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пятница, 1 февраля 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Nathaniel Hendren's police partner Patrick Riordan pictured for the first time

This is the first picture of the cop who allegedly witnessed the shocking on-duty game of Russian Roulette that cost Officer Katlyn Alix her life.

Patrick Riordan insists he tried to prevent his partner Nathaniel Hendren playing the deadly game with Alix as the three met up at Hendren's apartment.

But the 29-year-old remains on paid administrative leave as his part in the encounter in St. Louis is probed.

Riordan is pictured graduating from the St. Louis Police Academy in April 2017, the same year that both Alix and Hendren also graduated. Alix graduated at a similar ceremony in January and Hendren passed through in November.

Local TV personality Dan Gray, who was emcee at the event introduced the graduates, saying they were joining 'one of the most noble and unselfish professions there is.'

Patrick Riordan (center) allegedly witnessed partner Nathaniel Hendren and fellow officer Katlyn Alix play the deadly game of Russian roulette that cost Alix her life. He is pictured at his graduation ceremony in April 2017 

Patrick Riordan (center) allegedly witnessed partner Nathaniel Hendren and fellow officer Katlyn Alix play the deadly game of Russian roulette that cost Alix her life. He is pictured at his graduation ceremony in April 2017 

Patrick Riordan (center) allegedly witnessed partner Nathaniel Hendren and fellow officer Katlyn Alix play the deadly game of Russian roulette that cost Alix her life. He is pictured at his graduation ceremony in April 2017 

The 29-year-old has claimed he had told the other two cops they should not be playing with a gun and says he was walking out the door when he heard the gun fire

The 29-year-old has claimed he had told the other two cops they should not be playing with a gun and says he was walking out the door when he heard the gun fire

The 29-year-old has claimed he had told the other two cops they should not be playing with a gun and says he was walking out the door when he heard the gun fire

Officer Nathaniel Hendren, 29,  has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in Alix's (right) shooting death. The police officer has a black eye, which he is said to have sustained after headbutting a police vehicle shortly after the shooting

Officer Nathaniel Hendren, 29,  has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in Alix's (right) shooting death. The police officer has a black eye, which he is said to have sustained after headbutting a police vehicle shortly after the shooting

Katlyn Alix

Katlyn Alix

Officer Nathaniel Hendren, 29,  has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in Alix's (right) shooting death. The police officer has a black eye, which he is said to have sustained after headbutting a police vehicle shortly after the shooting

Riordan and Hendren, also 29, were on duty early on January 24 when they drove to Hendren's home in the Carondelet neighborhood of St. Louis to meet up with Alix, who married another officer just three months earlier.

They were supposed to be patrolling in an area 10 miles from Hendren's home.

Within an hour Alix was dead from a gunshot to the chest, allegedly shot by Hendren in a twisted game of Russian roulette. The two male officers rushed her to Saint Louis University Hospital where she died.

Hendren is currently under house arrest after posting $10,000 — 10 percent of his $100,000 bail —and is facing charges of involuntary manslaughter and armed criminal action.

His partner has not been charged in the criminal courts but both he and Hendren face internal disciplinary action for allegedly drinking on duty.

Riordan's lawyer, James Towey said that his client 'blew all zeroes' after having 'a few sips of a beer' while at Hendren's house.

'He poured the rest out in a kitchen sink, leaving the can by the sink, and that should be confirmed by crime scene photos,' Towey said.

Hendren allegedly took out a revolver and placed one bullet in its chamber. He fired at Alix but nothing happened, she pointed the gun at him and again it did not go off.

Then Hendren took the gun again and this time it fired, hitting Alix in the chest.

Riordan says he had told the other two cops they should not be playing with a gun and says he was walking out the door when he heard the gun fire.

Riordan was part of the 2016-03 class of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. Hendren graduated in January while Alix passed through in November 

Riordan was part of the 2016-03 class of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. Hendren graduated in January while Alix passed through in November 

Riordan was part of the 2016-03 class of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. Hendren graduated in January while Alix passed through in November 

Riordan has not been charged in the criminal courts but both he and Hendren face internal disciplinary action for allegedly drinking on duty. He is pictured above with his graduating class

Riordan has not been charged in the criminal courts but both he and Hendren face internal disciplinary action for allegedly drinking on duty. He is pictured above with his graduating class

Riordan has not been charged in the criminal courts but both he and Hendren face internal disciplinary action for allegedly drinking on duty. He is pictured above with his graduating class

Office Katlyn Alix graduated in November 2016. She was shot in the chest and the two officers rushed her to Saint Louis University Hospital where she died

Office Katlyn Alix graduated in November 2016. She was shot in the chest and the two officers rushed her to Saint Louis University Hospital where she died

Office Katlyn Alix graduated in November 2016. She was shot in the chest and the two officers rushed her to Saint Louis University Hospital where she died

Hendren appeared in court on Thursday in a tracksuit. He said nothing as he left the court, KMOV4 reported. 

