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пятница, 4 января 2019 г.

«Breaking News» Ministers order urgent review into loophole letting Jack Shepherd claim legal aid while on the run 

An urgent review was ordered last night into the loophole letting a killer claim legal aid while on the run.

Despite being a fugitive, Jack Shepherd, 31, has been granted public money to challenge his six-year prison sentence for killing his date on a speedboat trip.

Justice Secretary David Gauke has told officials to examine legal aid rules in such cases and last night the Solicitor General joined MPs in calling for reform. Home Secretary Sajid Javid also intervened to say it was a ‘heart-breaking’ situation.

Praising the Mail, which is offering a £25,000 reward to bring Shepherd to justice, Mr Javid appealed to those harbouring the killer of Charlotte Brown, 24, to turn him in.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid: 'I will do all I can to help Charlotte's parents'

Home Secretary Sajid Javid: 'I will do all I can to help Charlotte's parents'

Justice Secretary David Gauke, right, 'has asked officials to look into public's concerns'

Justice Secretary David Gauke, right, 'has asked officials to look into public's concerns'

Home Secretary Sajid Javid, left: 'I will do all I can to help Charlotte's parents'. Justice Secretary David Gauke, right, 'has asked officials to look into public's concerns'

‘Her parents have suffered enough and Mr Shepherd should give himself up right away,’ he said. ‘I will be meeting Charlotte’s parents in the coming weeks and will do all I can to support them.’

Police admit Shepherd could be anywhere in the world and they have no ‘tangible clues’ as to his whereabouts. Prosecutors failed to have his passport confiscated and he fled before his trial.

The reckless womaniser killed Miss Brown while he was showing off his defective speedboat on a drunken dash down the Thames in central London. When it flipped over, he called for help only for himself. Miss Brown, a business consultant from Clacton in Essex, died after being pulled unconscious from the water.

Yesterday her grieving family vowed not to give up fighting to track down the man who robbed her of her life in December 2015. Her father Graham Brown said: ‘She was a young woman with everything in front of her. He stole that. She’s never going to have a husband, children, her dream career – all because of him.’

Recalling the moment a policeman broke the news, he added: ‘I threw my phone down and screamed. It was the most awful, awful thing.’ He said that when he was shown his daughter’s lifeless body, ‘I stood over her and I opened her eyes. I looked into them, into my daughter’s eyes for the last time, and just said “Why?”. That moment will stay with me for the rest of my life.’

Solicitor General Robert Buckland: 'This matter deserves careful consideration'

Solicitor General Robert Buckland: 'This matter deserves careful consideration'

Solicitor General Robert Buckland: 'This matter deserves careful consideration'

Miss Brown’s mother, Roz Wickens, said of Shepherd: ‘He needs to serve his sentence. His actions killed my daughter. If it was not for Jack Shepherd taking her out that night, Charlotte would still be with us now.’

Shepherd’s lawyers told his trial he was too cowardly to face Miss Brown’s devastated family at the Old Bailey.

He went on the run in March last year, four months before he was tried in his absence and found guilty of manslaughter. Under a European Court of Human Rights precedent being on the run is no bar to an appeal.

Earlier this week, it was announced that Shepherd, originally from Exeter, had been granted the right to appeal – with the public having to foot the bill through legal aid. Yesterday the Justice Secretary ordered an investigation into the loophole.

A source close to Mr Gauke said he ‘quite understands and sympathises with the public concern here about a convicted killer fleeing the country and having his appeal paid for by the taxpayer and has asked officials to look at this’.

The source added that the situation was not clear cut, with the minister anxious not to spark ‘unintended consequences’ that could make it harder to try criminals in their absence. ‘In exploring this he is clear that we must not do anything that would make judges less likely to proceed with a trial for an absent defendant because of fear they would not be properly represented throughout the whole process,’ the source said.

‘He is particularly mindful that victims’ families could be left without justice for years where courts consider themselves unable to try an absent defendant.’ Shepherd could be using bank accounts and phones police cannot trace, Scotland Yard has admitted.

From his bolt-hole, the convicted killer is directing his London lawyers to prepare his legal aid-funded appeal.

The Government’s second most senior lawyer, Solicitor General Robert Buckland, called for action. The Conservative MP, who is a senior barrister, challenged the Ministry of Justice to examine the issue, saying: ‘This is a matter that deserves careful consideration.’

How you can claim the Daily Mail's £25,000 reward 

The Daily Mail is offering a £25,000 reward to help bring fugitive killer Jack Shepherd to justice. 

If you have information on his whereabouts, act immediately.

If you see Shepherd, do not approach him yourself, but call one of the numbers below or email the Mail. 

The reward can be claimed by anyone whose information directly leads to the arrest of Jack Shepherd.

The Editor’s decision is final.

