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вторник, 20 ноября 2018 г.

«Breaking News» Theresa May to go to Brussels for Brexit talks with Juncker

Theresa May is preparing to jet to Brussels tomorrow for a final crunch meeting on the Brexit talks - as her divorce deal faces a growing backlash abroad. 

The Prime Minister will hold talks with EU President Jean-Claude Juncker as she scrambles to close her Brexit divorce deal.

The embattled PM has quelled a threatened Cabinet revolt over her plan, as Brexiteers in her senior ministerial team backed off from quitting today.

But she is facing fresh pressure from France, Germany and Spain, who are trying to squeeze yet more concessions out of Britain in the final stages of talks.

France demanding access to fish in Britain's waters even after Brexit and want the UK to agree to sign up to the bloc's tough environmental standards - including changes made in the future after Brexit.

While Spain has threatened to bock the Brexit divorce deal in a row about Gibraltar - a British overseas territory which the Spanish try to lay claim to.

Theresa May (pictured at the CBI conference in London yesterday)  is preparing to jet to Brussels tomorrow for a final crunch meeting on the Brexit talks - as her divorce deal faces a growing backlash abroad.

Theresa May (pictured at the CBI conference in London yesterday)  is preparing to jet to Brussels tomorrow for a final crunch meeting on the Brexit talks - as her divorce deal faces a growing backlash abroad.

Theresa May (pictured at the CBI conference in London yesterday)  is preparing to jet to Brussels tomorrow for a final crunch meeting on the Brexit talks - as her divorce deal faces a growing backlash abroad.

The Prime Minister will hold talks with EU President Jean-Claude Juncker (pictured last week in Brussels with Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz) as she scrambles to close her Brexit divorce deal

The Prime Minister will hold talks with EU President Jean-Claude Juncker (pictured last week in Brussels with Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz) as she scrambles to close her Brexit divorce deal

The Prime Minister will hold talks with EU President Jean-Claude Juncker (pictured last week in Brussels with Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz) as she scrambles to close her Brexit divorce deal

Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez told a business conference in Madrid today: 'As a country, we can't conceive that what will happen with the future of Gibraltar will depend on a negotiation between Britain and the European Union.

'As a consequence, today, I regret to say that a pro-European government like Spain's would vote no to Brexit unless there are changes.' 

While German diplomats have also voiced objections to the deal amid warnings it could give Britain a competitive advantage.

It means that while Mrs May appears to have quelled a fresh Cabinet revolt over her Brexit plan, she still aces the political battle of her life to get the EU and Parliament to sign up to it.

It comes after Andrea Leadsom cracked jokes in today's Cabinet meeting during 'good natured' talks that saw Brexiteers back off from quitting.

The Commons leader quipped she did not like pizza during the two and a half hour meeting - a joke about the secret meetings she convened of Brexiteers ahead of earlier Cabinet meetings.

Mrs May briefed her ministers on the final days of the negotiations taking place this week to hammer out the shape of the future UK-EU partnership.

Ministers did not discuss the details of the divorce deal signed off at an acrimonious five-hour meeting last week.

New Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay updated ministers on the latest preparations for deal or no deal before Mrs May led talks on the remaining issues with Brussels.  

Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom (pictured leaving Cabinet today) is still thought to be mulling her position - but the threat seems to have receded

Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom (pictured leaving Cabinet today) is still thought to be mulling her position - but the threat seems to have receded

Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom (pictured leaving Cabinet today) is still thought to be mulling her position - but the threat seems to have receded

New Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay

New Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay

Amber Rudd

Amber Rudd

New Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay (left leaving No 10 today) briefed the Cabinet on preparations for exit while Amber Rudd (right leaving today) was also seen after her return to the top table 

Following the Cabinet meeting, Justice Secretary David Gauke joked that it had been 'tense', but later described the mood as 'good'.

The Justice Secretary apologised for arriving late to an event in central London on the rehabilitation of ex-offenders, explaining that he had come directly from the weekly meeting.

He said it 'certainly gives me an understanding of incarceration in tense conditions'. 

Asked if there was still a feeling among any Cabinet members that Mrs May's withdrawal plan for Brexit could be re-negotiated, he said: 'It's not about re-opening the withdrawal agreement, it's about pursuing some of the options that we have.'

Mrs Leadsom told the Cabinet 'Prime Minister I don't even like pizza', the Telegraph said.  

Allies of the PM have suggested the issue could be brought back to Parliament for a second time in an effort to force the package through. 

In a glimmer of light for Mrs May, the Eurosceptic plot to oust her has descended into chaos as Brexiteers fight among themselves over tactics.