He stayed silent in a video taken after he was charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of 24-year-old Katlyn Alix, KMOV4 reports.

Pictures show the police officer has a black eye, which he is said to have got headbutting a police vehicle shortly after the shooting, according to reports.

Hendren and Riordan, were at his home, along with Katlyn, early Thursday when the two men were supposed to be patrolling a neighborhood. 

There, Hendren and Riordan allegedly 'consumed alcoholic beverages while on-duty', according to the St Louis Post-Dispatch.  In a disciplinary document Lt. William Brown also alleges Hendren 'recklessly discharged a firearm resulting in the death of another officer'. 

The circuit attorney's office has already raised serious concerns over the police handling of the case. Prosecutor Kimberly M. Gardner questioned whether cops tried to block the drug and alcohol testing of Hendren and Riordan.

Nathaniel Hendren leaves courthouse

EXCLUSIVE: Officer Nathaniel Hendren, accused of fatally shooting off-duty officer Katlyn Alix, leaves the courthouse after making bond. Full story:

Posted by KMOV on Thursday, 31 January 2019

Courtesy of KMOV4.

In a letter to Chief John Hayden and Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards, Gardner also said the fact police labelled the incident an accident so soon after the shooting was 'particularly troublesome'. 

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief John Hayden spoke Thursday at a press conference calling Gardner's comments 'absolutely irresponsible'.

He refused to comment on speculation surrounding the story and would not confirm why Hendren now has a black eye. Among the questions he refused to answer were whether sex or drugs were factors being investigated.

But after originally calling the shooting 'accidental' Chief Hayden said he 'later learned circumstances were much more reckless'. 

Nathaniel Hendren, 29, pictured, was granted $10,000 bail Thursday and filmed leaving the courthouse in St Louis in a tracksuit. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of 24-year-old Katlyn Alix and refused to speak Thursday

Nathaniel Hendren, 29, pictured, was granted $10,000 bail Thursday and filmed leaving the courthouse in St Louis in a tracksuit. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of 24-year-old Katlyn Alix and refused to speak Thursday

She and Hendren (above) had been taking turns pointing his revolver at each other and pulling the trigger while there was one bullet in the chamber

She and Hendren (above) had been taking turns pointing his revolver at each other and pulling the trigger while there was one bullet in the chamber

Hendren was seen leaving the courthouse in St. Louis in a track suit on Thursday (left) after he was granted $10,000 bail 

Hendren, pictured left, and his police partner Patrick Riordan have been accused of 'consuming alcoholic beverages while on-duty'

Hendren, pictured left, and his police partner Patrick Riordan have been accused of 'consuming alcoholic beverages while on-duty'

Hendren, pictured left, and his police partner Patrick Riordan have been accused of 'consuming alcoholic beverages while on-duty'

He also confirmed the force is going to put GPS laptops in all cars so officers will be tracked in the future.  

A judge had earlier doubled Hendren's bond, from $50,000 to $100,000, and ordered him to turn in any firearms he owns. 

Judge David Roither added: 'You don't point a muzzle at anything you don't intend to shoot.'  

Katlyn's parents have hired a legal team to conduct their own investigation and are considering a lawsuit.

Attorney Scott Rosenblum says the team will look into 'all avenues,' which potentially includes civil litigation.  

The parents of 24-year-old Katlyn Alix and her sister joined Rosenblum for a tearful press conference Wednesday, just hours after the newlywed officer's funeral. 

Aimee Chadwick, Katlyn's mother, said she is still waiting for answers, while the officer's father, Ron Alix, called on the news media to stop repeating 'rumors' about what happened last week between his daughter, Nathaniel Hendren and another officer.  

'She doesn't deserve everything that's being said about her it's really hurtful to us every time we hear it on the TV and face to face,' said Mr Alix, choking back tears, Fox 2 Now reported.

The family's lawyer chimed in, adding: 'Rumors don't mean anything at the end of the day. Facts do.'  

Online there is speculation over why Alix was at his home on the night of the shooting, why Hendren and his partner were reportedly not working when they were supposed to be on duty and why they allegedly took Alix to the hospital instead of an ambulance.

