorney general and Supreme Court speculation but also endured a series of controversies, including over police brutality allegations. Ran for Senate in 2016 and established herself on liberal wing of party

Family: Born in Berkeley, CA, to immigrant Indian Tamil mother and Jamaican father who were both academics and brought up from seven to 18  in Montreal, Canada. Dated married San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, when he was 60 and she was 29. Married attorney Douglas Emhoff in 2014 and has two stepchildren; Cole, an aspiring actor, and Ella, an art and design student. Sister Maya was a Hillary Clinton adviser and brother-in-law Tony West is Uber's chief legal counsel. Would be first female, first Indian-American and first female black president

Views on key issues: Social ultra-liberal who has rejected criticisms of 'identity politics' and is running without a political action committee, which will make her reliant on small donors. Has shifted left on criminal justice reform; supports Medicare for all;  pro-gun control and anti-death penalty; says illegal immigration is a civil not a criminal offense

Religion: Has said she was brought up in both Baptist and Hindu tradition

Slogan: Kamala Harris: For The People 


Age on Inauguration Day: 79

Entered race: Sources said on January 25, 2019, that he would form exploratory committee. Officially announced February 19

Career: Student civil rights and anti-Vietnam activist who moved to Vermont and worked as a carpenter and radical film-maker. Serial failed political candidate in the 1970s, he ran as a socialist for mayor of Burlington in 1980 and served two terms ending in 1989, and win a seat in Congress as an independent in 1990. Ran for Senate in 2006 elections as an independent with Democratic endorsement and won third term in 2018. Challenged Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016 but lost. Campaign has since been hit by allegations of sexual harassment  - for which he has apologized - and criticized for its 'Bernie bro' culture

Family: Born to a Jewish immigrant father and the daughter of Jewish immigrant parents in Brooklyn, New York. First marriage to college sweetheart Deboarah Shiling Messing in 1964 ended in divorce in 1966; had son Levi in 1969 with then girlfriend Susan Cambell Mott. Married Jone O'Meara in 1988 and considers her three children, all adults, his own. The couple have seven grandchildren. His older brother Larry is a former Green Party councilor in Oxfordshire, England

Religion: Secular Jewish 

Views on key issues: Openly socialist and standard bearer for the Democratic party's left-turn. Wants federal $15 minimum wage; banks broken up; union membership encouraged; free college tuition; universal health care; re-distributive taxation; he opposed Iraq War and also U.S. leading the fight against ISIS and wants troops largely out of Afghanistan and the Middle East

Slogan: To be announced


Age on Inauguration Day: 54

Entered race: Announced exploratory committee on Stephen Colbert's CBS show on January 16, 2019 

Career: Dartmouth and UCLA law grad who was a high-flying Manhattan attorney representing big businesses. Says she was inspired to enter politics by hearing Hillary Clinton speak, although she is also scion of a prominent New York Democratic political family. Won New York's 20th district, centered on Albany in 2004; appointed to Hillary Clinton's senate seat in 2008 and won it in 2010 special election 63-35; won first full term 2012 and re-elected 67-33 in 2018

Family: Married to British venture capitalist Jonathan Gillibrand with two sons, Theodore, 15, and Henry, ten. Father Douglas Lutnik was Democratic lobbyist; grandmother Polly Noonan was at center of Albany Democratic politics. Would be first female president

Religion: Catholic

Views on key issues: Initially pro-gun as Congresswoman, has since reversed herself to be pro-gun control and also pro-immigration; said Bill Clinton should have resigned over Monica Lewinsky and helped force Al Franken out of Senate over groping allegations; in favor of single-payer healthcare and Medicare for all

Slogan: To be announced


Age on Inauguration Day: 51

Entered race: Announced he was running February 1, 2019

Career: High school football star who went to Stanford or undergraduate and masters degrees before studying in Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and Yale Law School. Worked for advocacy and youth projects and successfully ran for Newark, New Jersey, city council in 1998. Narrowly lost mayoral election in 2002 facing claims he was 'suburban' and 'not black enough.' Ran again in 2006 and won landslide on radical reform platform for troubled city, including being tough on crime, cutting budget deficit, increasing affordable housing and tackling failing schools - controversially taking a huge donation from Mark Zuckerberg for the city. Ran for New Jersey senate seat in 2013 special election and won; won full term in 2014

Family: Single. Parents Cary and Carolyn were among IBM's first black executives. Brother Cary Jr. is education adviser to New Jersey's Democratic governor. Would be first bachelor president since James Buchanan, who was in the White House from 1857 to 1861