For full terms and conditions, see

  • Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

  • Call Scotland Yard on 0208 721 4005

  • Call the Mail newsdesk on 0203 615 1154

  • Or email us at

His predecessor Lord Garnier QC said the rules needed to change to prevent ‘beyond cynical’ scenarios like Shepherd’s.

Former Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans, who was denied legal aid when fighting unfounded claims of rape and sexual assault, branded the situation ‘absolutely bonkers’.

The 61-year-old Tory MP, who had to spend his entire £130,000 life savings fighting the 2014 case before being found not guilty of all charges, said: ‘It’s making a mockery of our legal aid system that someone at large when they should be in prison can get it – while other people who have applied legitimately are refused it. This guy is an outlaw and he’s now abusing the system in order to get taxpayers’ money to defend the indefensible.

‘A lot of innocent people through no fault of their own are having to pay their own legal bills to defend themselves, yet someone can claim legal aid to use the system to try to avoid paying for his crime.

‘This is nonsense, it’s barmy. If you are outside the law, why should you try to use the law and legal aid system to defend yourself? If you believe you’re innocent, turn yourself in, then fight your corner and make an application for legal aid.’

The Legal Aid Agency, which has awarded Shepherd £93,000, said he was entitled to the money under the regulations. Officials argued they had been following the rule book which apparently offers no guidance on whether fugitives should receive legal aid.

Additional reporting: Izzy Ferris, Richard Marsden, Larisa Brown, Neil Sears, David Wilkes, Tom Witherow, Ian Drury, Jake Hurfurt and Dora Allday 

Now he's also set to get away with vicious glassing 

By Izzy Ferris for the Daily Mail

Jack Shepherd appears likely to get away with glassing a barman two years after killing Charlotte Brown on the Thames.

The thug launched a vicious attack on David Beech in March last year, around the time he went on the run from justice for killing his date while showing off in his speedboat.

He was charged with grievous bodily harm for glassing the barman at the White Hart Hotel in Dartmoor, near his mother’s house. But prosecutors apparently felt he had been sufficiently punished with his six-year jail term for killing Miss Brown, 24.

Jack Shepherd was charged with grievous bodily harm for glassing the barman at the White Hart Hotel in Dartmoor, near his mother’s house

Jack Shepherd was charged with grievous bodily harm for glassing the barman at the White Hart Hotel in Dartmoor, near his mother’s house

Jack Shepherd was charged with grievous bodily harm for glassing the barman at the White Hart Hotel in Dartmoor, near his mother’s house

Yet he has not served a single day of that sentence and it now appears he will dodge justice for the glassing too.

For not only did the Crown Prosecution Service fail to confiscate his passport before he went on the run, it also said the horrific Devon case had been ‘finalised’, even though Shepherd never bothered to attend court.

Yesterday staff at the rural hotel recalled how he was ‘blind drunk’ when he staggered in on the evening of March 16.

The senseless attack on Mr Beech was captured on CCTV and immediately reported to Devon and Cornwall Police.

Officers arrested Shepherd and charged him with wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm.

Pictured: Jack Shepherd, who was convicted of manslaughter by gross negligence last summer

Pictured: Jack Shepherd, who was convicted of manslaughter by gross negligence last summer

Pictured: Jack Shepherd, who was convicted of manslaughter by gross negligence last summer

By now on the run after the speedboat case, he also failed to appear at Newton Abbot Magistrates’ Court in June. A warrant for his arrest was issued.

A source close to Mr Beech said: ‘He was very shaken by the attack, which was hideous and shocked everyone who knows him.

‘He is a wonderful guy and for someone to do that to him was just horrific. Even though it was some time ago, it is still very difficult for him.

‘He has been reluctant to speak about it but everyone would very much like Jack Shepherd to be caught.’

Yesterday the White Hart Hotel – a Grade II-listed establishment dating back to 1639 in the market town of Moretonhampstead – backed the Mail’s bid to bring Shepherd to justice.

Highlighting our £25,000 reward offer, the hotel tweeted: ‘Jack Shepherd is on the run. Back in the spring of 2018 he was caught on CCTV attacking a member of our staff.

‘If you have any information that could lead to his capture, the Daily Mail are offering a £25,000 reward.’

The CPS said the case was ‘finalised’ last September, which means Shepherd is unlikely to face prosecution for it.

However, police said an arrest warrant was still active.

A spokesman added: ‘Jack Shepherd was arrested and later issued with a postal requisition for the offence of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm.

‘[He] was due to appear at Newton Abbot Magistrates’ Court… but did not attend. A warrant was issued for his arrest and is still in place.’

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Main photo article An urgent review was ordered last night into the loophole letting a killer claim legal aid while on the run.
Despite being a fugitive, Jack Shepherd, 31, has been granted public money to challenge his six-year prison sentence for killing his date on a speedboat trip.
Justice Secretary David...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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