One person wrote: 'I for one don't believe 'the story'. Not at all.'

Alix, 24, was allegedly shot and killed by her colleague during a game of Russian roulette

Alix, 24, was allegedly shot and killed by her colleague during a game of Russian roulette

Alix and fellow St Louis police officer Anthony Meyer had just gotten married in October

Alix and fellow St Louis police officer Anthony Meyer had just gotten married in October

Alix, 24, was allegedly shot and killed by her colleague during a game of Russian roulette 

Alix and Meyer are seen above center with her parents in a Facebook photo

Alix and Meyer are seen above center with her parents in a Facebook photo

Alix and Meyer are seen above center with her parents in a Facebook photo

Another added: 'They pulled the trigger two times and then again. I smell a rat.'

Hendren's attorney said Alix's death was a 'tragic accident.'

Addressing the defense lawyer's statement characterizing the shooting as accidental, Rosenblum said it will be up to a jury to decide.

'Obviously, I don't think anybody is going to suggest that there was any deliberation or premeditation, at least at this point, but the facts can fit any number of offenses,' he said. 

Asked to talk about their late daughter, Katlyn's parents said she was loved by all and could light up a room. 

'We're gonna miss her so much,' her father said while visibly struggling to put his thoughts into words. 'I'm broken up... I want Katy back, but that's not gonna happen.'

The family's attorney expressed confidence that he and his team will get to the bottom of what happened to the newlywed cop with police and military training on the night of the shooting. 

'There hasn't been enough answers to this family's questions,' Rosenblum told the assembled reporters. 'I'm 100 per cent confident we'll find the answers.'     

This is the home of Officer Hendren in the Carondelet neighborhood of St. Louis. Hendren and Alix took turns pulling the trigger of a revolver that eventually killed the 24-year-old officer

This is the home of Officer Hendren in the Carondelet neighborhood of St. Louis. Hendren and Alix took turns pulling the trigger of a revolver that eventually killed the 24-year-old officer

This is the home of Officer Hendren in the Carondelet neighborhood of St. Louis. Hendren and Alix took turns pulling the trigger of a revolver that eventually killed the 24-year-old officer

Both Nathaniel Hendren and Patrick Riordan are said to have reported for duty for their 11pm to 7am shift, but at 12:56am they called emergency dispatchers from their police radios and take Alix to hospital 

Both Nathaniel Hendren and Patrick Riordan are said to have reported for duty for their 11pm to 7am shift, but at 12:56am they called emergency dispatchers from their police radios and take Alix to hospital 

Both Nathaniel Hendren and Patrick Riordan are said to have reported for duty for their 11pm to 7am shift, but at 12:56am they called emergency dispatchers from their police radios and take Alix to hospital 

According to a probable cause statement, Alix, who was off duty, went to Hendren's home sometime before 1am last Thursday and the pair began a deadly game of Russian roulette. 

The charging documents say Hendren and Alix were taking turns pulling the trigger of a gun loaded with one bullet while pointing it at each other when Alix was shot in the chest. 

Hendren and his police partner, also 29, rushed her to hospital, where she was pronounced dead. It is unknown where Alix's husband of four months was at the time.  

Prosecutor Gardner wrote that urine and breath tests were performed on the male officers, but not a blood test. She argued that the way the testing was performed 'appears to be an obstructionist tactic.'

Gardner's letter said there was 'probable cause at the scene that drugs or alcohol may be a contributing factor in a potential crime.'

Alix was laid to rest following a funeral service in St Louis Wednesday (pictured) 

Alix was laid to rest following a funeral service in St Louis Wednesday (pictured) 

Alix was laid to rest following a funeral service in St Louis Wednesday (pictured) 

She claimed that a police lieutenant erroneously told her office that a hospital would not honor a search warrant for the officers' blood.

The prosecutor also faulted law enforcement officials for initially characterizing the shooting as an 'accident', which she said was an 'inappropriate' 'pre-disposed conclusion about the potential outcome of a case'.

Both Hendren and his partner have been placed on administrative leave, which is standard procedure any time an officer is involved in a shooting. 

Hendren had been on the police force for about a year. He faces three to 10 years in prison if convicted on the felony counts of first-degree involuntary manslaughter and armed criminal action. 

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Main photo article This is the first picture of the cop who allegedly witnessed the shocking on-duty game of Russian Roulette that cost Officer Katlyn Alix her life.
Patrick Riordan insists he tried to prevent his partner Nathaniel Hendren playing the deadly game with Alix as the three met up at Hendren’s...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves US News HienaLouca

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