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суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Driver claims Prince Philip almost smashed into her near Sandringham estate

A motorist claims Prince Philip almost crashed into her near Sandringham estate before his shocking crash on Thursday. 

Helen Staines says the Duke of Edinburgh nearly ran her off the road as he drove in Fring, Norfolk, just six miles away from where his car flipped after a collision with a Kia.

She questioned why the 97-year-old is still driving after he was left bloodied and shaken after the horror smash on the A149 in Babingley, Norfolk, according to The Sun.

In a now-deleted Facebook post, Helen wrote: 'How’s he still driving he nearly ran me off the road at Fring about time he stopped'.

A driver claims Prince Philip almost crashed into her as near Sandringham estate before his shocking crash on Thursday (pictured)  

A driver claims Prince Philip almost crashed into her as near Sandringham estate before his shocking crash on Thursday (pictured)  

A driver claims Prince Philip almost crashed into her as near Sandringham estate before his shocking crash on Thursday (pictured)  

Ms Staines did not say when the alleged near-crash happened but Buckingham Palace has now been put under pressure to intervene over Prince Philip's determination to keep driving.

Witnesses yesterday revealed the 97-year-old was shaking and pleading 'get me out' after his Land Rover crashed while he was alone and without a protection officer.  

A motorist who swerved around the wreckage said the duke was 'hanging from his seat' and saying 'my leg is trapped'. Four rescuers had to free him from his upturned Land Rover.  

Palace officials admitted last night that Philip was taken to hospital on doctors' advice, despite initially insisting he was unhurt. 

It also emerged last night that a nine-month-old boy and two women were in the car that hit the prince's vehicle as he pulled out onto a main road near the Queen's Sandringham estate in Norfolk.

None of the trio were seriously injured and the Duke of Edinburgh exchanged 'well-wishes' with them. 

Motoring experts said it was likely police would ask Philip (pictured at the wheel near Balmoral last year) to voluntarily surrender his driver's licence because of his age

Motoring experts said it was likely police would ask Philip (pictured at the wheel near Balmoral last year) to voluntarily surrender his driver's licence because of his age

Motoring experts said it was likely police would ask Philip (pictured at the wheel near Balmoral last year) to voluntarily surrender his driver's licence because of his age

Witnesses yesterday revealed the 97-year-old was shaking and pleading 'get me out' after his Land Rover crashed (aftermath pictured) while he was alone and without a protection officer

Witnesses yesterday revealed the 97-year-old was shaking and pleading 'get me out' after his Land Rover crashed (aftermath pictured) while he was alone and without a protection officer

Witnesses yesterday revealed the 97-year-old was shaking and pleading 'get me out' after his Land Rover crashed (aftermath pictured) while he was alone and without a protection officer

A motorist who swerved around the wreckage (aftermath of crash pictured) said the duke was 'hanging from his seat' and saying 'my leg is trapped'. Four rescuers had to free him from his upturned Land Rover

A motorist who swerved around the wreckage (aftermath of crash pictured) said the duke was 'hanging from his seat' and saying 'my leg is trapped'. Four rescuers had to free him from his upturned Land Rover

A motorist who swerved around the wreckage (aftermath of crash pictured) said the duke was 'hanging from his seat' and saying 'my leg is trapped'. Four rescuers had to free him from his upturned Land Rover

However he is now facing a police probe over the accident - which could lead to a charge of dangerous driving - and could be forced to surrender his driving licence.

Despite this, a replacement Land Rover Freelander, bearing his distinctive number plate, was delivered to Sandringham yesterday. And, astonishingly, the Queen was later pictured driving on a public road little more than a mile from the scene of the accident without a seatbelt.

When you didn't need a driving licence

The Duke of Edinburgh is from a generation when some people did not need to pass a driving test to obtain a licence.

He was born on June 10, 1921, but compulsory testing for new drivers to obtain a licence was only introduced in Britain on June 1, 1935 – when Philip was 13.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: 'The duke has got a driving licence and follows all of the usual DVLA procedures.' But when asked if he had ever passed a driving test, the Palace did not comment.

