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пятница, 4 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» PLATELL'S PEOPLE: Silence of speedboat killer's family is shameful 

As of last night, speedboat killer Jack Shepherd was still on the run. Met police have issued an international arrest warrant — a bit late after the CPS failed to seize his passport — and admitted they haven’t a clue where he is.

What we do know is Charlotte Brown’s parents Graham and Roz are in a living hell. As today’s heart-wrenching interview with them in the Mail reveals, they have been there ever since Charlotte was killed in 2015, when Shepherd overturned his speedboat on the Thames while he was drunk and she a passenger.

The pain is only deepened by the knowledge that Shepherd — convicted and given a six-year jail sentence for manslaughter in his absence — has received nearly £100,000 in legal aid for an appeal. And that while on the run he has been in contact with his lawyers.

Charlotte Brown was killed in 2015

Charlotte Brown was killed in 2015

As of last night, speedboat killer Jack Shepherd was still on the run

As of last night, speedboat killer Jack Shepherd was still on the run

As of last night, speedboat killer Jack Shepherd (right) was still on the run. Charlotte Brown (left) died in 2015

Yet most shocking of all, to my mind, is that, despite appeals from the police, not one of Shepherd’s friends or family has publicly, or, as far we know, privately, offered to help ease Graham and Roz’s agony.

Why haven’t any of them openly condemned Shepherd’s behaviour or begged him to return?

Their response seems to have been to do the opposite, to go into hiding. How utterly indefensible, if that’s true. How shameful.

Shepherd has spent not a single day in custody since disappearing four months ahead of his trial. He told his lawyers he did not have the guts to face Charlotte’s grieving family.

The same cowardice he displayed when he crashed the speeding boat and cried out to rescuers: ‘Help me!’ — rather than: ‘Help us!’ He has been clever not to use his own phone or bank accounts, making it impossible for the police to trace him, they say.

Yet he must have people helping him. As Charlotte’s dad says: ‘There’s got to be someone harbouring him, either financially or otherwise.’

For mercy’s sake, his family and friends must do the right thing and reveal all they know about this despicable man. If not, they’ll prove themselves as cruel, cynical and cowardly as he is.

Charlotte Brown pictured with her father Graham

Charlotte Brown pictured with her father Graham

Charlotte pictured as a child with mother Roz

Charlotte pictured as a child with mother Roz

Charlotte Brown, pictured left with her father Graham, and right, as a child, with mother Roz

Pippa's magic genes 

Eyebrows were raised because only 11 weeks after the birth of her first child, Kate’s sister Pippa has a washboard stomach again. But then so did her big sister, shortly after each of her three children. Yes, they exercise, but those girls were born with magic genes thanks to mum Carole, still fabulously trim at 63.

Eyebrows were raised because only 11 weeks after the birth of her first child, Kate’s sister Pippa has a washboard stomach again

After false rumours she was at death’s door, Olivia Newton-John released a video showing she was alive and well, despite a three-decade battle with recurring cancer. Hearing the fake news, fans bombarded her with messages. What a silver lining for her to learn they’re still so ‘hopelessly devoted’. 

As top doctors called for obesity to be treated as a disease, not a lifestyle choice, dieter Claire Wills revealed how she lost half her body weight.

She stopped eating two breakfast muffins and five pasties before lunch and is now down from nearly 22st to 11st 2lb. Her obesity wasn’t a disease — and her decision to lose weight was a lifestyle choice.

La La Emma ga-ga at 30 

The star of La La Land, Emma Stone, says she was so gloomy after turning 30 she had to take a year off acting.

Not half as gloomy as I was, having to endure her risible, unmusical musical with its dreary dancing. That’s two hours and eight minutes of my life I’ll never get back — and I can’t afford to take a sabbatical to deaden the pain.

The star of La La Land, Emma Stone, says she was so gloomy after turning 30 she had to take a year off acting

Westminster Noticeboard 

  • Our nakedly ambitious Home Secretary Sajid Javid has started referring to himself as ‘The Sajid’. Silly little sausage. Most of us wish he’d call himself The Tardis and blast off into another time zone and universe.

  • Meanwhile, The Sajid claims some of the recent arrivals on our shores may not be real asylum seekers but economic migrants and they should stay in France. Why doesn’t he just say illegal immigrants? Channel 4 featured an unidentified Iranian chap who had arrived here by dinghy explaining why the UK was so attractive. ‘In France they feed you, but you can wait for three to four years without benefits!’ Need I say more?