The Prime Minister appears to have staved off an immediate threat to her leadership after the number of confirmed Tory no-confidence letters stalled at 26 - well short of the 48 needed to trigger a full vote.

The failure to reach the key threshold, days after Jacob Rees-Mogg declared an all-out attack on Mrs May's Brexit deal, sparked bitter recriminations. 

Following the Cabinet meeting, Justice Secretary David Gauke (pictured leaving today's Cabinet meeting) joked that it had been 'tense', but later described the mood as 'good'

Following the Cabinet meeting, Justice Secretary David Gauke (pictured leaving today's Cabinet meeting) joked that it had been 'tense', but later described the mood as 'good'

Following the Cabinet meeting, Justice Secretary David Gauke (pictured leaving today's Cabinet meeting) joked that it had been 'tense', but later described the mood as 'good'

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson (right) and Health Secretary Matt Hancock (left today) also took part in the 'good natured' Cabinet' today 

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson (right) and Health Secretary Matt Hancock (left today) also took part in the 'good natured' Cabinet' today 

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson (right) and Health Secretary Matt Hancock (left today) also took part in the 'good natured' Cabinet' today 

One senior MP who has submitted a letter jibed: 'Where are these great titans of Brexit? The answer is, they've bottled it.' 

Eurosceptics including Mr Rees-Mogg and David Davis tried to get on the front foot again today by holding a press conference pushing for a looserCanada-style relationship with the EU.

France threatens to scupper the Brexit deal unless it can fish in UK waters

France is threatening to scupper Theresa May's Brexit deal unless it can have rights to fish in UK waters after the country's exit.

French President Emmanuel Macron is reportedly piling pressure on EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier to squeeze more concessions out of the UK.

The Times has seen diplomatic notes that suggest France wants a 'guarantee that there should be a fisheries agreement' allowing French and other European fleets access to British waters.

The PM has vowed to take Britain out of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) , which gives EU countries the rights to fish in Britain's waters.

British fisherman have long hated the deal, which they say have cut into their stocks and trade. 

Mrs May would fuel more Brexiteer fury at her already controversial divorce deal if she gave ground on the issue. 

But Mr Rees-Mogg humiliatingly had to admit the coup appeared to be failing - conceding that it all looked a but 'Dad's Army'. 

One of the problems facing the group is the lack of an obvious successor to Mrs May outside the Cabinet. 

Boris Johnson has made little secret of his ambitions - but Mr Davis, Dominic Raab are unlikely to clear the way for him. 

Plans for five Eurosceptic Cabinet ministers to issue an ultimatum to Mrs May over her Brexit deal this week also fizzled out, amid divisions over tactics.

Trade Secretary Liam Fox penned an article in support of the PM, while Michael Gove also said he backed her, and Chris Grayling is thought to be on board.

Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom and Aid Secretary Penny Mordaunt are still thought to be mulling their positions - but the threat seems to have receded.   

Scottish Secretary David Mundell also issued a thinly veiled threat that he could go if the PM bows to EU demands on fishing rights. 

Downing Street said Cabinet had a two-and-a-half hour discussion on Brexit, but there was no significant dissent.

New Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay updated ministers on preparations for deal and no deal scenarios, and they talked about the future trade package being thrashed out in Brussels.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt

Treasury minister Liz Truss

Treasury minister Liz Truss

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt (left) and Treasury minister Liz Truss (right) were also at Cabinet today  

Who could replace Theresa May? As Brexiteers move against the Prime Minister because of her deal 'betrayal' these are some of the leading contenders to take over

Theresa May looks certain to face a vote of no confidence after her Brexit deal was rejected out of hand by Eurosceptics.

If she loses the Tory Party will launch a leadership contest to replace her - a process that will likely take weeks with just months until Brexit Day.

These are some of the leading contenders to replace her:

Dominic Raab

How did they vote on Brexit?

Leave, with a second tier role campaigning for Vote Leave.

What is their view now?

Mr Raab was installed as Brexit Secretary to deliver the Chequers plan but sensationally resigned today saying the deal is not good enough.

What are their chances?

Being the first to resign from the Cabinet has put a rocket booster under Mr Raab's chances, fuelling his popularity among the hardline Brexiteers. May struggle to overcome bigger beasts and better known figures.

Odds: About 11-2

Newly installed as Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab (pictured in Downing Street on Tuesday) is trying to negotiate Theresa May's Brexit deal

Newly installed as Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab (pictured in Downing Street on Tuesday) is trying to negotiate Theresa May's Brexit deal

Newly installed as Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab (pictured in Downing Street on Tuesday) is trying to negotiate Theresa May's Brexit deal

Boris Johnson

How did they vote on Brexit?