Religion: Baptist

Views on key issues: Self-proclaimed liberal. Endorses abortion rights; affirmative action; single-payer health care; criminal justice reform; path to citizenship for 'dreamers; federal marijuana decriminalization; $15 minimum wage; but has also spoken against tech regulation and for long-term deficit reduction

Slogan: To be announced     


Age on Inauguration Day: 60

Entered race: Announced candidacy February 10, 2019 at snow-drenched rally in her native Minneapolis

Career: Yale and University of Chicago law graduate who became a corporate lawyer. First ran unsuccessfully for office in 1994 as Hennepin, MI, county attorney, and won same race in 1998, then in 2002, without opposition. Ran for Senate in 2006 and won 58-38; re-elected in 2012 and 2018

Family: Married to John Bessler, law professor at University of Baltimore and expert on capital punishment. Daughter Abigail Bessler, 23, works fora Democratic member of New York City council. Father Jim, 90, was a veteran newspaper columnist who has written a memoir of how his alcoholism hurt his family; mom Rose is a retired grade school teacher

Religion: Congregationalist (United Church of Christ)

Views on key issues: Seen as a mainstream liberal: says she wants 'universal health care' but has not spelled out how; pro-gun control; pro-choice; backs $15 minimum wage; no public statements on federal marijuana legalization; has backed pro-Israel law banning the 'boycott, divestment and sanctions' movement; spoke out against abolishing ICE

 Slogan: To be announced


Age on Inauguration Day: 46

Entered race: January 12, 2018, at rally in his native San Antonio, TX. Had formed exploratory committee two months previously

Career: Stanford and Harvard graduate who was a San Antonio councilman at 26 and became mayor in 2009. Was Obama's Housing and Urban Development secretary from 2014 to 2016

Family: Married with nine-year-old daughter, Carina, and four-year-old son, Cristian. His identical twin Joaquin, who is a minute younger, is Democratic congressman. Mother Maria del Rosario Castro was part of 'radical' third party for Mexican-Americans; father left his wife and five children for her but they never married. Would be first Hispanic-American president - announced his run in English and Spanish - and first-ever U.S. president with a twin

Religion:  Catholic

Views on key issues: Wants medicare for all; universal pre-K; action on affordable housing; will not take money from political action committees (PACs) tied to corporations or unions. Other views still to be announced

Slogan: One Nation. One Destiny


Age on Inauguration Day: 69

Entered race: March 1, 2019

Career: Stanford drop-out who graduated from University of Washington and Williamette University School of Law before working as a city prosecutor in Selah, WA. First elected to Washington House of Representatives in 1989 and again in 1990; won Congressional seat in 1992 elections but lost in 1994 and then had failed 1996 gubernatorial run. Returned to Congress in 1998 elections and stayed until 2012 to run for governor. Won first term 51.5 to 48.5; re-elected in 2016 by 54.4 to 45.6

Family: Born in Seattle to late parents Frank, a Navy veteran and high school teacher and coach, and Adele, a Sears sales clerk. Married high school and college sweetheart Trudi since 1972. Three adult sons Jack, a radio producer in Washington D.C.; Connor, director of a Washington state non-profit for the disabled; and Joe, who works for King County, WA's department of natural resources and parks. Grandfather of three 

Religion: Non-denominational Protestant 

Views on key issues: Running to combat climate change with praise for  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal - his record in Washington D.C. including aspiring to 'zero emissions' buildings and largely eliminate fossil fuel use; vocal gun control advocate; fought Trump's ban on entry to people from seven Muslim-majority countries; called moratorium on death penalty in Washington; supported marijuana legalization in Washington and expected to do so federally; will not take money from political action committees; healthcare position still unclear

Slogan:  Our moment 


Age on Inauguration Day: 68

Entered race: March 4, 2019 with Good Morning America interview

Career: Wesleyan University-educated geologist who moved to Colorado to work in petroleum industry but was laid off and started Wynkoop Brewing Company, the first craft brewpub in 1988 in Denver's LoDo (lower downtown) area. Ran for mayor of Denver as an outsider in 2003 and won, then won a second term in 2007. Ran for Colorado governor in 2010 and won 51 per cent of the vote; his nearest rival took 36.5 per cent. Won re-election 49.3 to 46 in 2014, but was term limited and ended his second term in January 2019

Family: Married to second wife Robin Pringle, 40, a vice president at LibertyMedia Corp., owners of Sirius XM. Divorced first wife Helen Thorpe in 2012 after 10 years of marriage; ex-couple have son Teddy, a high school student. Born and brought up in Narbeth, in the Main Line of Philadelphia, his father's ancestors include Civil War Union general Andrew Hickenlooper

