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четверг, 10 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Michael Gove brands Labour's Brexit policy 'boll***s'

Michael Gove shocked MPs today as he repeatedly branded Labour's Brexit policy 'boll***s'.

The Environment Secretary deployed the swear word twice as he spoke during the debate on Theresa May's deal.

But Speaker John Bercow dismissed complaints that the term breached conduct rules, saying it was a matter of 'taste'.

Opening the debate in the House, Mr Gove highlighted that shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner had once used the swear work to refer to Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal

Opening the debate in the House, Mr Gove highlighted that shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner had once used the swear work to refer to Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal

Opening the debate in the House, Mr Gove highlighted that shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner had once used the swear work to refer to Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal

Environment Secretary Michael Gove deployed the swear word twice as he spoke during the debate on Theresa May's deal (pictured)

Environment Secretary Michael Gove deployed the swear word twice as he spoke during the debate on Theresa May's deal (pictured)

Environment Secretary Michael Gove deployed the swear word twice as he spoke during the debate on Theresa May's deal (pictured)

The spat came as MPs resumed discussion on the PM's deal in the chamber today - amid fears that Parliament is locked in a 'Mexican stand-off' where every possible option for resolving the crisis is blocked.

Opening the debate in the House, Mr Gove highlighted that shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner had once been caught out privately using the swear word to refer to Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal.

And he then pointed out that Mr Bercow's wife Sally had a sticker saying 'Boll***s to Brexit' in her Land Rover. 

How could MPs try to block a no-deal Brexit? 


To prepare for Brexit, several major laws must be passed between now and March 29 and any or all could be amended by MPs in a bid to stop no deal. 


If ministers ignored motions for a second referendum or an extension of Article 50 they could, with the likely connivance of Speaker Bercow, be held in contempt of Parliament. Repeated contempt motions would be difficult, if not impossible, for ministers to ignore. 


If the Government repeatedly ignored parliamentary votes and a no deal Brexit appeared close, Labour could table a no-confidence motion, potentially triggering an election. 

'I know, Mr Speaker, there are some distinguished citizens in this country who have put on their cars a poster or sticker saying boll***s to Brexit,' Mr Gove said.

'But we now know from Labour's own frontbench that their official Brexit position is boll***s.'

Amid gasps and laughter in the chamber, Lib Dem Ed Davey interrupted to ask if Mr Bercow had made a new ruling on what language is suitable for parliament.

But Mr Bercow said he had 'richly enjoyed' Mr Gove's speech.

'Was it orderly? Yes,' he said.

'There was nothing disorderly about the using of the word.'

'I think it is a matter of taste.' 

Mr Bercow has been accused of throwing the Commons into chaos by ripping up the rule book.

But ministers and Tory Eurosceptics have voiced concerns about whether Mr Bercow can still be seen as 'neutral' after he ignored centuries of convention yesterday to make life more difficult for the government. 

The Speaker sparked extraordinary scenes when he defied the advice of officials to allow the amendment tabled by former attorney general Dominic Grieve.

 Mr Bercow said he had 'richly enjoyed' Mr Gove's speech and said use of the swear word was not disordely 

 Mr Bercow said he had 'richly enjoyed' Mr Gove's speech and said use of the swear word was not disordely 

 Mr Bercow said he had 'richly enjoyed' Mr Gove's speech and said use of the swear word was not disordely 

Making a business statement in the House, Mrs Leadsom (pictured) said Mr Bercow's actions were unacceptable because MPs were being treated differently

Making a business statement in the House, Mrs Leadsom (pictured) said Mr Bercow's actions were unacceptable because MPs were being treated differently

Making a business statement in the House, Mrs Leadsom (pictured) said Mr Bercow's actions were unacceptable because MPs were being treated differently

Seventeen Tory rebels, including Mr Grieve, joined forces with Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats to defeat the Government by 308 votes to 297 – Mrs May's second Commons defeat in 24 hours.  

Under the terms of the change, Mrs May must table a motion setting out her plan within three sitting days of her deal being rejected.  

But Downing Street indicated that does not believe the amendment requires the government to hold a vote.

Sources said the next showdown would not be held until later that week. They also claimed it will last just 90 minutes and only one amendment should be allowed to the motion - although senior figures conceded that Speaker John Bercow could again choose to ignore procedural conventions. 

The position from No10 could further inflame tensions with Remainer MPs, who have been accusing Mrs May of 'running down the clock' to Brexit day on March 29. 

Mr Bercow and Andrea Leadsom were involved in another extraordinary spat in the chamber as he denied abandoning his duty to be impartial.

Making a business statement in the House, the Cabinet minister said Mr Bercow's actions were unacceptable because MPs were being treated differently.  

But a clearly furious Mr Bercow branded himself the 'champion of Parliament' - insisting he had not been 'arbitrary' and saying he did not need 'lectures'.

'I hope colleagues will understand when I say that I require no lessons or lectures from others about how to discharge my obligations to Parliament and in support of the rights of backbench Parliamentarians,' he raged.

Mr Bercow added: 'I have been doing it, I'm continuing to do it and I will go on doing it, no matter how much abuse I get from whatever quarter. It's water off a duck's back as far as I am concerned.'

Mr Gove pointed out that Mr Bercow's wife Sally had a sticker saying 'Boll***s to Brexit' in her Land Rover

Mr Gove pointed out that Mr Bercow's wife Sally had a sticker saying 'Boll***s to Brexit' in her Land Rover

Mr Gove pointed out that Mr Bercow's wife Sally had a sticker saying 'Boll***s to Brexit' in her Land Rover

Mr Bercow was assailed by MPs after he flouted Commons procedure to call the amendment

Mr Bercow was assailed by MPs after he flouted Commons procedure to call the amendment

Mr Bercow was assailed by MPs after he flouted Commons procedure to call the amendment



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Main photo article Michael Gove shocked MPs today as he repeatedly branded Labour’s Brexit policy ‘boll***s’.
The Environment Secretary deployed the swear word twice as he spoke during the debate on Theresa May‘s deal.
But Speaker John Bercow dismissed complaints that the term breached...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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