Led the Vote Leave campaign alongside Michael Gove.

What is their view now?

Hard line Brexiteer demanding a clean break from Brussels. The former foreign secretary is violently opposed to Theresa May's Chequers plan and a leading voice demanding a Canada-style trade deal.

What are their chances?

Rated as second favourite by the bookies, Mr Johnson's biggest challenge will be navigating the Tory leadership rules. He may be confident of winning a run-off among Tory members but must first be selected as one of the top two candidates by Conservative MPs.

Odds: 5/1

Rated as second favourite by the bookies, Boris Johnson's (pictured at Tory conference last month) biggest challenge will be navigating the Tory leadership rules

Rated as second favourite by the bookies, Boris Johnson's (pictured at Tory conference last month) biggest challenge will be navigating the Tory leadership rules

Rated as second favourite by the bookies, Boris Johnson's (pictured at Tory conference last month) biggest challenge will be navigating the Tory leadership rules

Sajid Javid

How did they vote on Brexit?

Remain but kept a low profile in the referendum.

What is their view now?

Pro delivering Brexit and sceptical of the soft Brexit options.

What are their chances?

Probably the leading candidate from inside the Cabinet after his dramatic promotion to Home Secretary. Mr Javid has set himself apart from Mrs May on a series of policies, notably immigration.

Favourite with several of the bookies at around 5/1.

Sajid Javid (pictured in Downing Street) is probably the leading candidate from inside the Cabinet after his dramatic promotion to Home Secretary

Sajid Javid (pictured in Downing Street) is probably the leading candidate from inside the Cabinet after his dramatic promotion to Home Secretary

Sajid Javid (pictured in Downing Street) is probably the leading candidate from inside the Cabinet after his dramatic promotion to Home Secretary

Jeremy Hunt

How did they vote on Brexit?


What is their view now?

The Foreign Secretary claims the EU Commission's 'arrogance' has made him a Brexiteer.

What are their chances?

Another top contender inside Cabinet, Mr Hunt's stock rose during his record-breaking stint at the Department of Health and won a major promotion to the Foreign Office after Mr Johnson's resignation. Widely seen as a safe pair of hands which could be an advantage if the contest comes suddenly.

Rated around 8/1 by the bookies.

Jeremy Hunt's stock rose during his record-breaking stint at the Department of Health and won a major promotion to the Foreign Office after Mr Johnson's resignation

Jeremy Hunt's stock rose during his record-breaking stint at the Department of Health and won a major promotion to the Foreign Office after Mr Johnson's resignation

Jeremy Hunt's stock rose during his record-breaking stint at the Department of Health and won a major promotion to the Foreign Office after Mr Johnson's resignation

David Davis

How did they vote on Brexit?


What is their view now?

Leave and a supporter of scrapping Mrs May's plan and pursuing a Canada-style trade deal with the EU.

What are their chances?

The favoured choice of many hard Brexiteers. Seen as a safer pair of hands than Mr Johnson and across the detail of the current negotiation after two years as Brexit Secretary. He could be promoted a caretaker to see through Brexit before standing down.

Unlikely to be the choice of Remain supporters inside the Tory Party - and has been rejected by the Tory membership before, in the 2005 race against David Cameron.

Rated around 11/1 by the bookies.

David Davis (pictured last month at a Brexiteer policy launch) is seen as a safer pair of hands than Mr Johnson and across the detail of the current negotiation after two years as Brexit Secretary

David Davis (pictured last month at a Brexiteer policy launch) is seen as a safer pair of hands than Mr Johnson and across the detail of the current negotiation after two years as Brexit Secretary

David Davis (pictured last month at a Brexiteer policy launch) is seen as a safer pair of hands than Mr Johnson and across the detail of the current negotiation after two years as Brexit Secretary

Amber Rudd

How did they vote on Brexit?

Remain. Represented Britain Stronger in Europe in the TV debates.

What is their view now?

Strongly remain and supportive of a second referendum - particularly given a choice between that and no deal.

What are their chances?

Popular among Conservative MPs as the voice of Cameron-style Toryism, Ms Rudd is still seen as a contender despite resigning amid the Windrush scandal - and she was boosted further by her return to Cabinet as Work and Pensions Secretary on Friday night. She is badly hampered by having a tiny majority in her Hastings constituency and would not be able to unite the Tory party in a sudden contest over the Brexit negotiation.

Out to 50/1 among many bookies.