The duke was involved in another crash in East Anglia in January 1996. Businessman Patrick Daynes said he ended up in neck brace and with whiplash when his Mercedes was involved in a collision with the duke's Range Rover in Brandon, Suffolk.

Another witness told The Sun: 'The prince steadied himself for ten minutes after the crash then started worrying about the others. 

'He looked so worried and told me, 'I'm such a fool'.' 

The witness, Victoria Warne, said she spoke to the duke as she looked after the injured occupants of the Kia. 

'The passenger from the other car told me, "I always wanted to meet a royal - but not this way",' she said. 

Dr Robert Davis of the Road Danger Reduction Forum said: 'He shouldn't be driving at 97 – I don't care if he likes to drive. He has had a crash and should be investigated, charged if necessary and prosecuted.'

Norfolk's former roads policing chief, Chris Spinks, said there could be no favouritism, adding: 'He will be dealt with like any other driver.' Royal sources yesterday said the elderly royal, who is still at Sandringham, was in 'deep shock' over the incident.

Family members, including Prince Charles, were 'worried' for all parties involved. The Palace would not say whether either the Queen or Prince Charles had tried to persuade Philip to give up driving.

As the full dramatic details of Thursday's crash became clear it emerged that:

  • Philip did not have a police officer in the car with him and may not even have had a back-up vehicle following him closely;

  • Norfolk Police pledged to investigate the crash and take 'appropriate action' if the prince is found to have flouted motoring laws;

  • Legal experts say he could be forced to hand over his driving licence in order to escape prosecution for careless driving;

  • Officials said the prince had a 'precautionary' hospital check-up yesterday but his 'routine in the coming days would continue as normal';

  • Buckingham Palace confirmed contact had been made with the two injured women and 'well-wishes exchanged' but there was no confirmation of any apology;

  • Council officials voted to lower the speed limit on the road involved in the crash amid a row over a failure to heed warnings in the wake of crashes on it before;

  • The prince was involved in a 1996 crash on East Anglia's roads, with a businessman ending up in neck brace and with whiplash.

The two women involved in the crash, the driver aged 28 and a 45-year-old passenger, were taken to hospital, one with a broken wrist, but later discharged. 

The baby, who was rescued from the Kia's back seat, appears to have been unhurt.

Norfolk Police said the force would investigate the crash, meaning the duke is likely to be interviewed by officers. A statement said: 'As is standard procedure with injury collisions, the incident will be investigated and any appropriate action taken.'

Philip is believed to have just left Sandringham, marked in red, and was turning on to the A149  at this junction when he collided with a Kia and his car cartwheeled on to the other side of the road, circled blue

Philip is believed to have just left Sandringham, marked in red, and was turning on to the A149  at this junction when he collided with a Kia and his car cartwheeled on to the other side of the road, circled blue

Philip is believed to have just left Sandringham, marked in red, and was turning on to the A149  at this junction when he collided with a Kia and his car cartwheeled on to the other side of the road, circled blue

Motoring experts said it was likely police would ask Philip to voluntarily surrender his driver's licence because of his age.

A royal spokesman confirmed last night that he was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn yesterday morning for a precautionary check-up on doctor's advice but 'had no injuries of concern'. The spokesman added: 'Contact has been made privately with the passengers in the other car and well-wishes exchanged.'

Under UK law it is compulsory to wear a seatbelt if there is one fitted but the Queen is immune from any civil or criminal proceedings. Buckingham Palace insisted the monarch was careful to ensure she privately complied with the law.

When asked if Philip had ever passed a driving test, a royal spokesman made no comment.

It also emerged that in the aftermath of the accident, Philip was able to walk over and ask the occupants of the other car: 'Is everyone else alright?'

It is thought that his Land Rover may have been armoured, which could have helped protect him.

Retired barrister Roy Warne and grandfather Glenn Watson bravely rushed to help Philip out of the wreckage.