  • The PM returned to No 10 ready to do battle for Britain, wearing a pair of voluminous red trousers. Was it a message — a red rag to the Brexit bulls? Challenge me if you want, but the matador carries the sword!

  • Hate preacher Abu Hamza’s son Imran Mostafa Kamel has been charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear or danger, and possession of a firearm when prohibited for life. He may, of course, be innocent. But if Kamel feels hard done by British justice, he could always join his father in his high-security U.S. prison. 

Apple lost their core values

Four decades after Apple launched, its bosses are scratching their heads as to why their trillion-dollar company has hit the buffers. They thought they’d hit gold by releasing a new iPhone every year.

But like many companies, they’ve got middle-aged, lazy and flabby. My old iPhone 6s still works like a dream, and nothing they’ve come up with since can convince me to fork out a grand for a new one. It seems the only people interested in the latest iPhone XS Max are those moped muggers.

Dom goes from rude to prude 

Currently starring in the TV series Les Miserables and speaking out as the dad of a young actress, Dominic West says telly has become too pornographic with scenes that demean young actresses.

This is the actor who made his name in the searingly sexy hit series The Affair. It had so many sex scenes — including one where he spied on his girlfriend, played by Ruth Wilson, in the shower — that he admitted: ‘There was always a battle between us over who was going to go on top.’ Take a cold shower on your indignation, Dom!

Currently starring in the TV series Les Miserables and speaking out as the dad of a young actress, Dominic West says telly has become too pornographic with scenes that demean young actresses

Currently starring in the TV series Les Miserables and speaking out as the dad of a young actress, Dominic West says telly has become too pornographic with scenes that demean young actresses

Currently starring in the TV series Les Miserables and speaking out as the dad of a young actress, Dominic West says telly has become too pornographic with scenes that demean young actresses

Ed Sheeran made £27 million last year. Homely and married to his childhood sweetheart, he still lives in the UK and pays his taxes. In fact, he paid more tax than Starbucks and Amazon put together. I’ll happily raise a double espresso macchiato to that — at an independent cafe. 

And to all the readers who sent messages asking after my dad, thank you. I spent Christmas and New Year with him and Mum. Dad is very poorly now, at 92 finally accepting he has reached that last lap of life. So please understand if I take another surprise break from my column. All your blessings are gratefully received and your prayers for Dad most welcome. 

Red card for Gary 

Gary Lineker says it is ‘morally wrong’ for football clubs to charge hundreds of pounds for children to be mascots, making it the preserve of rich kids. They’re the little ones who walk out on the pitch holding their star’s hand before the game.

Not as morally indefensible as the BBC forking out £1.75 million for Lineker to host Match Of The Day.

Ginger and Scary Spice are devastated that plans for a Spice Girls animated superhero movie have hit the rocks. Geri and Mel B were very keen to see themselves as cartoon characters. Surely these ridiculous women made that transformation decades ago. 

Royal Watch 

  • Disappointing that Megs may have her baby in the Surrey hospital where Sophie Wessex had her children, not London’s Lindo Wing favoured by Kate and Diana. We were all rather hoping the feisty Duchess would have a holistic home water birth with her mum Doria, a yoga teacher, in attendance.

  • Kate’s brother James has a new squeeze, French City trader Alizee Thevenet. She didn’t have a clue who he was when they met, friends coo. Just as well. If she’d known he was a ‘personalised marshmallow entrepreneur’ losing millions, she might have run a mile.

Link Interesting to note Looking for an investor or sponsor for a project to grow dinosaurs and relict plants. Requires the sum of investments from 400000$ to 900000$. The exact amount can not say because there are many nuances. It will be necessary to build a small laboratory with certain parameters. To all interested persons please write on an email . It is the scientific project and I do not know whether it is possible to earn on it. The probability of success of the project is approximately 60%. That will be very interesting.
Main photo article As of last night, speedboat killer Jack Shepherd was still on the run. Met police have issued an international arrest warrant — a bit late after the CPS failed to seize his passport — and admitted they haven’t a clue where he is.
What we do know is Charlotte Brown’s parents Graham and Roz are in ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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