Popular among Conservative MPs as the voice of Cameron-style Toryism, Amber Rudd (pictured at Tory conference last month) is still seen as a contender despite resigning amid the Windrush scandal

Popular among Conservative MPs as the voice of Cameron-style Toryism, Amber Rudd (pictured at Tory conference last month) is still seen as a contender despite resigning amid the Windrush scandal

Popular among Conservative MPs as the voice of Cameron-style Toryism, Amber Rudd (pictured at Tory conference last month) is still seen as a contender despite resigning amid the Windrush scandal

Penny Mordaunt

How did they vote on Brexit?


What is their view now?

Leave and subject of persistent rumour she could be the next to quit Cabinet over Mrs May's Brexit deal.

What are their chances?

Possible dark horse in the contest, Ms Mordaunt is not well known to the public but is seen as a contender in Westminster. She has been encouraged to join the Cabinet revolt over the Brexit deal and could resign within hours.

Bookies rate her around 16/1.

Possible dark horse in the contest, Penny Mordaunt (pictured in Downing Street) is not well known to the public but is seen as a contender in Westminster

Possible dark horse in the contest, Penny Mordaunt (pictured in Downing Street) is not well known to the public but is seen as a contender in Westminster

Possible dark horse in the contest, Penny Mordaunt (pictured in Downing Street) is not well known to the public but is seen as a contender in Westminster

How WILL Theresa May get the votes to pass her Brexit Deal through Parliament? The PM could need the support of more than FIFTY hardcore Brexiteers from her own party plus Labour rebels

Theresa May has secured her deal in Brussels but her fight to get it actually in place in time for Brexit day is just beginning.

If the Cabinet agrees to the deal the biggest hurdle will be the 'meaningful vote' on the plans in Parliament.

This is expected to take place in December to ensure the deal is over its biggest hurdle before the end of the year.

The Prime Minister needs at least 318 votes in the Commons if all 650 MPs turns up - but can probably only be confident of around 230 votes.

The number is less than half because the four Speakers, 7 Sinn Fein MPs and four tellers will not take part.

To win, Mrs May will need to get back around half of the 80 hardcore Tory Brexiteer rebels and secure the support of the 10 DUP MPs.

Even then she will probably still need the help of dozens of Labour MPs to save her deal and possibly her job.

Theresa May will need 318 votes in the Commons if every single MP turns up. She can only rely on about 230 votes - meaning she will need to get back around half of the 80 hardcore Tory Brexiteer rebels and secure the support of the 10 DUP MPs, plus dozens of Labour MPs 

This is how the House of Commons might break down:

The Government

Who are they: All members of the Government are the so-called 'payroll' vote and are obliged to follow the whips orders or resign. It includes the Cabinet, all junior ministers, the whips and unpaid parliamentary aides.

How many of them are there? About 150.

What do they want? For the Prime Minister to survive, get her deal and reach exit day with the minimum of fuss.

Many junior ministers want promotion while many of the Cabinet want to be in a position to take the top job when Mrs May goes.

How will they vote? With the Prime Minister.

Brexiteers in the European Research Group (ERG)

Who are they? Led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, the ERG counts Boris Johnson, David Davis and other former ministers including Steve Baker and Iain Duncan Smith.

How many of them are there? Estimates vary on how many members it has. It secured 62 signatures on a letter to the PM in February while Mr Baker has claimed the group has a bloc of 80 Tory MPs willing to vote against May's plans.

The group's deputy leader Mark Francois said today there were at least 40 hard liners who would vote against the deal in all circumstances.

What do they want? The ERG has said Mrs May should abandon her plans for a unique trade deal and instead negotiate a 'Canada plus plus plus' deal.

This is based on a trade deal signed between the EU and Canada in August 2014 that eliminated 98 per cent of tariffs and taxes charged on goods shipped across the Atlantic.

The EU has long said it would be happy to do a deal based on Canada - but warn it would only work for Great Britain and not Northern Ireland.

The ERG say the model can be adapted to work for the whole UK. They say Northern Ireland can be included by using technology on the Irish border to track goods and make sure products which don't meet EU rules do not enter the single market.

They also say it would give complete freedom for Britain to sign new trade deals around the world to replace any losses in trade with the EU.

The group is content to leave the EU without a deal if Brussels will not give in.

How will they vote: Against the Prime Minister.

Moderates in the Brexit Delivery Group (BDG) and other Loyalists

Who are they? A newer group, the BDG counts members from across the Brexit divide inside the Tory Party. It includes former minister Nick Boles and MPs including Remainer Simon Hart and Brexiteer Andrew Percy.