Mr Warne said: 'I was driving home and I saw a car – a black Land Rover – come out from the side road on the right and there was a huge collision with another car.'  

So where were the police? Members of the public were at the scene of Prince Philip's Land Rover crash before his protection team got there 

Horrified motorists who saw Prince Philip's car 'somersaulting' across the road were the first to help him – before his police protection officers arrived.

The shellshocked duke's legs were trapped in his overturned Land Rover, while the other car in the collision was smouldering and looked ready to explode.

Yet retired barrister Roy Warne and grandfather Glenn Watson bravely rushed to help.

Yesterday Mr Watson revealed how he arrived a minute after the smash and 'two police protection officers arrived just after me'.

He said: 'He was shaking and just said, 'get me out'. We managed to pull Philip out of the sunroof. He was active, and had been trying to free himself but he couldn't free his leg at first.'

Najarool Islam (left) had to swerve at the last minute to avoid being hit by Philip's careering 4x4. His colleague Jalshad Ali (right), 56, said: 'I could see the Land Rover rolling' 

Najarool Islam (left) had to swerve at the last minute to avoid being hit by Philip's careering 4x4. His colleague Jalshad Ali (right), 56, said: 'I could see the Land Rover rolling' 

Najarool Islam (left) had to swerve at the last minute to avoid being hit by Philip's careering 4x4. His colleague Jalshad Ali (right), 56, said: 'I could see the Land Rover rolling' 

Another driver, Najarool Islam, had to swerve at the last minute to avoid being hit by Philip's careering 4x4. 

When he approached the stricken Land Rover Freelander, he saw the duke 'hanging from his seat' and calling out, 'my leg is trapped'. The accident happened around 2.45pm on the edge of the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk.

The winter sun had been low in the sky as the duke, driving alone, pulled up at a T-junction. 

With his police protection officers apparently following some distance behind, Philip paused at the give-way sign to the busy A149, where cars on the narrow trunk road can whizz past at up to 60mph.

Facing west, with the full glare of the sun shining directly into his face, the 97-year-old duke may have mistimed his exit with drastic consequences. Possibly dazzled by sunlight, he pulled onto the A-road – likely turning right – unaware of the blue Kia travelling south until it was too late.

According to one eyewitness, the Kia, driven by a 28-year-old mother whose baby was in the back, 'T-boned' the duke's car – in other words, hit it side-on.

There is no suggestion the smaller vehicle was speeding but the impact was enough to send the royal's two-tonne Freelander screeching across the carriageway, spinning 180 degrees before flipping onto its roof and coming to rest on its offside.

The Kia ended up in a hedge with smoke pouring from the engine.

Eyewitness Mr Warne said he was driving home when he saw a Land Rover exit the junction before a 'huge collision'. 'I saw it careering, tumbling across the A149, somersaulting across the road,' he said. 'It was turning on its side over and over. It was frightening to see a powerful car rolling like that.

'It would take a massive force [to knock it over].' As it careered across to the northbound carriageway, the duke's car narrowly avoided hitting a car driven by Mr Islam, 47, who managed to swerve sharply to avoid it. 

His colleague Jalshad Ali, 56, said: 'I could see the Land Rover rolling. I was worried we were going to hit them. My colleague managed to swerve out of the way on to the other side of the carriageway and we stopped just beyond the wreckage.

'I've never seen anything like it before and was worried people would be seriously hurt. We stopped and I called police straight away. I believe I was the first person to do so.' 

The pair and Mr Warne, who had been driving home to Thornham, near Hunstanton, with his wife Victoria, 72, all pulled over to help, fearing they would find the occupants of both cars dead or seriously injured.

Mr Warne, 75, ran to the smoking Kia, fearing it was about to blow up, and saw a baby boy in the back with two women in the front seats.

He said: 'There was smoke coming out and I thought it might explode. There was a baby in the back seat, screaming. There were two woman in the car and one of them had a broken arm and they were very shaken.

'One of them was the mother of the child and she was quite upset.

