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понедельник, 7 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Theresa May urges fugitive speedboat killer to give himself up

The Mail is offering the cash reward to help efforts to haul Jack Shepherd, pictured leaving the Old Bailey, back to face justice

The Mail is offering the cash reward to help efforts to haul Jack Shepherd, pictured leaving the Old Bailey, back to face justice

The Mail is offering the cash reward to help efforts to haul Jack Shepherd, pictured leaving the Old Bailey, back to face justice

Theresa May has urged a fugitive who killed a woman in speedboat crash on the River Thames in London to give himself up.  

Jack Shepherd, 31, drunkenly flipped his speedboat on the River Thames while showing off to his date Charlotte Brown, 24. 

Jack is mocking the law by appealing his conviction and six-year jail sentence while being on the run and according to reports, he has received nearly £100,000 in legal aid.  

Government Ministers have ordered an urgent review into the loophole letting Shepherd  claim legal aid while on the run.  

The Prime Minister's official spokesman said the case raised 'significant public concerns' and urged Shepherd to hand himself in.

'The Prime Minister's strongest sympathies are with the family of Charlotte Brown, and Jack Shepherd should give himself up right away to face justice,' the spokesman said.

'The Metropolitan Police are rightly doing all they can to track down Shepherd to bring him to face justice.

How you can claim the Daily Mail's £25,000 reward 

The Daily Mail is offering a £25,000 reward to help bring fugitive killer Jack Shepherd to justice. 

If you have information on his whereabouts, act immediately.

If you see Shepherd, do not approach him yourself, but call one of the numbers below or email the Mail. 

The reward can be claimed by anyone whose information directly leads to the arrest of Jack Shepherd.

The Editor’s decision is final.

For full terms and conditions, see

  • Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

  • Call Scotland Yard on 0208 721 4005

  • Call the Mail newsdesk on 0203 615 1154

  • Or email us at

'The Prime Minister understands and sympathises with the significant public concerns around this case.

'That is why the Ministry of Justice is looking into the case and the issues that it raises.' 

In an effort to bring Shepherd to justice the Daily Mail has offered a £25,000 cash reward for information about his whereabouts. 

Shepherd has been accused by Ms Brown's parents of making a mockery of justice by appealing against his conviction for manslaughter by gross negligence while on the run. 

Shepherd was convicted in his absence and sentenced to six years imprisonment in July last year after disappearing part way through the trial.

In December, he was given permission to challenge his conviction by a judge at the Court of Appeal.

The Metropolitan Police has said there was 'no tangible trace' of Shepherd since he last appeared in court, despite him subsequently contacting his lawyers to mount an appeal.

Jack Shepherd, 31, drunkenly flipped his speedboat on the River Thames while showing off to his date Charlotte Brown, 24 (pictured)

Jack Shepherd, 31, drunkenly flipped his speedboat on the River Thames while showing off to his date Charlotte Brown, 24 (pictured)

Jack Shepherd, 31, drunkenly flipped his speedboat on the River Thames while showing off to his date Charlotte Brown, 24 (pictured)

Shepherd, a self-proclaimed Casanova who had bought his speedboat (pictured) with the sole purpose of seducing women, wooed at least ten others before the fatal trip in December 2015 with Miss Brown

Shepherd, a self-proclaimed Casanova who had bought his speedboat (pictured) with the sole purpose of seducing women, wooed at least ten others before the fatal trip in December 2015 with Miss Brown

Shepherd, a self-proclaimed Casanova who had bought his speedboat (pictured) with the sole purpose of seducing women, wooed at least ten others before the fatal trip in December 2015 with Miss Brown

Ms Brown, 24, died after Shepherd handed her the controls of his speed boat and it struck a submerged log which tipped them into the icy waters of the Thames in December 2015.

The court heard how Shepherd had bought the 14ft Fletcher Arrowflyte GTO from Gumtree to 'pull women'.

How the law shields fugitives

Fugitive Jack Shepherd is legally allowed to fight his conviction while on the run.

The European Convention on Human Rights ensures that a fugitive is guaranteed the same 'right to justice' as the rest of us, even if he is a convicted killer.

And the solicitors trying to keep Shepherd out of jail will be aware of the precedent set by a 2001 appeal case involving sex offender Lee Tucker and robber Jerome Charles.

Tucker was given eight years for crimes the year before but went on the run before the end of his trial. Despite this, he claimed the right to appeal. Seperately, Charles had been convicted of a £25,000 raid on a travel agents in 1998 but absconded hours before the guilty verdict. He was sentenced to seven years in his absence, but tried to appeal regardless.

The two cases were bundled together and passed to the Court of Appeal.

The court ruled that under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, all defendants are entitled to a fair legal hearing – including a gun-wielding robber and a sex offender. Speedboat romeo Jack Shepherd is now benefiting from this ruling.

In the months before Ms Brown's death, he had entertained up to 10 women on the 1980s model, having invited them back to his houseboat.

During that time, he had been caught speeding by marine police more than once and advised on the importance of wearing a life jacket.

Miss Brown lived in Clacton and worked as a business consultant after gaining an English language degree.

Shepherd took her for a ride on the Thames and sped past the Houses of Parliament at twice the speed limit.

He was drunk and his craft was poorly maintained with no lifejackets to hand.

The web designer is also wanted by police over a separate incident, having been accused of glassing a stranger in a pub causing grievous bodily harm in Newton Abbott, Devon.

Just two months after killing Miss Brown, Shepherd married his fiancee. She is now said to be raising their child alone.

A legal aid law firm has helped him submit his appeal from his unknown bolthole.

 Under client confidentiality rules, his lawyers do not have to help police find him.

Detectives hunting Shepherd, of Paddington, central London, but originally from Exeter, Devon, suspect he may have fled the UK, possibly to Spain or Georgia.

At the trial, his barrister said 'cowardice' had prevented Shepherd from facing Miss Brown's devastated family in court. 

 The firm will now receive even more legal aid, having successfully argued the killer can have an appeal after citing the European Convention on Human Rights.

The company is owned by Franklin Sinclair, 60, a flamboyant solicitor who describes himself on Twitter as a 'top criminal lawyer, part time DJ and almost full-time golf hacker'.

Mr Sinclair is not directly representing Shepherd but his company is receiving money from the speedboat killer's legal aid funding.

Miss Brown's father Graham has told how he has 'no confidence' police are still looking for him. 

Mr Brown said: 'I suspect police haven't got a clue where he is. I would question what kind of priority and resources they're putting into finding him.

'I believe that if they threw enough resources at it, they would find him… I have got no confidence, actually, that the authorities are actively looking.'

 Ms Brown's family have also spoken about their anguish that Shepherd has been granted permission to appeal his conviction despite being a fugitive..

Speaking to the BBC, her sister Katie said the family were 'pretty shocked that it's been allowed to happen'.

She said: 'He's still on the run, he hasn't served a day of his sentence and he's been allowed to still be in communication with his lawyers.

'He's been able to appeal using legal aid as well,' she said.

If you have any information about Shepherd's whereabouts, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, Scotland Yard on 0208 721 4005, the Mail newsdesk on 0203 615 1154, or email 

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Main photo article

The Mail is offering the cash reward to help efforts to haul Jack Shepherd, pictured leaving the Old Bailey, back to face justice

Theresa May has urged a fugitive who killed a woman in speedboat crash on the River Thames in London to give himself up.  
Jack Shepherd, 31, drunkenly flipped h...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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