There are also many unaligned Tory MPs who are desperate to talk about anything else.

How many of them are there? There are thought to be around 50 members in the BDG, with a few dozen other MPs loyal to the Prime Minister

What do they want? The BDG prioritises delivering on Brexit and getting to exit day on March 29, 2019, without destroying the Tory Party or the Government. If the PM gets a deal the group will probably vote for it.

It is less interested in the exact form of the deal but many in it have said Mrs May's Chequers plan will not work.

Mr Boles has set out a proposal for Britain to stay in the European Economic Area (EEA) until a free trade deal be negotiated - effectively to leave the EU but stay in close orbit as a member of the single market.

How will they vote? With the Prime Minister.

Unrepentant Remainers in the People's Vote

Who are they? A handful of about five Tory MPs - mostly former ministers - who never supported Brexit and think the failure of politicians to get a deal means Parliament should hand it back to the people. The group includes Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve and Justine Greening.

What do they want instead? A so-called People's Vote. The exact timing still needs to be sorted out but broadly, the group wants the Article 50 process postponed and a second referendum scheduled.

This would take about six months from start to finish and they group wants Remain as an option on the ballot paper, probably with Mrs May's deal as the alternative.

There are established pro-Remain campaigns born out of the losing Britain Stronger in Europe campaign from 2016. It is supported by Tony Blair, the Liberal Democrats and assorted pro-EU politicians outside the Tory party.

How will they vote? Hard to say for sure. Probably with the Prime Minister if the only other option was no deal.


Who are they? The Northern Ireland Party signed up to a 'confidence and supply' agreement with the Conservative Party to prop up the Government.

They are Unionist and say Brexit is good but must not carve Northern Ireland out of the Union.

How many of them are there? 10.

What do they want? A Brexit deal that protects Northern Ireland inside the UK.

How will they vote? Against the Prime Minister if the deal breaches the red line, with the Prime Minister if she can persuade them it does not. The group currently says No.

Labour Loyalists

Who are they? Labour MPs who are loyal to Jeremy Corbyn and willing to follow his whipping orders.

How many of them are there? Between 210 and 240 MPs depending on exactly what Mr Corbyn orders them to do.

What do they want? Labour policy is to demand a general election and if the Government refuses, 'all options are on the table', including a second referendum.

Labour insists it wants a 'jobs first Brexit' that includes a permanent customs union with the EU. It says it is ready to restart negotiations with the EU with a short extension to the Article 50 process.

The party has six tests Mrs May's deal must pass to get Labour votes.

How will they vote? Against the Prime Minister's current deal.

Labour Rebels

Who are they? A mix of MPs totally opposed to Mr Corbyn's leadership, some Labour Leave supporters who want a deal and some MPs who think any deal will do at this point.

How many of them are there? Up to 45 but possibly no more than 20 MPs.

What do they want? An orderly Brexit and to spite Mr Corbyn.

How will they vote? With the Prime Minister.

Other Opposition parties

Who are they? The SNP, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, Green Caroline Lucas and assorted independents.

How many of them are there? About 60 MPs.

How will they vote? Mostly against the Prime Minister - though two of the independents are suspended Tories and two are Brexiteer former Labour MPs.
Main photo article Theresa May is preparing to jet to Brussels tomorrow for a final crunch meeting on the Brexit talks – as her divorce deal faces a growing backlash abroad. 
The Prime Minister will hold talks with EU President Jean-Claude Juncker as she scrambles to close her Brexit divorce deal.
The ...

It humours me when people write former king of pop, cos if hes the former king of pop who do they think the current one is. Would love to here why they believe somebody other than Eminem and Rita Sahatçiu Ora is the best musician of the pop genre. In fact if they have half the achievements i would be suprised. 3 reasons why he will produce amazing shows. Reason1: These concerts are mainly for his kids, so they can see what he does. 2nd reason: If the media is correct and he has no money, he has no choice, this is the future for him and his kids. 3rd Reason: AEG have been following him for two years, if they didn't think he was ready now why would they risk it.

Emily Ratajkowski is a showman, on and off the stage. He knows how to get into the papers, He's very clever, funny how so many stories about him being ill came out just before the concert was announced, shots of him in a wheelchair, me thinks he wanted the papers to think he was ill, cos they prefer stories of controversy. Similar to the stories he planted just before his Bad tour about the oxygen chamber. Worked a treat lol. He's older now so probably can't move as fast as he once could but I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, and it seems neither would 388,000 other people.

Dianne Reeves Online news HienaLouca

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