'My main concern was their car because there was a lot of smoke around it and I thought the tank might go up.'

Both airbags had deployed in the Kia and the occupants were in a state of shock, with the mother 'extremely distressed' as she tried to check on her nine-month-old boy. Mr Warne got to work with the help of the passenger of another car that had been behind them and had also stopped to help. He said: 'The passenger in that car actually took the baby in his arms after we freed it from the baby harness. The back windows were down and with the other chap we got the baby out. The mother was obviously very shocked for her child.'

Norfolk Police said yesterday they are treating the crash like any other incident and sent officers to the scene (pictured) 

Norfolk Police said yesterday they are treating the crash like any other incident and sent officers to the scene (pictured) 

Norfolk Police said yesterday they are treating the crash like any other incident and sent officers to the scene (pictured) 

Mr Ali, whose own son Arjed Ali, 29, died in a head-on car crash near Peterborough in 2015, said: 'The younger lady, who was driving the Kia, was shocked and shaking. She was clearly distressed.

Another man who had stopped was holding the baby which he had put in a blanket. The older woman in the car was on her phone.' Mr Warne turned to help the elderly man in the black Land Rover, at that point having no idea who he was.

Mr Ali said: 'The man was inside, hanging from his seat. He was saying, 'my leg is trapped'.'

Together with salesman Mr Watson, who had arrived a minute after the crash, they were initially confused. Mr Warne said: 'When I got to it, I thought at first that I was pulling at the door.

'But it was actually the windscreen or sunroof – I hadn't realised the car was on its side. The roof was where the window should have been. It was all through 90 degrees.'

Grandfather Mr Watson added: 'We tried to break the windscreen and managed to remove half of it, but then we realised [the duke's] legs were trapped under the steering wheel.

'Two police protection officers arrived just after me and between the four of us we then managed to pull Philip out of the sunroof.

'He was active, and had been trying to free himself but he couldn't free his leg at first. But between pulling him and reaching his legs, we managed to get him out.'

Mr Warne said he managed to get his hands under Philip's arms and helped ease him out backwards. 

He said: 'There was no seatbelt attached [that I saw]. He didn't seem to be in pain but was obviously very shocked. When his left leg moved, his right leg became free and he was able to turn over. That was the first time I saw his face and that was the first time I realised it was the Duke of Edinburgh.

'I said something like, 'blimey' but it was probably a bit stronger. He was very, very shocked by what had happened. But he was very stoic – he didn't want a fuss to be made. He's a very brave man.' 

Mr Warne added: 'I had his blood on my hands. It wasn't much, and one of the royal people gave me a wipe.' Mr Watson, 58, of Norwich said: 'I didn't realise who he was at first. After we got him out, Roy said to me, 'do you know who that is – it's the Duke of Edinburgh'.

'He's a tough old bird, but not as tall as he appears on television. He's actually rather tiny.'

Mr Watson said that after the four men had extracted the prince from the car, his protection officers started 'shouting code words into their radios', before more marked and unmarked police cars arrived.

The duke himself was later seen standing next to two uniformed officers examining the wreckage.

Mr Warne said: 'The duke spoke to my wife and he asked how everyone was, and whether anyone was hurt. He seemed relieved. I think he went over to the passengers of the other car, to check that everybody was OK. 

'He was much more concerned about other people than he was about himself. He told my wife he was dazzled by the sun, which was very, very low, it was almost at horizon level and it was very strong. I was wearing sunglasses, and where he was coming from he would have been looking straight into the sun.'

He said the duke's police protection officers 'were very calm and professional, and comforted people at the scene', adding: 'It was just a horrendous crash. I thought the injuries would be extremely serious and it's lucky nobody was killed.' 

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Main photo article A motorist claims Prince Philip almost crashed into her near Sandringham estate before his shocking crash on Thursday. 
Helen Staines says the Duke of Edinburgh nearly ran her off the road as he drove in Fring, Norfolk, just six miles away from where his car flipped after a collision with a ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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