Religion: Quaker

Views on key issues: Voiced support for Green New Deal but has also been in favor of fracking; has not embraced single-payer healthcare but expanded Medicaid in Colorado; long record of being pro-gun control; pro-choice but has gone out of his way to talk about reducing unplanned teenage pregnancies ; opposed to the death penalty; advocated for gay marriage

Slogan:  To be announced     


Age on Inauguration Day: 39

Entered race: Announced formation of exploratory committee January 23, 2019

Career: Harvard grad and Rhodes scholar who got a second degree from Oxford before working as a McKinsey management consultant and being commissioned as a Navy Reserve intelligence officer. Elected South Ben mayor in 2011 and served in combat in 2013, won re-election in 2015

Family: Came out as gay during second mayoral run and married husband Chasten Glezman, a middle school teacher in 2018. Parents were University of Notre Dame academics. Surname is pronounced BOTT-edge-edge. Would be first openly gay president and first combat veteran since George H.W. Bush

Religion: Episcopalian

Views on key issues: Has said Democratic party needs a 'fresh start'; wrote an essay in praise of Bernie Sanders aged 17; backed paid parental leave for city employees; other policies unknown

 Slogan: To be announced  


Age on Inauguration Day: 39

Entered race: Still to formally file any papers but said she would run on January 11 2019

Career: Born on American Samoa, a territory, and therefore may be subject to questions over whether she is natural-born. Raised largely in Hawaii, she co-founded an environmental non-profit with her father as a teenager and was elected to the State Legislature aged 21, its youngest member in history. Enlisted in the National Guard and served two tours, one in Iraq 2004-2006, then as an officer in Kuwait in 2009. Ran for Honolulu City Council in 2011, and House of Representatives in 2012

Family: Married to her second husband, Abraham Williams, a cinematographer since 2015. First marriage to childhood sweetheart Eduardo Tamayo in 2002 ended in 2006. Father Mike Gabbard is a Democratic Hawaii state senator, mother Carol Porter runs a non-profit. Would be first Samoan-American, first Hindu and first female president

Religion: Hindu

Views on key issues: Has apologized for anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage views; wants marijuana federally legalized; opposed to most U.S. foreign interventions; backs $15 minimum wage and universal health care; was the second elected Democrat to meet Trump after his 2016 victory

Slogan: To be announced 


Age on Inauguration Day: 57

Entered race: Filed papers July 28, 2017

Career: Three-time Maryland congressman, first winning election in 2012. Previously set up publicly-traded companies lending capital to healthcare and mid-size businesses and was youngest CEO at the time of a New York Stock Exchange-listed firm

Family: Married father of four; wife April works for children's issues nonprofit 

Religion: Catholic 

Views on key issues: Social liberal in favor of legalized pot and gun control but not single-payer healthcare; fiscally conservative

Slogan: Focus on the Future


Age on Inauguration Day: 46

Entered race: Filed papers November 6, 2018

Career: Started a dotcom flop then become healthcare and education tech executive who set up nonprofit Venture for America

Family: Married father of two; would be first Asian-American president

Religion: Reformed Church

Views on key issues: Warns of rise of robots and artificial intelligence, wants $1,000 a month universal basic income and social media regulated 

Slogan: Humanity First


Age on Inauguration Day: 68

Entered race: Announced exploratory committee November 15, 2018. Formally entered January 28, 2019

Career: Dropped out of Ponoma College, California, became part of the counter culture and anti-war movement and ran a 'metaphysical bookstore' before publishing spiritual guide A Return to Love and being praised by Oprah, sending it to number one. Published series of follow-ups and founded AIDS charity and subsequently more non-profits including a peace movement. Ran for Congress in 2014 and lost

Family: Born to immigration attorney father Sam and housewife mother Sophie in Houston, Texas. Married for 'a minute and a half' to unnamed man; daughter India was born in 1990 but Williamson declines to name her father

Religion: Jewish

Views on key issues: Wants vast expansion of physical and mental healthcare; and nutrition and lifestyle reforms including ban on marketing processed and sugary foods to children; universal pre-K; much of the Green New Deal's proposals including a de-carbonized economy, electric cars and rebuilding mass transit; gun control through licensing; wants more vacation time; pro decriminalizing all drugs

Slogan: Join the Evolution


RICHARD OJEDA. West Virginia ex- state senator and paratrooper veteran

Entered race: November 12, 2018. Quit: January 25, 2019  


Main photo article Beto O’ Rourke has announced that he is running for president in 2020. 
The former Texas congressman has joined the growing list of Democrats who hope to take on Donald Trump at the next election. 
O’Rourke, 46, ended months of speculation over his potential presidential bid by si...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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